Geagea Calls on Hizbullah to Negotiate over ‘Arms Settlement’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea called on Hizbullah to negotiate with political parties in Lebanon to reach a “historical settlement” over its arms and all the controversial issues amid the developments in the region.

“It may seem a hard step but it’s courageous and necessary… The sooner the better because changes (in the region) will decrease the value of its (Hizbullah’s) weapons… Until it becomes a burden on it,” Geagea said in remarks published in As Safir newspaper on Thursday.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah reiterated in his last speech that his group, the only party that did not disarm after the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war, would never give up its weapons.

Hizbullah's arsenal has been at the center of the National Dialogue, stalled since 2010 because of bickering between rival parties.

Asked about the cabinet, Geagea described it as a “bizarre government.”

Concerning the expected return of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Geagea said it would be “near,” noting that preparations are underway.

He revealed that the March 14-led opposition is preparing a comprehensive strategy to deal with the upcoming stage.

Geagea considered that the situation in Syria will head towards more complications and escalations, confirming that the collapse of the regime is “inevitable and a matter of time, not more.”

“The regime of (Syrian President) Bashar Assad can no longer go on… it lost the local, Arab and international legitimacy,” he noted.

Geagea refused to announce his position over Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa al-Thani’s proposed to send in Arab troops to quell the unrest in Syria.

Comments 28
Thumb Chupachups 19 January 2012, 11:29

poor gaegae, why do u even bother ... when you know their answer already

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 January 2012, 11:34

Of course, a filthy Zionist (such as Geagea) would love to see Hezbollah disarmed, thus giving Israel the upper-hand. He is a traitor; hang the convict! ONE WAY TICKET!

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 12:49

What upper hand ya ahbal?? Israel doesn't care about you as long as it is not threatened. Only brainwashed AmaloHezbo thugs still believe in this pathetic excuse for the non-resistance to keep their weapons (and financial aids)! Wake up already!

Now, if your purpose is to liberate Palestine, god bless, and good riddance, do it from the Golan, the occupied territories, or Egypt, but not from Lebanon!

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 January 2012, 13:49

@thepatriot...Of course, Zionist filth (such as yourself) could not care less that Israel currently occupies Lebanese land (Shebaa Farms). Furthermore, a pushover (such as yourself) is unsurprisingly quick to bow down to Israel; indeed, the last thing this country needs is filthy weaklings (such as yourself) who so readily submit to the malignant Zionists. Best you emigrate (if you haven't already done so).

Default-user-icon Mike (Guest) 19 January 2012, 15:10

Impossible everyone who is against March 8 or Hezballahs-arms , is a filthy zionist xD , just try to say something new it´s getting boring by time ^^

Missing jabal 19 January 2012, 15:20

the problem is not the arms, the problem is the decision behind the arms.. The arms should be kept but the decision to war or peace should belong to the government.. then they can defend Lebanon in a legal way with a government elected by the people... War or peace should be the people's decision, not one person's decision...
now about accusing each others with whatever names (iranian or zionist) now that is dumb... you each are entitled to your opinion and this is democracy.. but i really wish you keep it within the limits of respect...

Missing allouchi 19 January 2012, 15:54

Dr. Geagea is absolutely correct. Hizballa should give up its arms now before the Syrian regime falls, so the new free Syrian government doesn't have to take it from them by force. Allah yihmeek ya Hakeem, and to all the idiots that keep in using the word "Zionist" and other cheap slogan in their defense, to go get a life.

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 15:59

What shebaa farms ya ahbal! The UN based on the 1946 French Mandate maps (amongst others) have designated those areas to be Syrian!! Wake up ya ahbal!! I couldn't care less about Israel, I am no Palestinian! Everyone else is is peace with them, everyone but the stupid Lebanese...
If we leave them in peace, they will leave us in peace, no need to have trade agreements, opened borders, and fraternal relations. Just peace!

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:02

Finally, you want to liberate the syrian shebaa farms...Do something about it coward!

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:10

The region continued to be represented in the 1930s and 1940s as Syrian territory, under the French Mandate. Detailed maps showing the border were produced by the French in 1933, and again in 1945.[17] They clearly showed the region to be in Syria.

"After the French Mandate ended in 1946, the land was administered by Syria, and represented as such in all maps of the time.[7]

The maps of the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Syria and Israel also designated the area as Syrian.(...)
Thus, maps of the area continued to reflect the Farms as being in Syria.[7] Even maps of both the Syrian and Lebanese armies continued to demarcate the region within Syrian territory.(...)on the eve of the 1967 war, the region was under effective Syrian control.(...)

The United Nations certified Israel's pullout under Resolution 425 as conforming to the "withdrawal line" it had laid down in accordance with the maps at its disposal.

