Iran Warns Trump over 'Dangerous Actions' after Iraq Strikes


Iran on Friday warned US President Donald Trump against taking "dangerous actions" after American forces launched air strikes on neighbouring Iraq.

"Instead of dangerous actions and baseless accusations, Mr Trump should reconsider the presence and behaviour of his troops in the area," foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in a statement, hours after the US strikes.

Comments 3
Thumb thepatriot 13 March 2020, 12:17

They are in no position to threaten any one!
Thos thugs prevent us from asking IMF Help... but they go begging it for Help themselves... disgusting!

Missing lebcan 13 March 2020, 15:19

I hate with an incredible deep passion Hassen Nassrala...
Your execution in the LEBANESE justice system for HIGH treason, on that day, it will become a national holiday for ALL lebanese.

Missing lebcan 13 March 2020, 15:19

I hate with an incredible deep passion Hassen Nassrala...
Your execution in the LEBANESE justice system for HIGH treason, on that day, it will become a national holiday for ALL lebanese.