Jumblat Lauds STL Funding: If Only Some Opposition Members Had Been More Welcoming of it

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat praised on Thursday Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s decision to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, criticizing however some reactions from the opposition, which he deemed unreasonable.

He said in a statement: “Some opposition members should have reacted to it positively rather than focusing on their personal interests.”

“Given the critical regional situation, the funding should have required all the Lebanese to deal with it sensibly,” he stressed.

The MP added that the funding reflects a keenness to prevent Lebanon from become embroiled in a confrontation with the international community.

“It also reflects a keenness for Lebanon to commit to its international obligations and preserve the country’s government and internal balance,” Jumblat stated.

“We salute Miqati for his decision that falls in line with the country’s higher national interest,” the PSP leader remarked.

In addition, the MP praised Speaker Nabih Berri’s efforts that helped reach a solution to the dispute over the funding.

“The solution should help ease the internal tensions and hopefully pave the way for a new phase of effective governmental functioning that looks beyond petty interests and instead tackles the people’s daily concerns,” he said.

Miqati announced on Wednesday that he had transferred Lebanon’s share of the STL budget.

The issue had been at the center of political disputes in the country, with the March 8 camp opposing the matter and the March 14-led opposition insisting that Lebanon meet its international duties to avoid a confrontation with the international community.

Lebanon is obligated to provide 49 percent of the tribunal budget.

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