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:13

"On May 15, 2000, the United Nations received a map, dated 1966, from the Government of Lebanon which reflected the Government's position that these farmlands were located in Lebanon. However, the United Nations is in possession of 10 other maps issued after 1966 by various Lebanese government institutions, including the Ministry of Defense and the army, all of which place the farmlands inside the Syrian Arab Republic. The United Nations has also examined six maps issued by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, including three maps since 1966, which place the farmlands inside the Syrian Arab Republic."

Thumb ado.australia 19 January 2012, 16:18

The Patriot... 10,452km2 includes the Shebba farms. This is fact. It's interesting (sad) how desperately you are trying to convince others that they are not part of Lebanon.

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:27

Fine, adolescent...then why don't the syrian acknowledge it ?? ;)

Thumb ado.australia 19 January 2012, 16:35

They have many times. People like you either diliberatly distort the truth or only see and hear what they want to.

"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms belong to Lebanon. Assad told a news conference in Paris before ending a state visit to France, Beirut and Damascus will demarcate their countries' border at Shebaa Farms after Israel withdraws from the region."

Missing samwarrior 19 January 2012, 16:42

Call upon whatever you want, you don't have much in your hands do you? Qhy don't you quiet down, put your hands in the hands of lebanese instead of the US and Israel, and start working honestly to build a real State for its Citizens. You traitor!

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 January 2012, 16:44

@ado.australia...the filthy Zionist is desperate to present Shebaa farms as not belonging to Lebanese territory. Indeed, the wretched Zionist is quite ignorant about geo-political matters, but her/his misinformation will not cloud the minds of those who are very aware of the crimes committed by Zionists.

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:48

Great news. Now Bashar can say it officially at the UN and sign the damned paper, bacause, If I recall correctly, when those farms were invaded by Israel in 1967, no Lebanese official said nothing...guess why?? Part of the Golan... :)
And Lebanon was not a Nation part of this war...

PS: I just love this part: "Damascus will demarcate their countries' border at Shebaa Farms after Israel withdraws from the region" Bad faith at it's Absolute Best! :)

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 16:49

"the region" means Golan habibi...

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 January 2012, 16:51

thepatriot: "Great news."

Indeed, now I propose you stfu and go educate yourself before writing patent BS.

Default-user-icon Brunos (Guest) 19 January 2012, 17:00

why don't Hez just invade the farm and take it back? just do it!

Thumb ado.australia 19 January 2012, 17:04

How exactly do Lebanese and Syrians demarcate the border when the whole area is illegally occupied by Israel?

Yes and why wouldn't "the region" mean Golan? It belongs to Syria and it should be returned in line with more than 10 international U.N. resolutions which israel is in continuous breach, along with over 60 others.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 19 January 2012, 17:06

@ Someone, stop hiding behind this name " le Phenicien " it is obvious its you and stop insulting others, at least people like mowaten which do not have the same opinion at least talk with respect. You are a nothing and a disgrace to the human kind. you better learn from them how to behave when your ideas are not the same as others.

@ The patriot, shebaa farm matter must be resolved, and officially as u say through the UN. But yet again who is the UN? thy were created in the late 40s to preserve peace supposedly. they failed on many occasions. and specially in 2003 in Irak. they are only talk but of course when its suits the west they seem to have a say. and please dont get me wrong. I am also against Iran and Syria, but also against the West and Israel. the best countries in my opinion are neutral ones like Switzerland, Norwey, Sweden. At least they dont interfere in anything and leave everybody alone.

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 19:14

@ado... well it wasn't for years... and Lebanon never claimed them as Lebanese after the 67 occupation...
Yes, Golan is Syrian, and should be returned...exactly my point...the syrian won't recognise shebaa as Lebanese until they get the Golan back (never). They linked their problem to ours! Thank you dear Bashar!
@aragon... oh I'm having a good time... some of them can be descent...wrong, but descent, others can't refrain from insulting... education I guess... I agree with the rest...

Thumb thepatriot 19 January 2012, 19:23

I meant "decent"... mowaten will want to correct that ;)

Default-user-icon Bashtoon (Guest) 19 January 2012, 22:46

Don't tell me nobody heard this nobody's call. DON'T TELL ME! Cause every time he opens his trap, he brays.

Default-user-icon hassouna (Guest) 20 January 2012, 04:53

mfawaz inta w hezbak btouklawa 2atle eza 2abayto rasskon, khalikon into wa 7asouna metkhebeyin ta7t el 2ard..

Thumb arzz 20 January 2012, 06:57

Dream on geagea .. and sorry LF'ers the only reason your "leader" is still around is because M8 sees him as a weak character

Missing maakroot 20 January 2012, 08:57

yes tell hassouni in a nice way....he kills and you talk