Aoun on STL Funding: We are Open to Any Solution that Preserves Lebanon’s Stability

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun criticized on Tuesday the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, deeming it a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty.

He noted after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “There were no binding reasons that required the formation of the STL under chapter seven of the U.N. Charter.”

“We support any solution that preserves the country’s stability,” he added.

“Given the choice between internal stability and external dangers, we chose the former,” Aoun remarked.

“Everyone knows that the STL is illegal and we will leave this issue up for cabinet to settle,” he stated.

He instead asked: “Does anyone know why Premier Najib Miqati threatened to quit over the failure to fund the STL?”

“Contentious issues cannot be resolved this way, but they should be handled through dialogue,” stressed Aoun.

The MP denied that the Change and Reform ministers had threatened to resign from government over the issue of funding the tribunal.

In addition, the FPM leader noted: “We informed U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon that the funding is closely linked to legal matters and we were the first who demanded that the tribunal be given international characteristics.”

“We still believe it can be set up according to the Lebanese constitution,” he asserted.

The funding of the STL has deepened the divisions between the March 8 and 14 political camps with the former opposing the funding and the latter warning that the government’s failure to abide by international resolutions would result in sanctions against Lebanon.

Aoun had adamantly rejected the funding of the tribunal, demanding that Miqati step down “if he was worried about his external investments.”

He had also told the premier that if he was so insistent on funding the STL, he should do it out of his own pocket.

On Monday, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly had repeated her country’s warning that Lebanon may face “serious consequences” if it did not commit to international obligations.

Aoun slammed these warnings, describing them as “illegal, exactly like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”

Lebanon is required to provide 49 percent of the tribunal budget.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:23

    MP Aoun: The area from which the rockets were fired overnight are not controlled by Hizbullah.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:22

    MP Aoun on the STL funding: We are open to any solution on condition that Lebanon’s stability is preserved.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:21

    MP Aoun: We have never said we would resign.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:18

    MP Aoun: Does anyone know why Miqati threatened to quit over the failure to fund the STL? Matters cannot be resolved this way, but they should be handled through dialogue and no one has spoken to us.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:16

    MP Aoun: Given the choice between internal stability and external dangers, we chose the former. Minister Jebran Bassil is currently holding talks with President Suleiman to inform him of our position.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:14

    MP Aoun: There were no binding reasons that required the formation of the STL under chapter seven of the U.N. Charter.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:14

    MP Aoun: I want the approval of the budget, appointments, and other state affairs. They accuse us of attacking the Sunnis whenever we voice a demand.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:11

    MP Aoun: The funding of the STL is a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:07

    MP Aoun: The human rights that they are demanding do no encompass the funding of the STL.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:07

    MP Aoun: We should choose between stability, fear, and the measures they will impose on us, which are illegal just like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We should hold contacts and determine the best solution for Lebanon.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:06

    MP Aoun: We informed U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon that the funding is closely linked to legal matters and we were the first who demanded that the tribunal be given international characteristics and we still believe it can be set up according to the Lebanese constitution.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:05

    MP Aoun: Everyone knows that the STL is illegal and we will leave this issue up for cabinet to settle.

  • 29 November 2011, 17:02

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc meeting: There are demands that have not been met yet and promises are useless now.

Comments 11
Missing allouchi 29 November 2011, 17:28

Aoun "I hate everybody, I even hate myself" Here comes the clown her comes the clown LOL

Missing rognation 29 November 2011, 18:17

Auon and hizbilshitan; you're screwed if you fund it and you're screwed if you don't, lets just say you are screwed....

Thumb Bandoul 29 November 2011, 18:19

Why do we tolerate this corrupt, spoiled and dishonest man to lecture us from the podium? Why do his followers still follow him? Is hatred for the Hariri family and Solidaire of greater importance than the best interest of the country and its suffering citizens? When will people see this clown for what he is?

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 29 November 2011, 19:06

Aoun should never talk about anything and call it a "violation of Lebanon's sovereignty". Aoun is a violation of Lebanon's sovereignty.

