Tunisia Gunman Had Weapons Training in Libya


The Tunisian gunman who killed 38 tourists at a beach resort received weapons training from jihadists in chaos-wracked Libya, secretary of state for security Rafik Chelli told AFP on Tuesday.

"It is confirmed that he went to Libya illegally. He was trained in Sabratha (west of Tripoli)," Chelli said.

The attacker, whom the authorities have identified as 23-year-old Seifeddine Rezgui, was in Libya at the same time as the two authors of the March attack at the National Bardo Museum, which killed 21 tourists and a policeman.

It is impossible to confirm whether or not the three met or trained together in Libya, Chelli said.

"They were away (from Tunisia) at the same time," he said. "In Sabratha, there is only one camp that trains young Tunisians."

"When they trained, it was with Ansar al-Sharia," said Chelli, referring to a jihadist group, though he could not confirm when they were there.

Both the March 18 and June 26 attacks were claimed by the Islamic State group.

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