Egypt since the Revolt and Fall of Mubarak in 2011


Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi died on Monday after a court hearing in Cairo, nearly six years after his ouster by current leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Here are key dates in Egypt since the revolt which drove Morsi's predecessor Hosni Mubarak from power in February 2011.

- Revolution -

On January 25, 2011, thousands of Egyptians, inspired by the Tunisian uprising that toppled dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, protest in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt demanding Mubarak's overthrow.

On February 11, after days of non-stop protests centred in Cairo's Tahrir Square, Mubarak's newly appointed vice president Omar Suleiman announces in a televised address that the president has resigned and the army is in charge. A crackdown on the protests has left at least 850 dead.

- Islamist victory -

At parliamentary elections held from November 2011-January 2012 Islamist parties win a majority of seats. The military rulers dissolve parliament the following June.

On June 30, Morsi, a senior Muslim Brotherhood leader, defeats Mubarak's last prime minister Ahmed Shafiq with 51.7 percent of the vote to become Egypt's first civilian democratically elected president. He is also the first Islamist to preside over the country.

In August Morsi dismisses military chief Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and replaces him with Sisi in a purge of top army brass.

- Morsi ousted -

On July 3, 2013, following massive protests against Morsi's divisive rule, the military led by Sisi overthrows Morsi and detains him. Morsi denounces a coup and calls on his supporters to defend his legitimacy.

On August 14, police disperse two pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo, killing about 700 people in clashes, according to official figures.

The government declares the Muslim Brotherhood a "terrorist organisation" in December.

- President Sisi -

Sisi is elected president with 96.9 percent of the vote in May 2014. His election comes after a new constitution, bolstering the military's powers, was approved.

In late 2015 a new parliament, packed with Sisi supporters, is elected.

- Repression -

From his coming to power, Sisi presides over a fierce clampdown. Hundreds of suspected Islamists are sentenced to death or life in prison in mass trials.

Members of the opposition are also jailed.

Local and international non-governmental organisations accuse the regime of torture, forced disappearances, summary executions and repression of dissenters.

The authorities deny the accusations pointing to the need for stability and the fight against terrorism.

- Jihadist threat -

Egypt is also the target of deadly attacks, perpetrated mainly by the jihadist Islamic State (IS) which attacks security forces often in the Sinai peninsula.

On October 31, 2015, a Russian airliner carrying tourists from an Egyptian beach resort explodes after taking off, killing all 224 people on board. IS says it had planted a bomb on the plane.

On November 24, 2017, an attack on a mosque in the Sinai, for which IS is suspected, leaves more than 300 dead.

More than 100 die in attacks on Christians claimed by IS.

In February 2018, the army launches a vast "anti-terrorist" operation.

- Support -

In February 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin travels to Cairo for the first time in a decade and signs an accord to build the first Egyptian nuclear power plant.

In March 2015, the United States lifts a partial freeze on its military assistance imposed after Morsi's overthrow.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia visits Egypt in April 2016.

In April 2017, US President Donald Trump praises Sisi, as he visits Washington. He is hosted for a second time at the White House in April 2019.

In October 2018, Sisi receives strong support during a visit to Paris from President Emmanuel Macron, who in turn visits Egypt in January 2019.

- Re-election -

In March 2018, Sisi is re-elected with 97.08 percent of the vote. His only opponent is one of his supporters.

In April 2019, a controversial constitutional revision allowing the extension of Sisi's presidency and strengthening his powers is approved by referendum.

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