Putin Orders Halt to Egypt Flights

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President Vladimir Putin on Friday suspended Russian air traffic with Egypt and ordered assistance in bringing Russian nationals home as investigators probe why one of its passenger jets crashed in the Sinai.

The Russian president has ordered "the halting of flights with Egypt until we manage jointly with our Egyptian partners to establish the necessary level of provision of security for air travel," Peskov told journalists.

He said the move would affect all Russian airlines flying into and out of Egypt.

"We are talking about the security of our citizens, about preventative measures, and about providing the necessary level of security for our citizens who are taking flights to Egypt and back," he said.

The dramatic decision came after Britain and the U.S. said they suspected a bomb was responsible for Saturday's air disaster in which an Airbus jet crashed in the Sinai Peninsula, shortly after taking off from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

All 224 people on board were killed, most of them Russian tourists.

Peskov insisted that the decision did not mean that Russia believed the crash was caused by a deliberate attack, saying that "not one theory could dominate" until the investigation reports its results.

Meanwhile, the head of Russia's emergencies ministry said that Russian experts had taken samples from the crashed jet and were testing it for any traces of explosives. 

"All of these samples have been delivered to Moscow and are currently being carefully studied," minister Vladimir Puchkov said in televised comments. 

"If there are any traces of explosives then they will certainly be found." 

Putin's order came shortly after the director of Russia's FSB security service recommended halting flights to Egypt at the start of an emergency meeting of Russia's anti-terrorist committee.

"Until we have determined the true reasons for what happened, I consider it expedient to stop flights by Russian aviation to Egypt," FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov said in televised comments. 

Bortnikov said it was crucial to wait for the results of the probe before drawing any definitive conclusions about what caused the crash. 

"We need to receive absolutely objective and confirmed information about the crash of the plane," he said. 

The head of Russia's federal tourism agency Oleg Safonov told TASS state news agency that some 45,000 Russian tourists were currently estimated to be in Egypt.

Comments 18
Default-user-icon hajji Putin (Guest) 06 November 2015, 16:40

worried Vlade'? you better be;)

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 06 November 2015, 16:49

Explain to the Russian people why they lost their loved ones Mr. Putin, and please don't lie and tell them it had nothing to do with you bombing Syrian villages and hospitals.

Thumb ado.australia 06 November 2015, 17:40

So the destruction on this civilian plane is somehow justifiable?

I will give my right testicle (my only one left uncommitted:) if you are truly who you claim to be with your avatar name!

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 06 November 2015, 17:49

In that case ado, I urge you to commit the un-committed one. Not all Christians are owned by Iran and your Bashar Assad. Go troll somewhere else, loser.

Thumb justin 06 November 2015, 18:08

help me understand something here @ado.australia... so if lubnani shares your political views on Lebanese and Regional matters he becomes well deserving of the name in his avatar otherwise he is not a Christian Lebanese and perhaps even further than that ... a takfiri?

Thumb ado.australia 06 November 2015, 18:21

Justin... not so black and white and nothing at all to do with Lebanese politics. If Lubnani masi7i believes that the destruction of a civilian plane (causing the death of 227 innocent civilians) is anyway justifiable, then I am questioning his understanding and claim to christianity!

This has absolutely nothing to do with Iran and Assad... and this is my point "lubnani.masi7i".

Thumb galaxy 06 November 2015, 18:42

ado, you would have been a tiny bit more credible had you felt some contrition and compassion for the syrian children that are being killed on a daily basis by the russian air strikes. Perhaps, you believe that russian bombs only kill armed personnel. I read @lubnani masihi's comment and i did not see him offering a justification for the death of innocent civilians.

Missing mohammad_ca 07 November 2015, 15:04

so helping ASSad kill innocent civilians is justifiable?

Missing theobserver 06 November 2015, 17:40

if it has to do with bombing syria..... then this confirms that the ones being bombed are terrorists... since they retaliated with a terrorist attack, right masi7i ?
and regardless of ur position towards assad, those terrorists r a threat to lebanon and to christians.

