Berri Seeking Settlement on Presidency, Elections Law

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Speaker Nabih Berri is reportedly seeking to reach a settlement on the presidential crisis and an electoral draft-law as he stressed that the national dialogue would be under threat if officials boycott it.

Informed sources told As Safir newspaper that Berri is exerting efforts to strike a deal among the dialogue's participants to agree on a presidential candidate and approve the elections law in a bid to resolve the country's political crisis.

The sources did not give further details. But Berri told his visitors in remarks published in several dailies on Friday that the second round of all-party talks earlier in the week was better than the first.

He said his objective lies in “reaching a comprehensive solution that starts with the presidency and leads to all other issues.”

“I have asked the conferees to bring answers to the next session on the proposals I have made,” Berri told the visitors.

Asked about Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun's non-participation in the dialogue, the speaker said: “Aoun called me and informed me that he would not attend and that Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil will represent him.”

But “he is supposed to participate in the next session because his continued absence would pave way for possible similar stances by other” conferees, he said.

More boycotts would “make the dialogue, which is for everybody's sake, pointless,” the speaker warned.

Berri was asked about the assault by his supporters on hunger strikers in downtown Beirut during the national dialogue session that he chaired on Wednesday.

He said he did not know about the attack until he returned to Ain el-Tineh.

“I asked Amal Movement officials to interfere to calm things down and prevent a deterioration,” Berri told his visitors.

Amal members on motorcycles attacked on Wednesday the gathering of protesters who had been staging a sit-in and a hunger strike outside the Environment Ministry for two weeks, uprooting their tents and throwing large stones at them.

The men accused the protesters of cursing Berri.

The speaker said the demonstrators have the right to criticize officials but it is wrong to use “immoral” words against them.



Comments 12
Default-user-icon Roger Abu Jawdeh (Guest) 18 September 2015, 07:00

The speaker said the demonstrators have the right to criticize officials but it is wrong to use “immoral” words against them.

It is ok to use immoral words against everybody except Berri and Nassrallah. If you do, they will send their resistance heroes and teach you a lesson right under the nose of the helpless security forces.

Thumb -phoenix1 18 September 2015, 19:49

It is now well beyond any doubt who does not want Lebanon to change for the better, nor to prosper, nor to develop, nor to move forward, Berri the thief and Nasrallah the ringleader. Even Michel Aoun is now keeping his distance from the these two servants of Iran and Syria.

Default-user-icon Question (Guest) 18 September 2015, 21:21

Nassrallah has many, which one?

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 18 September 2015, 07:03

Mr. Beri, Mr. Jumblatt and General Aoun are the only 3 politicians working for the benefit of Lebanon. The rest pfffft....

Default-user-icon field correspondent (Guest) 18 September 2015, 07:17

لقي 12 من عناصر “حزب الله” اللبناني مصرعهم أمس الخميس في مدينة الزبداني بريف دمشق، التي تحاول قوات نظام بشار الأسد ومسلحو الحزب السيطرة عليها منذ أكثر من شهرين.

Default-user-icon ϾÎϿ flamerintayeh (Guest) 18 September 2015, 07:45

Dear Mr. Berri
Do you know why I was banned?

Missing humble 18 September 2015, 08:50

Caporal has destroyed the country beyond repair.

Missing coolmec 18 September 2015, 10:20

Ma fachar
We will get rid of him and we will restore the country

Default-user-icon JCAmerican &/or JCWilliams (Guest) 18 September 2015, 09:04

When you boil the water out of the pan, even if you think Nassrallah is corrupt and a horrible man, what he is proposing is the only way forward at this point or else you will face Civil War.

Default-user-icon blablablablabla and one more bla (Guest) 18 September 2015, 10:21

i have a nice smile

Default-user-icon mowaten (Guest) 18 September 2015, 10:32

I am bored, I need to troll

Thumb beiruti 18 September 2015, 15:27

Dialogue is for principals, for the decision makers. There is not one person at this so called "National Dialogue" who is a principal or a decision maker. All have outside patrons who give them money and who will suspend payments if any make an independent decision at this meeting that does not serve the interests of the outside patron. Hezbollah will decide to allow an election if Iranian regional policy says to wait? Aoun will act without Hezbollah's green light? Berri without Assad's? Jumblatt without his supporters? Future without KSA's?
Lebanon is politically mortgaged and the mortgagees are not at the table.