The legality of the STL is a closed case that Aoun keeps trying to claim remains open, just as Hezbollah wants to claim that Israel did not withdraw from Lebanon in May of 2000. Hezbollah does this to justify its claim to "divine resistance" arms and Aoun makes his claim in order to set up false arguments against the STL for the benefit of his Iranian patrons.

It is clear that Aoun has been indoctrinated by the writings of Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya as reflected in this piece that appears in Global Research Institute:

The article talks about the Yinon Plan for carving up the Middle East into smaller homogenious ethnic religious states so that Israel can dominate them all. You can read this at:

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 29 November 2011, 19:11

This Yinon Plan was allegedly written and published in 1982, 30 years ago. All operative assumptions that may have gone into this pipe dream have long expired, which makes this "plan" which never was operational, pure BS 30 years later. Yet, Aoun had developed a paranoia about it which he apparently caught from his Iranian keepers (notice that the author is Iranian).

But, for argument's sake, let's say that this is the Zionist Plot. Who today in the Middle East is the most efficient agent for accomplishing the plot of breaking down Middle Eastern Arab States into homogenious ethnic or confessional statelets? In 1982, the LF was a proponent of a "federal system" for Lebanon, translated to partition of the Christian areas. The LF is no longer a proponent of this. But who is?? Hezbollah! Yes, they want a Shia Statelet in Lebanon, and Syria and Iraq. They want Shia statelets on the western shores of the Persian Gulf.
Aoun is wrong again. He is either based his position on a myth

Missing realist 29 November 2011, 19:30

Simple Math: M8 killed hariri and everyone else that followed. Implies M8 is against the STL. There is a silent civil war going on in lebanon, the fall of the Syria regime would inevitably bring the civil war (that is actually needed) to lebanon. Lebanon is now like Syria pre-march 15th. The Sunis of lebanon will eventually be armed properly and war will follow. The only possbility to avoid such a war is for the hizbustan to surrender their arms/suspects which will never happen. The Shee3a are too blind and stupid (sorry) to think they can kill hariri and get away with it.

Default-user-icon Buck's master (Guest) 29 November 2011, 19:33

I once had a dog that barked like mad at everything that moved but the second I gave the order "be quiet and sit!" it went completely silent and sat still like a Buckingham palace guard, I'd trained old Buck well.

Earlier this morning Hezballah said they don't want the Miqati government to fall no matter what ..

Default-user-icon yousefbeik (Guest) 29 November 2011, 19:52

The last MAN standing...Everyone else is corrupt... Ya3tik alf 3afye Mon General! Whatever you do please keep on fighting the Hariri Valentine thugs from raping and stealing the people of Lebanon...The longer they're out of the government the more prosper Lebanon is... 20 years of Hariri rule did NOTHING but weakening Lebanon so he can buy Beirut. Keep strong ya batal

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 29 November 2011, 21:05

if the STL is a violation of Lebanese sovereignty and illegal what about the arms of Hezbollah ? is that legal to have arms outside the army's control ? is taken orders from Iran and Syria protecting Lebanon's sovereignty ? is it legal for you to steal millions from the army , is it legal for you to accept millions from Iran and Syria so you can become their mouth piece and instrument of obstruction in Lebanon . i can go and on about you but you are not worth it and soon enough we will not have to hear you ranting and your B.S. anymore . and the world is moving forward and you have become a has been .

Default-user-icon ClockTicking (Guest) 30 November 2011, 02:16

Who gets scared from the court of law? The Outlaws.

If the international community is zionist and Israel killed Harriri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi and Eid including (Ghazi Kan3an who shot himself in his office story) then are you telling me the latest story of the CIA agents that infiltrated Hizbollah ranks did all those killings? and if so then let's take them to court publically and do a formal investigation, prove the STL is wrong in the court of law, fighting over the funding means rejecting what you already agreed upon few yrs ago.

Thumb thepatriot 30 November 2011, 15:38

"Does anyone know why Miqati threatened to quit over the failure to fund the STL? Matters cannot be resolved this way, but they should be handled through dialogue and no one has spoken to us."

So? What are you going to do now??