Thumb kanaandian 06 November 2015, 18:43

it was done by the ikhwan because they hate infidels.
wake up, man.

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (Guest) 06 November 2015, 16:55

this is a prime example of how you present facts based on first hand knowledge of the differences between the so-called western coalition bombs and those of the russians. That is why you are popular. Thank you for being you Southern and of course Bravo.

Default-user-icon Abu Nuss Lsein (Guest) 06 November 2015, 17:21

You can barely read or write let alone pretend you are a naval military strategist!

Thumb justin 06 November 2015, 17:58

ارتفعت حصيلة ضحايا قصف الطيران الروسي على مدينة البوكمال في ريف دير الزور يوم أمس، إلى 50 شهيداً، بعد استهداف سوقاً شعبياً بالقرب من مسجد عمر بن الخطاب.

وأكد ناشطون، أن جميع ضحايا القصف الروسي على البوكمال من المدنيين ، فيما يقدر عدد الجرحى بحوالي 100 جريح بحسب مصادر طبية.

Thumb galaxy 06 November 2015, 18:38

"شارلي إيبدو" تسخر من الطائرة الروسية.. والكرملين غاضب


ندد الكرملين بشدة، اليوم الجمعة، بنشر مجلة "شارلي ايبدو" الفرنسية الساخرة رسوما كاريكاتيرية سياسية حول حادث تحطم الطائرة الروسية في مصر الذي قتل فيه 224 شخصا معظمهم سياح روس.
وقال ديمتري بيسكوف، المتحدث باسم الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين للصحافيين: "في بلادنا يمكننا إيجاز ذلك بكلمة واحدة: تدنيس". وأضاف أن "هذا لا علاقة له بالديمقراطية أو حرية التعبير. هذا تدنيس للمقدسات".

but it was freedom of speech when the same newspaper insulted the prophet of Islam and mocked him.

Default-user-icon zatar (Guest) 06 November 2015, 18:44

Because Some psychopaths (a person without empathy or a sense of remorse) return to the scene of the crime because they see their crime as a work of art, and they need to admire it. It's the same reason that arsonists always go back to watch the fire they've started.
Guess who is the psychopath? Those who insists that Bomb Is ‘Possibility’ in Loss of Russian Jet Over Egypt. Have a zatar pie with the cup of tea for the breakfast.



Thumb galaxy 06 November 2015, 18:49

مستشار خامنئي: إيران هي من تقود الحرب في سوريا


قال يحيى رحيم صفوي، المستشار العسكري الأعلى للمرشد الإيراني، علي خامنئي، إن إيران هي من تقود الحرب في سوريا، وإن مشاركة الحرس الثوري في القتال مصيرية للغاية"، على حد تعبيره.
وبحسب وكالة "فارس"، أكد اللواء صفوي خلال زيارة عائلة الجنرال حسين همداني الذي كان يقود قوات الحرس الثوري في سوريا، والذي قتل في حلب الشهر الماضي، أن "إيران منعت سقوط بشار الأسد من خلال تشكيل جبهة دولية إسلامية في سوريا ضد الأعداء"، في إشارة إلى التدخل العسكري الروسي وجلب قوات الحرس الثوري وحزب الله اللبناني والميليشيات العراقية والأفغانية والباكستانية وغيرها إلى سوريا للقتال إلى جانب نظام الأسد ضد المعارضة السورية.
وقال صفوي إن "الأعداء كان لديهم مخطط لإسقاط حكومة بشار الأسد للتحرك بعد ذلك صوب حزب الله لبنان، ومن ثم التوجه صوب العراق ومن بعدها إيران".

Default-user-icon zatar (Guest) 06 November 2015, 18:51

Galaxy, I think you misplaced the location, you are acting like from the other galaxy. those who were using the freedom of speech impression have nothing to do with the Russians, your concerns should be addressed to France and Britons.

Thumb janoubi 06 November 2015, 19:10

9 minutes ago AFP quoting investigation source: A black box has confirmed a "violent and sudden" demise of the Russian jet.