Aoun: I Will Topple Govt. at Appropriate Time

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun denied that he was obstructing government activity, accusing Prime Minister Najib Miqati of abusing his power when he decided to suspend cabinet sessions.

The MP told As Safir newspaper in remarks published on Monday: “The president and prime minister are taking turns in confronting me … we will not be blackmailed or intimidated … and I will topple the government at the appropriate time.”

He added that Miqati “got himself embroiled in this dispute and he should therefore solve it himself.”

Miqati is abusing his power because he is violating article 65 of the constitution that stipulates that cabinet sessions should be held regularly, he noted.

The premier therefore does not have the right to suspend sessions this easily, Aoun remarked.

“It’s normal to have difference with Miqati, so why does he want to eliminate these differences and this diversity in views?” wondered the FPM leader.

“Why didn’t he ask the government to vote on the appointments that he proposed so that we can resolve this issue once and for all?” he continued.

“He knew very well that he would fail and therefore decided to play the democratic game and suspend cabinet sessions,” said the MP.

Aoun denied that he was hindering government productivity, noting that the obstruction of the appointment of the head of the Higher Judicial Council is one of the several instances in which FPM proposals are being thwarted.

The prime minister’s recent action at government demonstrated that he is adopting the same approach as his predecessors in that he is seeking to “usurp the Christian figures’ decision-making power.”

Furthermore, he explained that Miqati sought to suspend cabinet sessions in order to avoid tackling contentious issues, such as renewing the cooperation protocol between Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“The prime minister is creating an imaginary enemy in order to avoid contending with real issues,” Aoun stated.

He stressed that he will not resign from government “because stability is a priority for us.”

“I will not resign now, but I will topple the government at a time that I deem appropriate,” he added.

He revealed that plans for demonstrations have been prepared and the time and date for the action will be determined when the conditions are necessary for it.

Aoun later held talks with a Hizbullah delegation to address the government crisis.

On Wednesday, Miqati suspended a cabinet session at the Baabda Palace over an ongoing dispute over the issue of administrative appointments.

The suspension was prompted when FPM ministers walked out from Wednesday’s session.

“The move is meant to push everyone to act responsibly and use their energy positively, towards the smooth run of state affairs not the opposite,” the prime minister said on his Twitter account on Wednesday.

A dispute between President Michel Suleiman and FPM leader MP Michel Aoun over shares allotted to Christians has prevented consensus over administrative appointments, leaving several high-ranking posts vacant.

Comments 29
Default-user-icon Hamra (Guest) 06 February 2012, 09:04

I really do not understand Aoun. To him, everyone is wrong and he is always right. The one thing that I do not understand is that he has the majority in this cabinet. What does he really want? and what is he demanding? I have always respected Aoun, but unfortunately, I came to a realization that he's got some issues. He just want to be the center of attention in everything. I seriously feel bad for this country.

Missing ayoor 06 February 2012, 09:05

chicken talk

Missing ayoor 06 February 2012, 09:05

chicken talk

Default-user-icon L (Guest) 06 February 2012, 09:28

This man is sick!!!

Default-user-icon hanna (Guest) 06 February 2012, 09:54

Aoun Fights with his enemies, he fights with his neighbor, he fights even with his ally and every time the others are deadly wrong....

Maybe just maybe this narcissist should look again in the mirror and realize the problem is no other them him

Thumb Chupachups 06 February 2012, 10:03

LOOOOOL... he wants to topple the government that he is part of? wow

Default-user-icon For a better Lebanon (Guest) 06 February 2012, 10:29

Interesting how the M8 cast never comes to Aoun's defense because they know that he is being used by the HIz/Syria/Iran so they leave him to self destruct.

Default-user-icon Kamall (Guest) 06 February 2012, 10:36

The guy is bipolar, or schizophrenic or too self confident to fool others. Aoun, you are a disgrace to your own people and the LEbanese. You consistently bid on the wrong side...go to treatment soon and spare us! your son in law will be on your no worries!

Default-user-icon LAGIRL (Guest) 06 February 2012, 22:58

totally agree, crazy lunatic

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 06 February 2012, 10:50

Fool, someone please get the straight jacket before its too late.

