Harb: Parliamentary Session Occasion to Inform Public Opinion about Cabinet Mistakes

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March 14 opposition MP Butros Harb said Monday that a three-day parliamentary session would not necessarily lead to a vote of confidence against the government of Premier Najib Miqati.

“These sessions could be an opportunity to inform the public opinion about the mistakes that the government is making and the policy that it is adopting, which is harming the country,” Harb told Voice of Lebanon (100.5) radio station.

“They could also end up with a vote of confidence,” the lawmaker said about the sessions that kick off on Tuesday to assess the government’s performance.

Harb hinted that the opposition would not resort to a confidence vote given that it lacks the majority support in the parliament.

He reiterated the accusation that the March 8 coalition turned the former majority into a minority through the force of Hizbullah’s arms.

Asked about which issue the opposition would seek to criticize the cabinet, Harb said: “We won’t know from where to start in criticizing this government given the amount of violations” it has committed.

“Not only the opposition is speaking about these violations but also the government itself,” he told VDL. “Cabinet members are accusing each other and the premier is accusing his ministers of seeking to strike side deals.”

Harb was referring to Miqati’s criticism of Finance Minister Mohammed Safadi for allegedly seeking to take a commission from the deal to lease power-generating vessels.

Comments 5
Thumb kesrweneh 16 April 2012, 11:14

Mr. Harb was Bank el Madina lawyer, should I say more about corruption? yeah why not, when he was Minister of LAbor he refused a salary raise because his boss HArriri is a company owner and thus doesn't wish to see his salaries budget increase. A bit more? he criticized a damm offered by Iran to a BAtroun caza village and wanted it stopped

Thumb kesrweneh 16 April 2012, 12:59

I fully agree with you: he has the right to state his opinion and criticize the gouvernement elswise he wouldn't be the opposition. I just pointed out his past because (men themarihim ta3rifunahum) I wnated to give the right weight to his allegations. and yes I don't wish to see my governement fail i want to see it continue with it's achievements (DSL, 3.9G, electricity, raises...)

Thumb kesrweneh 16 April 2012, 14:51

as for the raise it will be annual so no problem. regarding the prices: choosing one item isn't fair especially for some european brands that have a low quality image in their country of origin but a high end image in Leb (president, Bennetton, carrera, rayban...)electricity: saturday a new plant became operative in Feytroun and now the quality is better and the cuts are much less.and many more projects are being created so that we finally have a decent current in LEb. DSL was supposed to become national but Ogero Youssef halted it so it's an M14 problem.

Thumb kesrweneh 16 April 2012, 14:52

and finally you can't expect FPM to solve all the problems that 15 years of Harriri and Syrian gouvernement have created. let's see what happens in 2016

Missing peace 16 April 2012, 21:28

achievements from the gvt? lol only fpm sees some but the average citizen is still wondering how to make ends meet, people still die at the front of hospitals because they can t afford them, electricity? nothing new; buildings spreading everywhere without any organization...

oh! the latest poll on the quality of life in capital cities = beirut came 123 out of 127 cities! so tell me what acheivements?

oh! and the previous gvt under rafic hariri were pro syrians and if i recall lots of ministers in power were from the present M8, no?
concerning the gvt between 2005-2010= did M8 let the gvt do anything? all they did was to shut down the parliament and block any decisions made...