Acting Labor Minister, Suleiman Sign Transportation Decree

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Acting Labor Minister Nicolas Fattoush and President Michel Suleiman signed on Thursday the transportation allowance decree, which was a point of contention between ex-minister Charbel Nahhas and Prime Minister Najib Miqati.

Fattoush said following talks with Miqati at the Grand Serail that the PM informed him about his approval of the resignation of Nahhas and stressed the importance of “boosting the cabinet’s work.”

Nahhas submitted his resignation to Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday, refusing any compromises regarding the transportation and education allowances decrees and vowing not to sign them.

On Wednesday, Energy Minister Jebran Bassil handed Miqati the labor minister’s resignation, which was approved swiftly by the premier and President Michel Suleiman.

President Michel Suleiman signed on Thursday the decree of Nahhas' resignation.

“I hope that this would be an occasion for the cabinet to kick off” its sessions “to achieve what the Lebanese desire,” Fattoush said.

He also urged all the officials to abide by the law.

The parliamentary session adjourned on Wednesday the discussions of two urgent draft laws set to legalize the transportation allowance decree proposed separately by Kanaan and al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Nabil de Freij.

However, the parliament can refer the two draft laws to the parliamentary committees on Thursday to study them.

Comments 7
Missing allouchi 23 February 2012, 14:28

What a joke is Fattoush...Of course he signed.

Thumb ado.australia 23 February 2012, 15:20

This "joke" Fattoush is what helped "m14" "win" the zahle qada in the 2009 election. Without him, the m14 ticket would have lost to Aoun's ticket, which would mean that the electoral alliance of Fpm, muarada, amal, hezballa and talal Alan's democratic party would have won.

History is sometimes so incovientiant.

Default-user-icon lebo (Guest) 23 February 2012, 17:41

so zahleh hinged on one man, talk about rewriting history

Missing hasanzibowawa1 23 February 2012, 19:01

ya jahish, zahle has muarada and talal alan's democrativ party?

Missing allouchi 23 February 2012, 19:02

Maybe and history also proves that the joke Fattoush is only after a ministerial chair.

Default-user-icon tarator (Guest) 23 February 2012, 22:59


What made you assume that allouchi is pro M14? He merely stated that he believes that Fattoush is a joke. Use your own logic and criticism on yourself: History is indeed inconvenient. What makes you think that Fattoush is going to back the alliance that you mentioned in your e-mail since he did indeed support M14 in 2009? As a turncoat, Fattoush could choose to back M14 in the upcoming elections. Why should you jump to defend him?

Missing hasanzibowawa1 23 February 2012, 19:01

wil sama zarqa this was going to be signed and the demented general lost another battle and as usual, he leave the soldiers such as Nahas in this case to bleed and die...