Ibrahim after Talks with Aoun: Door is not Shut

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim has said that he discussed with Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun ways to resolve the cabinet crisis.

“The door is not closed. There is a possibility to find a solution,” Ibrahim told al-Joumhouria newspaper published on Thursday.

Ibrahim denied that he discussed with Aoun on Wednesday a certain proposal, saying “we are discussing all ideas and all possibilities.”

He stressed that he hasn't stopped from holding contacts with other officials to end the current crisis, which erupted when FPM officials said they would not approve any decision in the cabinet if ministers do not first agree on its decision-making mechanism.

The FPM has been holding anti-government protests to pressure Prime Minister Tammam Salam into amending the mechanism that was adopted as a result of the vacuum at the presidential palace.

The movement's ministers want to have a say in setting the cabinet agenda, claiming they represent the Christian president in his absence.

The FPM also rejects the extension of the terms of high-ranking military and security officials, calling for the appointment of new officers because Aoun wants his son-in-law Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, who is the Commando Regiment chief, to become army chief.

His demands have led to the paralysis of the executive body, which failed to convene this week.

Ibrahim has launched an initiative to raise the retirement age of senior army officers for three years to end the growing political crisis.

Al-Joumhouria said that Speaker Nabih Berri, the head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora and Progressive Socialist Party chief lawmaker Walid Jumblat also held a meeting on Monday to discuss ways to activate the cabinet's work.



Comments 21
Thumb EagleDawn 20 August 2015, 10:09

hateful eyes so clear in the picture... can't believe hezbollah bombarded this sectarian to head of general security. they really have no shame!
Why is this iranian getting involved in politics?!

Thumb -phoenix1 20 August 2015, 19:11

Southern, maybe you ought to start with yourself, all these thumbs up for M8 posts and all these thumbs down for our posts is an insult but to your side and this Naharnet forum, of course, I haven't even all these multiple trolls the M8 posters keep creating on a daily basis. If for anything, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Thumb EagleDawn 20 August 2015, 20:15

phoenix: I just re-wrote what the troll mowaten once wrote about Rifi just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"_mowaten_ 4

hateful eyes so clear in the picture... can't believe m14 bombarded this sectarian corrupt head of police to a ministerial position. they really have no shame"

Thumb barrymore 20 August 2015, 20:50

southern; you are a typical hezbollah fanboy. You people decide who is decent and who is not. mowaten describes Rifi in those terms it is not an insult because you say so. You decide who is zionist and who is not. You decide who is Christian and who is not. You decide who is ashraf nass and who is not. One more thing: of course you know who is voting us down and of course you care. There are only 4 of you on this forum ( I have suspicion you are the same person anyway) and you claim you don't know?;)

Thumb -phoenix1 21 August 2015, 14:30

Southern, mbalah, you care, but let me tell you, this is a childish game at best, and a silly game at worst and I agree 100% with Eagle in what he wrote of Mowaten. This trolling activity ya Southern is a cynical move by the M8 posters of this forum, we know what's behind it all, but unfortunately for your side, you will continue to receive your daily kicks in the mouth till Lebanon is freed from your grips, Hezbollah's grips. LO almighty God, look at what is happening to the FPM, your glorious ally, sinking into the trash bins of history, Hezbollah is due soon after.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 11:14

How about you and your people as foreign agents? Can you tell us more???

