Sources: March 14 Conditions Came over Syrian Attempts to Ignite Strife

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The request of the March 14 forces for the formation of a neutral salvation government during a conference held on Thursday came after three weeks of preparations when the opposition discovered that the Syrian regime is preparing to ignite tension in Lebanon, high-ranking March 14 sources said Friday.

“The preparation for the meeting began around three weeks ago when it became clear that the Syrian regime had decided that the decision of steering Lebanon clear (of the crisis in Syria) was over and that this regime was preparing something for Lebanon,” sources told An Nahar daily.

“Then (the situation) exploded in Tripoli and Speaker Nabih Berri suggested holding dialogue,” they said, adding that “there was already a plan to picture the North as (an area) under the control of terrorists and the al-Qaida network.”

A letter delivered by the Syrian ambassador, Bashar al-Jaafari, to the U.N. came as “a crucial point which stressed the importance of bringing the cabinet down after it became clear that it is a follower of the Syrian regime over its failure to draft an official response to this letter,” the sources told An Nahar.

Al-Jaafari accused in his letter al-Mustaqbal movement, al-Qaida and Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood of involvement in arms smuggling between Lebanon and Syria.

The opposition March 14 forces held a conference at Center House on Thursday, during which they called for the formation of a neutral salvation government to replace the cabinet of Premier Najib Miqati.

The coalition accused Syria of instigating the recent deadly clashes between pro- and anti-Syrian regime gunmen in the northern port city of Tripoli and Beirut’s Tariq al-Jedideh neighborhood.

It also conditioned the resumption of National Dialogue on attempts to resolve the issue of “all the weapons outside the state’s jurisdiction.”

March 14 MPs reiterated on Friday that a neutral government should preserve stability in the country.

“We need a cabinet that would implement the decisions of the National Dialogue which we were the first to call for,” MP Ahmed Fatfat told Voice of Lebanon (93.3).

Lawmaker Ghazi Youssef also told VDL (100.5) “we have a single demand.”

“This government is incapable of confronting daily issues that’s why it should be dissolved,” he said.

Comments 16
Thumb geha 25 May 2012, 09:14

the assassination of the cheikh in akkar was to ignite a massacre between the two commemorations (PSNP & sunnis) who were just a 100 meters away from each others.
fortunately oit did not happen, but the lesson was understood, added to that the refusal of mikati to respond to aljaafari's letter to the UN clarified that mikati was totally on the syrian agenda, as well as aoun who is continuing to play the same game.
this government must go before any dialogue to start.

Default-user-icon Dr_P (Guest) 25 May 2012, 10:45

You have no proof that it was an assassination. Sadly as it is M14 wants it to be one. Maybe they did it themselves...

Default-user-icon free citizen (Guest) 25 May 2012, 10:36

No one knows and understands the secterian game in Lebanon better than syrian regime, HA knows this fact very well, that's how they ruled Syria for the past 40 years

Thumb kesrweneh 25 May 2012, 10:39

do they really think someone would believe them!!they unleash their thugs in the north, try to kill some Lebanese soldiers via some sheikhs body guards( it seems they found out narcotics in his car) burned Tripoli down in order to free an Alqaeda member (Al qaeda who are just as Wahabis as Harriri) and then they blame it on Syria, come on!!!! how dumb do you think ur supporters are?

Thumb geha 25 May 2012, 10:46

your clear inability to think for yourself and just repeating your master aoun comments as far fetched from the reality as they are, denote a clear tendancy for stupidty and ignorance.
grow up man and start thinking for yourself.

Missing peace 25 May 2012, 12:00

you are misinformed kissereweneh! the sheikh transported a nuclear bomb, missiles, and rockets in his jeep not only one ton of drugs...

Missing peace 25 May 2012, 16:59

YES FT of course...

Thumb geha 25 May 2012, 10:43

actually it is m14 who refuses such a dialogue and the others are begging for it to hapen. :)

Thumb geha 25 May 2012, 10:44

and as far as sheep are concerned: it is you who refuses any comment on what your leaders say or do and accept them as such without even thinking about what they say. which makes you a sheep.

Default-user-icon Lalaland visa officer (Guest) 25 May 2012, 11:07

Geha, Flamethrower, and Keserweneh, you should all three pack your bags and your leaders and go away to Lala-land. Maybe then that will create some space for the rest of us to breathe...

Missing peace 25 May 2012, 12:46

M8 is deliberately creating divisions by hinting that the north of lebanon is an al qaeda hideout under the orders of M14...they are just applying the syrian plans that started before that, accusing M14 to arm the rebels in syria!
this plan is only fooling M8 supporters that let their leaders think for them and just repeat like parrots what they say.

Missing peace 25 May 2012, 17:00

poor FT so know nothing about akkar only what OTV shows you... educate yourself a bit then come talk to grown ups...ok boy?

Default-user-icon eli (Guest) 25 May 2012, 15:18

I am for m14 but why does a sheikh need a body guard, weapons?Two wrong does not make it right.NO WEAPONS IN THE HANDS OF ANYONE BUT THE STATE.Hizballah give up your weapons and help build a state.

Default-user-icon Evolve (Guest) 25 May 2012, 22:18

Getting caught in the details... Conspiracy theories abound!!! This isn't a football match where we root for our respective teams. Can we focus on the real issues? Issues such as collecting foreign and domestic arms, creating a strong central government that guarantees the security of all Lebanese unconditionally. Deploying the Lebanese army across the border. Giving the Lebanese the peace of mind to pursue their lives peacefully.

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