Report: March 8 Seeking Post-Miqati Successor

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The March 8 forces are preparing for the post-Prime Minister Najib Miqati stage as Hizbullah is expected to object the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon during Wednesday’s cabinet session.

The Hizbullah leadership began over the past two weeks preparing for the post-Miqati stage, if the premier carried out his threat to resign if the funding of the STL wasn’t approved by the cabinet, sources told the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat.

They said that the party is seeking to find the official that will succeed Miqati as PM.

Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has openly opposed Lebanon paying its annual share, as Lebanon is responsible for meeting 49 percent of the STL's financing, which amounts to some $33 million this year.

The sources noted that there are ongoing discussions with Sunni officials to choose the successor, especially with ex-PM Omar Karami.

“The cabinet session will witness a heated debate between its members if it was held and Speaker Nabih Berri succeeded in his mediation,” the sources told the daily.

A March 8 forces ministerial source told An Nahar newspaper on Tuesday that the cabinet session will remain on time.

The source noted that the obstacle facing the cabinet isn’t the funding of the STL anymore, as the demands of the Free Patriotic Movement have complicated the situation.

Aoun’s Change and Reform bloc’s ministers stressed on Saturday that their participation in the cabinet depends on several issues. Among them are efforts by the cabinet to make appointments at the Higher Judicial Council, resolving the wage dispute for employees and implementing several development projects in the electricity and water sectors.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon AntiThugs (Guest) 29 November 2011, 10:19

Notice how the Hizb of thugs now openly appoints the Prime Minister......!!!

Thumb bashir 29 November 2011, 12:34

Also Aoun wanting "several development projects in the electricity and water sectors." = more money in our family pockets.

Default-user-icon Libnanie (Guest) 29 November 2011, 14:47

Look at that photo...look at how pathetic Aoun is. Sitting between Berri and Nasrallah. What a fool Aoun is, what a clown he has shown himself to be. Watch, they'll bring in a weak person as a prime minister, someone like Omar Karami who will simply go along with whatever M8 wants.

Default-user-icon MAY 7 (Guest) 29 November 2011, 14:50

Sweating demon, we want the truth , justice and more importantly
Everyone to pay for their Electricity i hope you get it
Ps Borders will be nice

Missing allouchi 29 November 2011, 15:12

Hizb thugs own this pathetic government...what a shame...

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 29 November 2011, 15:39

The smoke in the smoke screen is not thick enough to hide the obvious. To say that the FPM, is collapsing the government not Hezbollah and that the issue that is breaking the government is appointments or the electricity bill, rather than Mikati's decision to fund the STL is too transparant to sell to any but small children.
A resigned government can take no decisions, it is a caretaker entity that creates autonomy within the various ministries so that the Minister can steal at will and spread the wealth to his zelm without accountability. This is what is sought.

And when it comes time to elect the new Shia Speaker of Parliament following the 2013 elections, Berri should not think, unless he joins M14, whose parties will win that election, that he will win that vote. It should go to a Shia who is part of M14 majority, not to Berri.

Missing sergio 29 November 2011, 15:53

sweating you are talking like a child not a young man your general clown is the biggest corrupt & thief politician. he stole millions before he ran to France & now stealing through his son in law the idiot. telecommunication or electricity anything that brings him money so that he can finance for his presidential bid or if he runs again to run with more money. beleive me he is not doing it for the sake of Lebanon. it's for his pocket. Wake up ! i used to be a die hard follower of him & now I hate his gutts.

Missing allouchi 29 November 2011, 16:13

sweating_demon, you are a typical example of the FPM Sunni phobia...what's the matter with you people? no one should hate or attack another solely on their religious or non-religious believes., go join your crazed in Dahia...

Thumb loveandpeace 29 November 2011, 17:54

Sweating something: Can you share yours and FPM great vision for Lebanon? I am still waiting, all I hear so far from your people is insults, threats and provocations. We are about to become a pariah state thanks to your efforts. Who is going to pay for all those projects? Iran or Syria?

Thumb Bandoul 29 November 2011, 18:27

Why do we tolerate these corrupt, spoiled and dishonest thugs to tell us how we should live and what obligations to answer for and which to reject? Why do thier followers still follow them? Is hatred for the Hariri family and Solidaire of greater importance than the best interest of the country and its suffering citizens? When will people see this terrorist criminals for what they are?

Thumb Bandoul 29 November 2011, 19:48

Don't kid yourself @ Lebanese Sunni, you are no more a Lebanese than Hzb El Kizb & Erhab is a resistance. Any person who identifies his or herself by their religion have decided to put their religion before their country.

Of course there is nothing wrong with that, you are free to be yourself and people like me will never hate on you the way you hate on us because we are rational and we understand not everyone shares our point of view. You people on the other hand have nothing but hatred and intolerance in your heart and you rulle us with your guns.

The day will come and we WILL shove those guns where the sun doesn't shine and we will see then where you stand. This I promise you. There is a day for every tyrant and oppressor after all. History has proven this.

Thumb shab 29 November 2011, 22:54

The 3 devils with Lebanese blood on their hands