Aoun’s Call for Demonstration Paving Way for 2013 Electoral Battle

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s “unprecedented” attack against the political class may be early signs of his preparations for the 2013 parliamentary elections battle, reported al-Liwaa newspaper on Saturday.

Informed political sources told the newspaper: “He is seeking to fortify his position in Lebanon seeing as he has started to detect that he has lost supporters in favor of his political adversaries.”

They added that the “victims” of the MP’s call for demonstration will be President Michel Suleiman’s efforts to resume the national dialogue and the government’s efforts in reaching an agreement on various appointments and the state budget.

The sources did not rule out the possibility that Aoun’s demonstration may take on the characteristics of the March 8 sit-in in Downtown Beirut that lasted from 2006 until 2008.

The March 8 camp launched the sit-in in December 2006 in an effort to topple former Premier Fouad Saniora’s government, crippling Downtown Beirut in the process and further raising political tensions between the rival March 8 and 14 camps.

The sources added however that Aoun’s true purposes for the demonstration remain unknown, wondering whether he is seeking to achieve immediate or future gains.

They speculated that he may be aiming to topple Prime Minister Najib Miqati at a time when the latter is preparing to travel to France on February 9.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon may also be the FPM leader’s target seeing as the time for the renewal of its cooperation protocol with Lebanon is nearing.

In addition, they did not rule out the possibility that Aoun may be seeking to create instability in Lebanon in order to lift the pressure off Syria, which has come under international scrutiny over the ruling regime’s ongoing violent crackdown against protesters.

Aoun on Friday launched a vehement attack against the entire political class in Lebanon, accusing it of “conspiring” against the ministers of the Change and Reform bloc.

“I accuse the entire (political) system of conspiring against us and this intimidation will not scare us. We accuse everyone and let those accusing us demonstrate their evidences. We have the documents to prove that they are thieves,” he said at a meeting with FPM coordinators in Sin el-Fil.

The MP therefore called on his supporters to “choose the mobilization method and be ready to stage demonstrations to tell the ‘state-joint-stock company’ that its era is over, and we will only meet them in court.”

Comments 33
Thumb ado.australia 28 January 2012, 10:15

Furthermore the sources did not rule out that Aoun could also be preparing to invade mars

Default-user-icon Stigraphine (Guest) 28 January 2012, 10:42

Hahaha. Anyone who reads and believes this crap deserves to be lied to.

Default-user-icon sman (Guest) 28 January 2012, 10:46

Watever .... Oi oi oi

Default-user-icon adou (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:00

ado u r a pathetic aouni..... seriously!

Thumb shab 28 January 2012, 11:14

What a trouble maker !

Default-user-icon Lebo (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:15

But the sources did confirm that ado.australia and the rest of his Qawmi friends will be, as usual, in charge of the rioting and looting,

Default-user-icon Miller (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:22

I love that look of confident "know it all" of the orange chick in the picture it reminds me of the "I know the truth" smiles on the faces of Jim Jones Jonestown's followers, I hope she likes Kool-Aid.

Thumb thepatriot 28 January 2012, 11:40

Once again Aoun demonstrates his populist tactics. His people have been in charge of the Energy ministries for the past 5 years, yet, they have been incapable of producing results, worse, the electrical situation is degrading by the day. His only resort is to victimize himself, call others conspirators, thieves, political enemies, just to cover up for his failure. The masses, the poorly educated, and the enemies of M14 (ready to jump in as long as Aoun criticizes Geagea or Hariri) will blindly follow without further questioning. HN will be glad to send in his masses and support such a speech who covers up for the humongous amounts of unbilled and unpaid electricity his people are benefiting from...
Aoun positions himself above parties, above the political sides & movements, soon he will die but he believes in his own resurrection...

Default-user-icon edgar (Guest) 28 March 2012, 12:41

Yeah ... yeah ... yeah ... pitriot ... as long as some people are paid on time .... Aoun is no good ... but what will be ur "philosophy" when taken out of the payroll ... nuance: being on the payroll means benefiting through "wasta" and you sure know what I mean ... keep sleeping guys ... keep sleeping whilst the orange are building the country for your children as well.

Default-user-icon drama (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:43

When your plans fall apart due to your own severe incompetence use "the people" against your own government, I see Aoun is a scholar of the Qaddafi way,

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:46

Aoun truly cares for the welfare of this country. Indeed, unlike the corrupt thieves (March 14 losers) who only give primary focus to the events taking place in Syria, Aoun believes in punishing those who indulged in corrupt practices and virtually bankrupted the state and its people (a case in point being Rafik Hariri. ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon Alain (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:46

If he has evidence about public theft he should submit it to the authorities; the other camp holds most likely similar evidence against him. Nothing will change unless a new generation committed to serving this country rises up...

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 28 January 2012, 11:51

@the patriot...of course this moron has no idea what he/she is talking about. Indeed, the energy plan (which was approved in 2010), has yet to have been implemented (thanks to the corrupt officials that "the patriot" reveres so). Indeed, it truly was a glorious day when the most notorious of those thieves (Rafik Hariri) perished away. ONE WAY TICKET!

Thumb LightLeb 28 January 2012, 13:24

rudes and thepatriot you are both right! i have been researching about this subject for sometime and have made a blog about it. Check it out tell me what you think and be critical if you wish.

Default-user-icon Fawzi Bou Karam (Guest) 28 January 2012, 14:04

Wlek yislamli rabak ya General! Lebanon needs more leaders like you to wipe out the evil which has stained our people & society! Allah Ye7mik ya Ka2ed Sha3b Lubnan el 3azim! Those who only fear God will demonstrate against the mafia running nation of the past 20 odd years.

