Syndicate Coordination Committee Rejects ‘Humiliating’ Wage Hike, Threatens to Escalate

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The rally that the Syndicate Coordination Committee called for kicked off at 11:00 am on Thursday heading from Beshara al-Khoury towards the Grand Serail to refute cabinet’s approval of the wage hike decree.

The rally was escorted by heavy security deployment at Riyad al-Solh square, the parliament and the Grand Serail to prevent any clashes.

The roads were also blocked for traffic.

The Syndicate strike was backed by public and most private schools along with the March 14-led opposition and parties affiliated with the March 8 forces.

Last week, the cabinet approved a wage proposal made by Prime Minister Najib Miqati, whereby the minimum wage increased by LL100,000 to LL600,000, salaries under LL1 million by 30% up to a LL200,000 increase, and salaries above LL1 million by a 20% increase up to LL275,000.

Head of the Association of Public Secondary School Education Teachers Hanna Gharib warned that the strike will be escalated gradually until the cabinet backs down on its wage boost decision.

Gharib told protesters from Riyad al-Solh square that “it’s their right to protest against decisions taken by the ministers who failed their supporters.”

He urged the cabinet to improve the “general healthcare,” and to “enhance the education at public schools.”

“We refute the humiliating decision,” Gharib added.

For his part, head of the private schools teachers association Nehme Mahfoud criticized Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s decision.

“If the rally doesn’t mean anything to you then your cabinet doesn’t represent us,” Mahfoud told protesters.

He threatened to go on with the Syndicate’s strike if the teachers’ demands “were not heard.”

Mahfoud stressed that the country belongs to the citizens not to the politicians.

He said earlier in comments to Free Lebanon radio “the upcoming steps depend on the cabinet’s stance and the Shura Council’s decision.”

However, although 16 out of 23 members from the cabinet approved Miqati’s wage hike proposal, the parties of the ministers who had agreed on the proposal joined the strike.

According to As Safir newspaper, various representatives from March 14 and 8 educational offices held a meeting at the Progressive Socialist Party headquarters and agreed on participating in the rally, including AMAL, Hizbullah, al-Mustaqbal Movement, Free Patriotic Movement, Phalange Party, PSP, Lebanese Forces and several others.

Secretary-General of Catholic schools Father Marwan Tabet said that the classes will be suspended on Thursday to avoid any confusion by the parents.

“The private schools institution decided not to close its doors… but to avoid any confusion and the fact that teachers will be absent… We hope on the schools to suspend classes on Thursday,” Tabet stressed.

Meanwhile, the General Labor Confederation has decided to stage a strike across Lebanon on December 27 to protest the cabinet wage boost as the Syndicate and the GLC failed to unite their stances over the matter.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Confused (Guest) 15 December 2011, 12:17

So let me get one thing straight... The Ministers vote for the raise in wages by majority... then, their parties are protesting this measure... seems a bit contradictory to me. I hope from the bottom of my heart that the Lebanese people are waking up and realizing that the decisions made by their respective party leaders are not for the 'greater' benefit of the people...

Missing peace 15 December 2011, 14:19

if they really want to reform as they shouted they would, they should start by controlling the prices and the anarchic increases!
whoever wants can raise a rent without being worried even if not justified, the supermarkets raise their prices from a week to another, and who controls them? nobody...
the goverment is idle , does nothing, doesn t care if people starve or have difficulties coping with all the outrageous increase of prices!
beirut has become a city of concrete, no plans to create parks, only buildings built anywhere without thinking of the well being of people just to get bribes to deliver permits!
they only think of themselves and how to make money and their interests... but lebanese people they really don t care! if they could they would throw everyone out of lebanon !
all they do is insult whoever is against them, they think of the "resistance" and how to please them, but nothing in the interest of the people and developping the economy ...