Ibrahim: Lebanon Played Humanitarian Role in Zabadani Exchange

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General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim defended the exchange that took place on Monday between the Syrian regime and rebels that saw the transfer of gunmen through Lebanese territory from the Zabadani area, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Tuesday.

He told the daily: “Lebanon played a humanitarian, social, and civil role in the operation.”

The deal came under criticism by local political sides that said that it “undermined the country's sovereignty.”

Ibrahim had overseen the necessary contacts between the concerned Lebanese authorities to ensure the swap's success.

A General Security statement issued on Monday night said that the deal was carried out under the supervision of concerned Lebanese powers and in coordination with the United Nations.

Government sources meanwhile told al-Mustaqbal daily Tuesday that Prime Minister Tammam Salam was informed of the exchange through the U.N.

The necessary contacts were made through U.N. envoy to Syrian Staffan de Mistura and U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag, they explained.

“Lebanon played the role of a humanitarian passage, nothing more, nothing less,” they said.

“Salam is committed to Lebanon's policy of dissociation from the Syrian crisis now more than ever,” they stressed.

More than 120 rebels and wounded from the flashpoint Syrian border town of Zabadani traveled Monday from Beirut's airport to Turkey as part of a U.N.-backed truce.

A convoy carrying them had earlier in the day crossed from Syria into Lebanon through the Masnaa border crossing.

The convoy consisted of seven buses and 22 ambulances and was accompanied by Lebanese security forces.

Simultaneously, two planes took off from Turkey's Hatay airport to Beirut, carrying 335 people evacuated from the mainly Shiite Syrian villages of Fuaa and Kafraya.

The residents had crossed into Turkey through the Bab al-Hawa border point and are to travel overland to Damascus after arriving in Beirut.

The Kataeb Party on Monday wondered if the Lebanese government was aware of a U.N.-sponsored deal, demanding that the government and premier “put the public opinion in the picture of the latest security and political developments.”

“Was the Lebanese state part of this agreement or was it imposed on it?” it wondered.

Comments 11
Thumb EagleDawn 29 December 2015, 09:16

He told the daily: “Lebanon played a humanitarian, social, and civil role in the operation.”

The shia mercenary and hezbollah's spokesman considers sending thousands of hezbollah terrorists to Syria to kill Syrians and occupy their villages a humanitarian and civil role.

Thumb justin 29 December 2015, 09:40

lol he does indeed.

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 December 2015, 12:08

your old rant is off-topic, he's talking about letting the rebels be evacuated through lebanon. actually you should be happy, those are your friends who got away with their lives. pesky little m14ers, never happy, always whining.

Missing peace 29 December 2015, 12:14

sure mooowaten: another example of how hezbi do what pleases them without referring to the lebanese gvt... oh! i forgot: hezbollah does not care about lebanese state... they act as if it were their own with your total anti patriotic support....

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 December 2015, 12:22

lol, what a slimy cheesy comment, you're a hypocrite nothing more. you'll always whine no matter what, when it suits you you're more than happy to relinquish lebanese sovereignty to the UN (as was done unconstitutionally with regards to the STL), and yet you keep pretending that you're a big fan boy of the governement an institutions? what governement anyway? the bunch of old crooks who can sit on their fat rears and bicker for decades without achieving anything? these are your references? thanks to m14 the lebanese governement is simply nonexistent today, paralyzed and plague with corruption and treason. they can't even pick up trash from the streets for crying out loud. being a patriot today would be to take down these frauds and build a state we can all stand behind, not supporting their crimes agains tthis country. just go back to your sandbox peace, don't bore me with your childish whining and fake patriotism.

Missing peace 29 December 2015, 12:35

don't get more ridiculous with your fake patriotism mooowaten souri...

when it suits hezbollah they cry that matters should go through the cabinet and when it doesn't they just sit on it....
your post just shows how little you think of lebanese institutions...a government is the symbol of sovereignty no matter who is in charge but you respect it as it is part of the country's institutions... but you hezbis? you just spit on the government when it does not suit your interests...

get lost hezbi traitor and go live in iran your real mother country to whom you pledeged allegiance but never to Lebanon........
the why shouldn't any lebanese just do whatever pleases them under the pretexxt that the gvt does not please them? it is called anarchy and chaos a thing you prefer over a state and coutntry ... TFEH on you shameless souri collaborator....

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 December 2015, 12:37

what did I say your childish whining and fake patriotism? dont bore me with it!

Missing peace 29 December 2015, 13:38

suremooowaten the wati idiot...

your post is here for all to see how low you believe in Lebanon...

if i bore you then stop coming here to spread your hezbi BS and go to elmanar site you ll have fans there...

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 December 2015, 14:28

if you dont know the difference between believing in lebanon, and believing in a bunch of old corrupt incompetents who hijacked it, you're not worthy of my time.

Missing Rita.Nahhas 29 December 2015, 15:04

Dear God!!!! Dear Lord!!!!
Even on an article as insignificant as this I find you mowaten spamming, trolling, and terrorizing other posters. What kind of a being are you? New and fresh evidence surfaces by the minute that you are a paid poster but the question remains who pays you and for what exact purpose? Is it the Iranian embassy, is it the revolutionary guard, is it the syrian intelligence or the ex-KGB? These questions must be objectively answered by you and NOW!

Missing peace 29 December 2015, 12:10

LOL @ those hezbi lovers... hezbollah is doing the exact same thing as israel: creating a shia country... emptying sunni villages on the border and replacing them with shia to have a total sunni free land...and then partitioning syria into confessional zones!! LOL

israel's dream of having confessional countries surrounding it, is becoming true thanks to ??? .... hezbollah!