Report: Ibrahim Revives Hostages File

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim has resumed contacts with mediators to press for the release of Lebanese servicemen taken hostage by jihadists in August last year, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Friday.

Ibrahim asked the involved parties to swiftly resolve the case, it said.

The General Security leader visited Prime Minister Tammam Salam on Thursday to discuss with him the case of the soldiers and policemen who were taken hostage by al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State group when they overran the northeastern border town of Arsal.

While the negotiations with al-Nusra Front through a mediator from Qatar have made progress, talks with the IS have reached a standstill.

Despite hints by several officials that the release of the servicemen in al-Nusra Front's captivity was imminent, nothing has materialized so far.

Its fighters are allegedly calling for a swap with Islamists jailed in Roumieh Prison.

Ibrahim was quoted as saying on Monday that an agreement with the group had been reached for the release of the captives. But its leaders backed off from the deal the last minute.

He said he is carrying out his duties and that his mission would be complete when the hostages are back to their families.

“I haven't heard of new demands from al-Nusra,” he said, adding “I am ready to discuss any new development in the case.”



Comments 5
Default-user-icon tony sawayyah (Guest) 04 September 2015, 08:14

"The General Security leader visited Prime Minister Tammam Salam on Thursday to discuss ..."
Abbas Ibrahim is now a leader??? He is a public employee undeserving of his post and nothing more!

Default-user-icon Army Hostage (Guest) 04 September 2015, 09:22

Report: Ibrahim Revives Hostages File
about time he revived the File?
Sorry, but all this time where was the File???

Thumb saturn 04 September 2015, 09:39

Thought you people forgot your sons, among the trash crisis and all that!

Default-user-icon saturnbemoss (Guest) 04 September 2015, 10:55

exactly maybe milk is not white after all

Thumb -phoenix1 04 September 2015, 14:26

Another waste of time from those who are leading this country to its destruction when we could have solved this hostage crisis as well as hundreds of other problems a long time ago. We are lead by incompetent people, specialized in idiocy, lies, fabrications and theft. Then I look at the bowed heads of what we call our security forces, how quickly they succumbed to Al Nusra, and by contrast how quickly they would mercilessly attack innocent and peaceful protesters.