3 Terror Suspects Arrested in Denmark


Three men have been arrested in the Danish capital on suspicion of plotting a terror act after police found them in possession of automatic firearms and ammunition, Denmark's intelligence service said Friday.

The Security and Intelligence Service, or PET, said the men were arrested in two separate locations in Copenhagen in connection with an ongoing terror investigation.

Aside from facing preliminary charges of possessing illegal firearms, PET also said they are "suspected of having been in the process of preparing a terrorist act," but did not give any details about the target of such an attack.

"The investigation will establish on whether possible terror threats have been addressed and averted by the arrests," it said.

Preliminary charges are a step short of formal charges.

PET described the men as a 22-year-old Jordanian national, a 23-year-old Turkish man living in Denmark and a 21-year-old Danish national who lives in Egypt.

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