Thumb rover98 28 January 2012, 14:33

Aoun has lost his chance to be a consensus ruler.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (Guest) 28 January 2012, 16:10

jabalamel fellow member of the Zionist spies infested bee3at al hadinat, why are you going back to the old rhetoric of the sixteen years period between 1989 and 2005 when we used to call Aoun the filthy Zionist - he's a good guy now remember he was bought for a fistful of dollars and now he even sounds like Addoum, Jamil al Sayyed and Wahhab.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 28 January 2012, 16:15

Please, do not write these articles about Aoun as if he were an independent actor with an independent ability, will or strategy to make things happen in Lebanon or not to happen.

Aounism is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hezbollah which is, itself a franchise of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard regime. Aoun can do nothing without permission. He cannot act unless as an instrument of Hezbollah. Aounist have zero capacity to do a sit in, shut down the government or anything of the like unless Hezbollah supports it and Hezbollah will not do that without Iranian green lights.

To report otherwise is to give Aoun and Aounists something they do not have in reality, namely, dignity or honor.

Default-user-icon le phenicien (Guest) 28 January 2012, 16:58

GMA is the king and Orange is THE colour of today and the tomorrow - Taef is dead . Hariri is OUT on a one way ticket - The third Republic is on the way without the thieves of yesterday .

Default-user-icon Thomas Boulos (Guest) 28 January 2012, 17:19

demonstrate against corrupt thieves, Berri must be worried.

Thumb jabalamel 28 January 2012, 19:19

the filthgy zionist information war department hallucinate about me calling aoun the filthy zionist during the 1989-2005.

Thumb thepatriot 28 January 2012, 20:45

When was the plan approved? Who has been in charge of this file for the last 5 years? Who did not sign the more comprehensive plan proposed under the SR government? Please name the corrupt officials, and take a look at the last 10 ministers of energy... they were all either Amal, Hezb, or FPM for the last 20 years, and never complained about corruption... So before you call people names, better get your facts right, and loose this second hand brain of yours!

Wake up dude! He failed a long time ago... this speech is saying it but you won't hear it!
As you seem to be one of the"populist" followers, I shall enlighten your day:

Thumb thepatriot 28 January 2012, 20:45

"Generally, a common theme compares "the people" against "the elite", and urges social and political system changes. It can also be defined as a rhetorical style employed by members of various political or social movements (a form of mobilization that is essentially devoid of theory)." Hariri stole from you, and I shall return you the money... the kind of speech that all failures want to hear! ;)

Default-user-icon Reality (Guest) 28 January 2012, 22:33

Well, any reasonable person must admit that there is a problem regarding the issue of electricity in Lebanon. Any reasonable person would also recognize that Lebanon is a country built around political corruption and "loot division" regarding any project for the country. Furthermore, it is a reality that the Lebanese political class is extremely corrupt, disregarding Aoun (I mean Hariri regime, Jomblat, Berri, Hizb Allah etc...) The only matter that remains, for time to prove or not..., is whether Aoun is a true patriot who is being fought from the rest of the corrupt political class, or whether he is as corrupt as they are, and the only dispute with the other parties, is over the division of loot. Regards

Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 28 January 2012, 23:46

Aoun is the worst nightmare for the Lebanese people, Baabda was lost in the past with his supervision and today Lebanese don't have any electricity because of his brother in law is in charge. Again history repeats itself.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 29 January 2012, 00:33

@ the patriot you are right, as well as when the interests on the Lebanese pound were at 12-15% when hariri came and brought Riad Salameh, we did not hear complaints , since people were making profits just by putting their money in the bank. But now all of a sudden, Hariri stole, Hariri did all the wrong things.Aoun envies Hariri , he is jealous he wasnt able to make millions and millions, as well as owning a lot of companies in the world, but now he is trying to keep up, with all the money he and his IMBASSIL son in law are stealing from the energy ministry and the telecom before that.

Thumb arzz 29 January 2012, 09:27

Still 3oun much better then lady geagea and his boyfriend Saad

Thumb shab 29 January 2012, 12:45

She is showing us how long his is

Default-user-icon guest (Guest) 29 January 2012, 16:55

How can you believe in someone who promised to be the last to leave and all it took was 45 min to do the Speedy Gonzales???

Thumb thepatriot 29 January 2012, 21:08

Ouch! Your arguments are Sesame Street style my dear... and congratulations on your references on decency... very nice... poor thing!

Default-user-icon Reality (Guest) 30 January 2012, 20:10

Well, let us all be real to others and to ourselves. It is a reality that all the past and current leaders are extremely corrupt. That's a No-Brainer. Hariri, Berri, Hezb-Allah, Jomblat, etc... are all corrupt political parties. Their main system of ruling is that of distributing loot, as the people's tax money is loot. I mean the state we find ourselves in is not a coincidence. It is the result of 20 years of post-war corruption and administrative incompetence (The people who ruled in the past 20 years are either incompetent fools or untrustworthy war lords). To me the only question that remains is: Is Aoun really an honest person trying to swim in a sea of corruption that is trying and has almost succeeded in drowning him, or is he just another corrupt leader with another approach to public speaking and his only conflict with others is that he wants a bigger share? Only time can answer that question.

Default-user-icon edgar (Guest) 28 March 2012, 12:45

well reality ... it is evident that you only follow slogans and rumors ... how come Hizballa are corrupt? are you sure? you are pathetic guys ... start reading and be self confident

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