Missing ayoor 06 February 2012, 11:06

jabal will you ask Aoun to shut his mouth and put on his pyjamas please

Missing ayoor 06 February 2012, 11:06

jabal will you ask Aoun to shut his mouth and put on his pyjamas please

Default-user-icon Borat (Guest) 06 February 2012, 11:15

so if he publicly says that he wants to topple the government at some point in the future, why is he even allowed to be part of it now?

Default-user-icon 2arrafoonaelbalad (Guest) 06 February 2012, 11:20

“usurp the Christian figures’ decision-making power.”..Wow, and yet they ask us who is putting sectarian ideas into the peoples minds...

Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 06 February 2012, 11:22

There are many reasons to ban Aoun from politics than to keep him causing more trouble the Lebanese dont want.

Missing mansour 06 February 2012, 11:30

lol someone give him his pills ,he needs to go back to sleep!

Default-user-icon LebEXPAT (Guest) 06 February 2012, 12:58

orders just came for HN, shut up and nobody is toppling the goverment!
GMA: Yes Sir.

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (Guest) 06 February 2012, 14:08

You will do can do are NOTHING without bashar and hassan.

you mean nothing, they put you here and give you importance to flatter your ego.
You are a mad man you did all this in order to take revenge from M14 because they did not want you for president.

Who is crazy enough to want you as president even your allies do not but they make you believe they do in order to keep you barking and do the dirty job for them.
Silly man if you only listen to the wise people that supported you and left you long ago instead of this useless son in law

Thumb Chupachups 06 February 2012, 14:25


Default-user-icon citizen_x (Guest) 06 February 2012, 15:30

we will topple this government,,,we will resign,,,,we will pull out our ministers.we,ve been hearing all this long time ago.why dont you just go and leave?why all this barking like a chiwawa?GO PLS!take your son in law with you and let him do all the washing and cooking for you.suits him well,,,

Thumb jabalamel 06 February 2012, 16:19

the filthy zionist media terrorists saw a patriotic leader of lebanese christians and they went into berserk mode, spilling hate, fury and getting foam on their mouth

Missing peace 06 February 2012, 19:21

bah let this poor old alzheimer man rant ... he is happy to do so every week it is his favorite hobby. all the world is against me, only the fpm is right...we know the song so let him sing!

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 06 February 2012, 21:08

Jabalamel ! patriotic leader? REALLY this guy is soo insignificant it not funny . he wants to hear him self talking so he thinks he exist . he is nothing but a tool like a screw driver or a wrench when they are done with him they put him back in the tool box until next time they need him . most Lebanese don't even listen to him any more because he does not make any sense . the best answer to his renting is " do you want cheese with that whine ?" blah blah blah

Missing samiam 06 February 2012, 21:22

He needs to figure out how to function in a supposed democracy instead of acting like a spoiled child and trying to topple governments when things don't go his way.

I feel sorry for the people who support this guy--the party has some good ideas, but its leader is a moron and needs psychological counseling.

Missing helicopter 06 February 2012, 21:53

“The president and prime minister are taking turns in confronting me … we will not be blackmailed or intimidated …...... just like arm smuggling through the border it is a one way street (one way is legal but the counter way is not). Confrontation, blackmail, and intimidation were practiced expertly by the M* camp when M14 were in the driving seat. I think their intimidation resulted in few assassinations and over 100 deaths in May 2007.

Default-user-icon "aoun's a tool" (Guest) 06 February 2012, 22:38

you are correct aoun has a big caucus(:...

Missing 06 February 2012, 23:07

God willing the Lebanese will topple Michel Aoun first. He is a psycho and needs to be removed. This man is really and truly a sick person.

Thumb shab 07 February 2012, 00:32

Aoun is not the problem, nor is Hassoun. Their follers are the problem. Religion is poision

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 07 February 2012, 07:40

He wants to topple his own government... Come on Big H, have some pity on this poor fool, put him out of his misery ...or at least make him an honorary president of Iran, that might shut his mouth.