Mustaqbal: Govt. is Protecting Fugitives in Tripoli Unrest, Hariri Murder

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Mustaqbal bloc praised on Thursday U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s decision to extend the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s mission for three years, saying that it spared Lebanon heated political disputes.

It accused the March 8 camp of seeking to destabilize the country, blaming it of stirring the clashes that erupted between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen in Tripoli on Friday.

It added in a statement after its weekly meeting: “The government is harboring the suspects in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and those involved in the Tripoli unrest”

It noted that the government is protecting these suspects while the people’s concerns are falling victim to petty political disputes.

“The March 8 camp launched a political, media, military, and security mission to create unrest in Lebanon at the expense of the Lebanese people,” said the statement.

Ban noted on Wednesday that he was inclined to extend the mandate of the STL probing Hariri’s assassination for another three years.

Media reports said that the cooperation protocol with the STL is expected to be passed without any local fuss on the issue amid the cabinet’s impasse.

President Michel Suleiman on Wednesday said that Lebanon “took notice” of Ban’s letter regarding the cooperation protocol.

The STL released the indictment in Hariri’s murder in August, accusing four Hizbullah members of being behind the crime.

The party has meanwhile deemed the tribunal an Israeli-American product, vowing that it would not cooperate with it.

Lebanon has failed to apprehend the suspects and the STL Trial Chamber decided on February 1 to try them in absentia.

Comments 17
Missing peace 16 February 2012, 17:19

of course they are...

Missing allouchi 16 February 2012, 17:23

This corrupt government is 100% controlled by Hizaballa, which openly hides the murderers.

Default-user-icon Rafic el Blom (Guest) 16 February 2012, 17:24

And these low lives who released the killer of the Sunni PM Rashid Karameh have SUCH A NERVE to spew their filth about honorable people! 3an jad 3ohar of the highest caliber.

Thumb jcamerican 16 February 2012, 18:13

What I don't understand, when they say government, aren't they in it. Why don't they leave it. I guess for the money. Lebanon was always screwed up. No matter who is in control, you will always have problems. The reason for these problems, is who can steal more at that time.

Missing allouchi 16 February 2012, 19:01

M14 is not in this government!

Thumb jabalamel 17 February 2012, 00:35 can't label just anyone who is not 100% on your side to be m14.

Missing peace 16 February 2012, 19:18

better learn who is in the gvt and not... only your M8 friends are! and they can t even agree between themselves! hahaha!

Thumb jabalamel 17 February 2012, 00:35

but you can label someone to be filthy slimy retarded zionist media terrorist scum when you have enough evidence against him.

like this zionist nerd calling himself peace.

Default-user-icon Braveheart le Phénicien (Guest) 16 February 2012, 18:28

Ok le meurtre de Hariri est un crime. Même un mafieux comme lui ne mérite pas d'être tué. Mais franchement, faut-il faire tout ce TAM TAM autour, voire mettre à pieds un TribunalInternational? Et pourquoi rien pour Rachid KARAMI ou Bachir Gemayal ou pour les plusieurs centaines de milliers de mort de la gueurre civile ou pour les massacres de Sabra et Chatila. Au Liban, le ridicule ne tue pas. On a fini par trouver un martyr VIP, le mafieux Hariri.

Thumb benzona 16 February 2012, 19:18

@brave cœur : je suis tout à fait d'accord avec vos propos. Pourquoi tout ce cirque pour une personnalité politique? À vrai dire, il faut revenir sur cette loi d'amnisitie générale et juger tous les bourreaux encore en vie. Ça inclut Geagea, Aoun, Nasrallah et tous les autres qui ont du sang sur les mains. Je ne mentionne même pas les corrompus, ils se comptent en centaines voire milliers (au niveau étatique).

Missing peace 16 February 2012, 19:21

drole de logique! alors puique les autres meutres ne sont pas juges , ceux suspectes pour celui la peuvent vivre comme ils veulent et ne pas etre juge pour avoir tuer des libanais innocents , car il n y a pas eu que hariri de tue! mais des libanais qui n avaient rien a voir avec! mais bon, apparemment ils ne comptent pas...

Thumb benzona 16 February 2012, 19:39

Ah si si, juger les autres aussi quand c'est possible et qu'ils sont identifiés. Mais rien de plus symbolique que de tuer le serpent en lui tranchant la tête. Les 4 petites mains identifiées dans le cas de Hariri sont certainement coupables mais ils ne sont que les exécutants. Le ou les décisionnaires sont petit a) dans un abri petit b) a Damas et/ou Téhéran. Une vie est une vie, et les politicards nommés ou non l'oublient trop souvent mais ils sont des fonctionnaires. (même le président!). Ils nous doivent des comptent et sont payés pour nous servir et non l'inverse.

Thumb benzona 16 February 2012, 18:57

Дa! Nothing new though....

Thumb jabalamel 17 February 2012, 00:36

the filthy zionist media scum now hallucinate in french.

too bad i never paid attention on my french classes, always like english more.

Thumb jabalamel 17 February 2012, 01:39

after a fair trial.

Thumb Abubakr 17 February 2012, 13:40

nous sommes fatigués de vos critiques d'un homme qui est responsable de la resconstruction ce pays
et a financé de nombreux libanais de différentes appartenances religieuses, Rafic Hariri est venu avec la paix sur sa main gauche et la stabilité sur la main droite pendant 15 ans, vous n'êtes rien, mais ceux qui haïssent

Thumb geha 17 February 2012, 20:24

I know many will criticize what I am saying, but for once hizbushaitan would have been wise to accept a dialogue... now they will be destroyed totally and they will not find a stone to hide behind it. they will have to pay for all the wrong they are doing.
it is unfrtunate they are putting all the shia at risk of being crushed with them.