Hizbullah Sources: Evidence Linking Israel to Hariri Case Tests STL’s Credibility

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Hizbullah sources denied on Friday that it had received word that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon had received a memorandum from former Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Marwan Dalal confirming Israel’s involvement in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The sources told Akhbar al-Yawm news agency: “This is a new test of the STL’s credibility.”

They revealed that the party had presented evidence a long time ago proving Israel’s involvement in the assassination, but they were ignored, which confirms the tribunal’s politicization.

They stressed that the STL has political goals, the first of which is destroying the Resistance.

Al-Akhbar newspaper had reported on Thursday that Dalal had presented “damning” evidence of Israel’s culpability in the Hariri assassination to STL Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen.

He said that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and its former chief, Meir Dagan, are possibly involved in the crime.

The Hizbullah sources revealed that the party is labeling this file as a “sensitive issue” because it is linked to the country’s stability.

“From this aspect, we are not worried about the party, but about the repercussions the STL may have on Lebanon,” they stated.

Addressing Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s recent statements that Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had not explicitly stated that the party opposes the tribunal, the sources noted: “We don’t believe the premier’s statements were negative.”

The prime minister only said that the issue of the tribunal will be discussed at constitutional institutions and at the appropriate time, they added.

“The most important aspect of Miqati’s remarks was his assertion that he will not resign,” they continued.

“The tribunal is a contentious issue, but it will not force the government to resign,” the sources stressed.

On U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman’s warnings that Lebanon may incur “harsh consequences” if it failed to fund the STL, they remarked: “This eagerness towards justice is an eagerness towards destroying the Resistance and the United States’ enemies.”

Nasrallah stressed during a televised interview on October 24 that his party is against the funding of the STL, adding that cabinet will resolve the issue when the time is right.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon makroot (Guest) 04 November 2011, 20:04

tell nasralla to come out from his hiding hole and come clean with everyone. he will then be sent to the hague to be judged on his killings and the destruction of lebanon in 2006!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 04 November 2011, 21:19

Which all begs the question, if there is evidence of Israeli complicity in the murder of Rafiq Hariri, why is Hezbollah so adamant about closing down the STL or disassociating from it? Either Hezbollah is blowing smoke about Israeli involvement, in which case Hezbollah credibility takes a blow when the "evidence" turns out to be a red herring, or the evidence is true and Hezbollah is indeed in league with the Israelis, as many of us have suspected all along.

So, which is it, Hezbollah is lying through its teeth with this proof of Israeli involvement, or Hezbollah is the protector of Israel when it comes to the STL?

Thumb joesikemrex 04 November 2011, 21:23

No credibility whatsoever. Hand in your 4 saints and than we might listen. Bunch of criminals and thugs.

Justice will be served.

Thumb shab 04 November 2011, 21:30

STL will happen. Stop fantazising about about it's failure, Assad' survival and liberating Palastine. Time to get real !

Missing peace 04 November 2011, 21:44

can anyone tell me if apart from hezbollah and the pro hezbollah media , other objective and serious media or sources has ever confirmed what hezbollah pretends about the evidence against israel?

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 November 2011, 21:58

Ha ha ha ha .....Hezz sources??? Are you kidding me? I am sure they report to the underground rat himself. They are getting more desperate everyday. Their world is collapsing from the truth upon their heads.

Lebanon is resisting the resistance. Lebanon is another Arab spring standing up to a criminal tyrant. Fund the court and let us see the evidence.

I want to see how the Israelis got a truck registered in a Shia name, and drove it to Dahye, packed it with TNT, and made it look like the Hezz did it.

Missing small.axe 05 November 2011, 01:18

Hezbollah's evidence...... 1999 satellite pictures of downtown Beirut....... whooop dee doo

Thumb Marc 05 November 2011, 01:58

Why don't they bring their evidence to the court as part of their defense? OR they are not used to black and white reality and pthings are always grey??

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 05 November 2011, 04:25

This is the same song and dance of "Armed terrorists" have been attacking Syria since March and its ruthless Army can't stop it.
Here is a piece of advice, the mastermind killer of Harriri and others will never ever be found because he is already shot dead.
Another piece of advice, the same person that was after destroying the Marines building in Beirut has done it again to Harriri.
Where is he now? he was assassinated in his hideout in Syria with his master Ghazi Kan3an.
Save the STL money unless they are going to show evidence/details of the above to the public.

Default-user-icon مارون (Guest) 05 November 2011, 11:44

أفادت مصادر صحافية بريطانية بأن هذا التوجه الجديد لدى حزب الله ق$ تم بالتنسيق مع الموساد الإسرائيلي. الهدف منه حماية حزب الله مؤقتاً من مقصلة المحكمة، وهو يستجيب للحساب التالي : توجيه التهمة لإسرائيل لا يحتم أي ثمن على هذه الأخيرة لما لديها من قوة ونفوذ، وبالتالي فهو لا يزعجها وفي ذات الوقت فهو يدفع الخطر مؤقتاً عن حزب الله وخاصة عن نظام الأسد ويكسبهما شيئاً من الوقت. ومعروف أن حزب الله والأسد حاجة إسرائيلية، كما صرح به معاونو نتينياهو مراراً، والأسد ذاته وابن خاله المدعو مخلوف.

Default-user-icon Zadig (Guest) 05 November 2011, 13:46

يا دلي على هالأدله.