Mustaqbal Lauds STL Funds Payment, Calls for Handing Over Suspects

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s decision on Wednesday to transfer Lebanon’s annual share of funds to the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon is “a step in the right direction,” the Mustaqbal Movement said.

The step is “an inevitable result of the struggle of the Lebanese for the sake of (establishing) the tribunal, fulfilling justice … and holding accountable the murderers in the assassination and terror crimes that targeted the national and political leaders,” the movement said in a statement.

By taking “this measure, all the members of the government, topped by Hizbullah, have acknowledged the importance of the tribunal, which we want it to be a path towards securing the prerequisites of stability in the country and conducting a fair and transparent trial of the accused,” the movement added.

But it called on Hizbullah, “after it provided a cover for funding the tribunal,” to complete the step by “handing over the four (members) accused (by the STL) of involvement in the (2005) assassination of martyr premier Rafik Hariri.”

Only then can Lebanon “transit to a stage during which it would be protected from the looing dangers,” Mustaqbal said, adding that “a new era of openness and joint national action can be launched” should Hizbullah heed the call.

“My insistence on funding the STL emanates from my keenness on protecting Lebanon, the people, the army and the resistance,” Miqati said earlier on Wednesday.

“I transferred Lebanon’s share from the STL funding this morning,” he announced, saying that he believes in achieving the truth and justice in ex-PM Hariri’s assassination.

The payment of Lebanon’s share also came out of his commitment to Lebanon’s international obligations and his keenness to preserve the country’s stability, he said.

“The funding is not a victory for one team over the other,” Miqati said.

Miqati dubbed his move as a “national decision aimed at safeguarding Lebanon” and steering it clear of “tough experiences.”

He was referring to Western warnings that the U.N. could impose sanctions on Lebanon if it failed to fund the STL.

The prime minister also called for the speedy resumption of the National Dialogue at Baabda palace to find common ground among the Lebanese and “build bridges of mutual trust.”

He urged the cabinet ministers “to consider today a new start for the government work” and consolidate the performance of their ministries.

Miqati’s announcement came shortly after postponing a crucuial cabinet session aimed at discussing the funding of the STL.

Last week, the prime minister threatened to resign if the cabinet failed to approve the payment of Lebanon’s annual 49 percent share of funds to the STL, around $33 million.

Ministerial sources later on Wednesday told LBC television that Miqati funded the tribunal from the premiership budget.

They explained that the prime minister took it upon himself to fund it after the deadline for the funding had ended.

They stressed that his action was coordinated by all the parties, both directly and indirectly.

Meanwhile, Information Minister Walid al-Daouq confirmed to MTV that the funding took place from the premiership budget.

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