Britain Donates $1.6 Million to STL

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British Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced that London will provide an additional £1 million ($1.6 million) to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).

“We will provide £1 million to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, taking the UK’s total contribution to £3.3 million since 2009,” Hague said in a written statement to Parliament on Monday.

“This contribution underlines the UK’s steadfast support for the Special Tribunal which is key to holding to account of those guilty of serious crimes and ending the climate of impunity for political assassination in Lebanon,” he said.

“The UK is, and will remain, committed to working towards Lebanon’s continued sovereignty and stability,” Hague stressed.

“We believe there should be no impunity for the most serious crimes at the international level. The effective prosecution of those who commit these crimes is fundamental to preventing such crimes, which in turn is vital in the development of communities which are more stable and prosperous," he said in his statement.

He also announced additional UK funding for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

The U.N. has extended the mandate of the STL for another three years.

The tribunal, set up by the U.N. Security Council at the request of Lebanon to try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins, also announced that it will put four Hizbullah members on trial even though they have not yet been detained.

Lebanon is responsible for meeting 49 percent of the STL's financing, while the remaining 51 percent is the responsibility of contributing countries.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon Edy (Guest) 27 March 2012, 13:00

Does it really matter? If Hariri family doesn't take the STL very seriously, then why should anyone? The purpose of the STL was to find, indict the culprits and send them to justice. Then I hear Saad Hariri, and with the blessings of M14 leaders, making a political deal with Hizboterorist to diminish the effect of the indictment for the sake of staying in power. Whatever happened to Justice and Freedom????? We have all been fooled and still are by the slogans and promises of M14. There should have been no compromise with the murderess and Hizboterorist.

Thumb cedar 28 March 2012, 06:29

Slash and flame you are both right. Can i remind you something that Bachir Gemayel said one day ... he said that alliances are only temporary and whatever alliance is nessisary is only temporary for the maintenence of equilibrium.

so therefore if Bachir was alive today - i strongly believe that he would have shifted his alliances in accordance with what he said and his beliefs.

Default-user-icon Edy (Guest) 27 March 2012, 13:01

Look at what the compromise have brought us, more anarchy, more corruption, and an increase of M8 mafia power. After loosing power, M14's policy focus is solely on Syria. Well hell with Syria. Haven't we got enough from them? Let the Syrians deal with their own problems, and let us focus on our Internal Lebanese problems. Does food poisoning mean anything to anyone with an atom of good consciousness? We focus on foreign issue, yet we ignore the lack of Health care, Medicare and the exponential increase of corruption.
For once I would love to see Millions of Lebanese marching for Lebanese freedom and dignity rather than marching like cheeps behind their religious and Sectarian leaders with empty promises. Pity the Lebanese Nation.

Thumb benzona 27 March 2012, 13:31

Thank-you Britain! We appreciate the gesture as we know that you're in the middle of a historical economical crises and a high unemployment rate.

Default-user-icon leb in brit (Guest) 27 March 2012, 14:57

I am happy to see that my hard earned tax money that i am paying in Britain is filtering its way throught the system to my country Lebanon. But i wish it was for a more humanitarian cause and not a polical issue.

Thumb geha 27 March 2012, 15:40

hizbushaitan and quawmiyeh killed our leaders, and they will get what they deserve.
they thought by killing our leaders that it would be easier for them to control the country, but they miscalculated and they will pay deeply for their actions soon :)
nothing will help these thugs whatever they do.