Aoun’s Ministers: Objective is to Improve Cabinet Performance and not Force its Collapse

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Ministers loyal to Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun stressed on Saturday that their participation in the cabinet hinges on a set of conditions that the government should meet.

Following a meeting of the Change and Reform bloc ministers in Rabieh, Energy Minister Jebran Bassil said: “Our participation or boycott of cabinet sessions stands on several issues.”

He told reporters that President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati have the constitutional right to set the cabinet agenda but the people’s rights are more important than the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

The cabinet was in tatters over the weekend after the FPM ministers thwarted a quorum with their boycott of a session at Baabda palace on Friday.

Aoun threatened to withdraw his 10 ministers from the cabinet after Miqati announced that he would resign if the government did not approve the funding of the STL.

“The pace of government’s functions in implementing projects is not satisfactory,” Bassil said.

But he stressed that the FPM ministers’ objective is to fix the government’s performance and not force its collapse.

Among the issues that need further discussions at the cabinet is the draft 2011 budget, he said.

Discussions have been postponed for 2 months, Bassil told reporters, saying the issue should become a priority for the government.

The budget is more important that the 45 billion liras that would be used to fund the international tribunal, he said.

The minister criticized the cabinet for disregarding the implementation of several development and investment projects in water and electricity. “The list is long and all issues are a priority for the people.”

The wage boost is also a top priority and should be discussed during Wednesday’s cabinet session, Bassil said. Ministers are set to deliberate on November 30 on the funding of the STL that is set to try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

Bassil stressed that a lot of positions in the state institutions are not filled yet. He prioritized the appointments at the Higher Judicial Council, saying in reference to the STL that they are more important than international justice.

The minister accused some parties without naming them of “intentionally” seeking to keep certain sects away from several posts in state institutions.

After the conditions he set on the cabinet, Bassil announced the FPM’s readiness to discuss the issues with Suleiman and Miqati.

Dialogue with all officials will remain open, he said.

Comments 10
Thumb thepatriot 26 November 2011, 11:28

I am soooo tired of theses people, their threats, their resignations, their boycot, their tents, their burning tires, their conditions...
Go to hell!

Default-user-icon assaad123 (Guest) 26 November 2011, 11:48

عام 2005 لم أكن أفهم لماذا يحرق حزبالله نفسه لحماية سورية المتهمة بقتل الحريري واليوم أعرف - لا أفهم اليوم لماذا يحرق عون نفسه والمجتمع المسيحي معه لحماية حزبالله وبشار الأسد . يوماً ما سنعرف هذا أيضاً. أنا لا أميل إلى الاعتقاد أنه فقط مجنون .

Thumb joesikemrex 26 November 2011, 12:30

Look at today's news, Aoun this and Aoun that, Aoun Aoun Aoun....Self centered, with misguided and creative policies.

Missing youssefhaddad 26 November 2011, 17:48

Aoun and his ministers keep providing a much needed Lebanese Christian cover for the Hezbollah's opposition to international justice and the party's illegal control of the Lebanese government.
History will judge severely all those who played in the hands of the devil...

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 26 November 2011, 18:16

There is nothing that this soon to be rotten history Vichy Government of the turbaned one can say or do to stop international justice, of course by chosing not to fund the STL it's only hastening it's fall and the ultinmate demise of its political masters... Because justice will prevail no matter what these self inflated maggots say or do..

Missing applesandoranges 26 November 2011, 19:26

I can understand Aoun's cronies following him blindly, for they are getting a piece of the action. What escapes me is all the others who are getting nothing but lip service.

Default-user-icon libnanie (Guest) 26 November 2011, 23:16

i completely agree with applesandoranges

Missing peace 26 November 2011, 23:18

in a few days or week they will resign just to make the gvt collapse and then lebanon will not be able to fund the STL.
they are just preparing their scenario right now telling false excuses to justify their resignation.
i m sure everything is already written with the PM so that he will be able to keep a good image of the one who wanted to implement the funding but couldn t, and he will not anger the hezb too by funding the STL as he promises to all western countries. he will tell them that it is not his fault but theirs! as hypocrisy is all what M8 are good for!
all this is just circus not politics!

since when does aoun care about lebanese?

Missing joesilver 27 November 2011, 00:05

Takattol al tofniis wal Iflass....

Default-user-icon Coolmec (Guest) 27 November 2011, 19:42

Hey guys
History has already judged Aoun. He is nothing but an idiot and a traitor to Lebanon. He has jeopardized our country by his stupidities. he has provided The turbaned dudes with a christian cover and still has not reached his presidential objective. he should go back to Deir El Salib where he was being treated for brain damage. What I don't understand is his ability to draw a decent christian support. Oh My God!! what is wrong with my fellow Lebanese Christians? why are you supporting this lunatic? Why aren't you able to see he is taking Lebanon to the dark ages, to the abyss.....