Default-user-icon illiterate and very illegitimate southern (Guest) 20 August 2015, 13:18

breaking barriers
well said southern

Default-user-icon illegitimate but legal southern (Guest) 20 August 2015, 15:33

well said southern

Missing un520 20 August 2015, 14:26

The proof is in the pudding: Al-Assir arrested, while numerous Hezbollah-affiliated suspects are nowhere to be found. I dont know if its by his own free will or if its because of physical or psychological pressure, but this man perform selective when it comes to arrests.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 August 2015, 14:41

(1). Mystic, Mr. Muscle. I have these beautiful quotes for you from the Imam Ali, (AS):
(1). Remain silent until you are requested to speak, for that is better than speaking until you are requested to become silent".
(2). I am astonished at those people who when you respect them they disrespect you, and if you disrespect them they respect you"
(3). Increase your silence and your thoughts will flourish, your heart will enlighten, and people will be safe from your hands".
(4). A free man is free even when stricken by harm, and a slave remains a slave even if circumstances help him".
(5). Blabbering too much shall make the guest bored and the boss dishonored".
(6) Who sets his tongue free, shows how silly he is.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 August 2015, 14:47

(2). Mystic.
(7) Who speaks a lot, his mistakes are abundant".
(8). Who speaks a lot is not safe from falling".
(9). Who straightens his tongue, balanced his brain".
(10). Who makes his tongue his own commander, killed himself".
(11). The most low of wisdom is what stops on the tongue.
(12). The silliest silly, is he who takes pride in the bad saying".
(13). The most tiresome time for a wise man is when he speaks to a silly man".

Imam Ali (AS).

Thumb Mystic 20 August 2015, 14:40

Indeed southern, too many wahabi stooges around us. All we can do is laugh. It wont bring any fortune paying attention to them and their demands.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 20 August 2015, 14:50

is that a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist father and son in your avatar?

Thumb -phoenix1 20 August 2015, 19:13

Indeed Mystic, the king of Farsi stooges feels and looks a lot like you guys, but with your watching Al Manar and OTV and nothing else, somewhere down the line you will get seriously affected in your thinking and line of vision.

Thumb Mystic 20 August 2015, 21:48

Phoenix, you are the definition of a sell out. You never did anything for Lebanon other than talk and genocides on behalf of Israel and the U.S.A, now that the western powers and Israel left you people to yourselves, you proud phoenicians turn to Arab bedouins for money and support.

I must mention, that honor is something you people lack off completely, and something that wont be achieved aslong as you remain stooges and bow down to the enemies of Lebanon and betraying your own christian people.

Thumb Mystic 20 August 2015, 21:58

You are also the one that whines like a vain teenage girl, complaining about thumbs on Naharnet.

Thumb beiruti 20 August 2015, 15:43

Mr. Ibrahim, please, you talk to Aoun and come out and make predictions of what he will do with open doors or closed doors or no doors at all? Aoun says one thing one minute and other thing the next. It is a symptom of his deteriorating mental condition.
The constant is that he wants to be President and his son in law the head of the Army. He will obstruct anything and everything and close every door except that one. This, you can predict about Aoun, the rest of what comes out of his mouth, might as well come out of the backside of a bull.

Thumb ex-fpm 20 August 2015, 15:58

In his efforts to regain lost Christian rights, I wonder if the great general talked to Abbas Ibraheem about relinquishing the post of General Security and giving it back to the Christians.

Thumb freedomarch 20 August 2015, 17:09

I feel that there will be bankruptcy on a state level soon, me being from people who have No one what so ever that work with public sector would like to see Iran stepping in to pay salaries for our deeply sectarianly selected employees. Don't care about private sector too since non of my family own any private business. If I had a chance , any place to work, than it would have been a different thing. Sectarian people it's not your lucky day.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:39

Look at the response of the idiot. He insults some M14 people about being "foreign agents". So, I ask him to tell me about his people being agents. A0nd look at his answer:
1- He doesn't dare to face the question...zero courage to tell the reality.
2 - He changes the question and shift it about someone who was one of the best patriots and wo has now become an agent. He doesn't even know who is the guy. Zero intellect.
3 - He thinks that by insulting M14 people (zionist, Nusra, ISIS, Wahhabis etc...) he has added a precious comment to the Naharnet Blog. Zero logic. Zero reasoning. Zero argumentation.
Simply put : zero multiplied by any other number always equal ZERO.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 August 2015, 14:46

Terrorist, this is now the M8 posters only option.