Aoun Rejects 'Puppet' President, Says 'Confrontation' Has not Ended

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun has considered himself a consensual candidate stressing that he would not accept a "puppet" to rule the country.

Aoun told al-Joumhouria daily in an interview published on Friday that he told his supporters to mobilize for street protests.

“I will not accept for the period of Syrian (hegemony) to be repeated in Lebanon and for a puppet president to be elected,” he said.

“We need a consensual head of state who … can fix the track and can control corruption and security,” the head of the Change and Reform bloc leader stressed.

Asked whether he thought he was a consensual candidate, Aoun replied: “Of course.”

Lawmakers from Aoun's bloc in addition to Hizbullah MPs have been boycotting parliamentary sessions aimed at electing a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May last year.

Their boycott has caused a lack of quorum, leaving Baabda Palace vacant.

Aoun accused al-Mustaqbal Movement and the March 14 alliance of “seeking to impose a president who does not represent Christians.”

It was not clear if he was referring to Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea.

Asked if the vacuum in the country's top Christian post would remain pending his election, Aoun replied: “Until now yes. There is a confrontation.”

He also reiterated that he would not make any concessions.

Aoun denied what he called “rumors” that he is preparing for a “surprise” on August 7.

He said, however, that “something could take place although I haven't promised anything.”

The weekly meetings that the FPM chief is holding with his supporters are aimed at “awakening the people,” he said.

“If we don't tell them the truth of what's happening, then they will say that Aoun has paralyzed the cabinet and the parliament,” the MP told his interviewer.

Aoun is holding meetings with crowds visiting him at his residence in Rabieh every Saturday. He is addressing them with fiery speeches rejecting plans for the extension of the terms of high-ranking military and security officials.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam has suspended cabinet sessions after warnings made by FPM ministers that they would not attend meetings if the government agenda is not topped by an article on the appointment of top officials.

Aoun wants to receive political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz as army chief as part of a package for the appointment of other top security officers.

Asked why he was not in favor of delaying discussions on controversial issues in the cabinet, Aoun said: “These topics are linked to the rights of Christians.”

“Under the law, the army leadership belongs to Maronites,” he stressed.

“When they illegally and unconstitutionally extend the term of the military leader, then he loses his immunity,” said Aoun.



Comments 23
Thumb westernlebanese 19 June 2015, 08:33

Geagea for President and you will see how he will clean up this persian scam...

Missing humble 19 June 2015, 09:11

The Christians in Lebanon are being destroyed NOT by ISIS, not by Nusra, not by Qaida, not by external forces, BUT from WITHIN by one mad man who is a complete megalomaniac. The History of Lebanon will retain how a traitor from within has destroyed the Christians for his personal egoistic interests.

Thumb bananasplit 19 June 2015, 18:50

So true.

Thumb geha 19 June 2015, 09:20

nothing consensual about this iranian puppet.

Thumb sophia_angle 19 June 2015, 09:21

No for puppet president anymore enough! good to have you GMA today to claim our rights for once, hope to see you president soon for a strong & clean Lebanon.
General Aoun w bass :)

Missing humble 19 June 2015, 09:56

He is the puppet of Ebola. FACT full stop...

Missing humble 19 June 2015, 10:05

Anyone who wants a fool is a fool himself.

Thumb freedomarch 19 June 2015, 13:37

82 years of noble work as an army officer, raised to the top of the command ladder. ... OK enough, we know he is killing himself to appoint his true soldier Chamel, but hizbolah ties and age want play in favor of him ambitions. Just, remove your ties with terror groups. Put Lebanon first, and yes you might find people from the other side voting you. But as is, your chances are slim. And you should sense people's frustration from your selfishness and that all have be destroyed if my sons in law don't have jobs! What a lunatic...situation.

Thumb freedomarch 19 June 2015, 13:39

82 years of noble work as an army officer, raised to the top of the command ladder. ... OK enough, we know he is killing himself to appoint his true soldier Chamel, but hizbolah ties and age want play in favor of his ambitions. Just, remove your ties with terror groups. Put Lebanon first, and yes you might find people from the other side voting you. But as is, your chances are slim. And you should sense people's frustration from your selfishness and that all have be destroyed if my sons in law don't have jobs! What a lunatic...situation

Thumb -phoenix1 19 June 2015, 15:40

Sorry to break your bubble ya Angle, today the Russians were at the caporal's house to tell him that he does not have THE knife to cut the cheese. Now keep dreaming if that's any comfort to you.

Default-user-icon LOL (Guest) 19 June 2015, 18:42

sophia good one, especially when your avatar shows aoun as he looked when he deserted his command post and ran away!

Missing humble 19 June 2015, 10:04

Everyone knows the psychological mental illness of this man. Even Ebola and the Butcher have a file on him and they know how to manipulate him.
He is unstable and have almost daily neurasthenic crisis for even small issues. He cannot control his impulses. No one dares open his mouth.
Can such a man be at the TOP of a country?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 19 June 2015, 11:31

a puppet president goes with a puppet prime minister and a puppet head of parliament
in the name of equality
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon kaneyamakane (Guest) 19 June 2015, 15:09

god bless mindless empty rhetoric

Missing humble 19 June 2015, 12:17

These are true facts. Refer to "Orange Reform"...

Default-user-icon fh7 (Guest) 19 June 2015, 12:33

Confrontation temporary
Lunacy permanent
that's the clementines way

Missing ya_kord 19 June 2015, 13:36

no matter how you spin it, boycotting a vote because you fear you will lose it and telling the "Opposition" parties to vote for you is contradictory to democracy lol. Only in Lebanon a politician telling opposition parties to vote for him is considered normal, in other countries constituents vote mp's to represent their interests and that does not include voting in Parliament in favor of the politician that their constituents voted against!!! so again no matter how you spin it or justify it what Aoun and H.A are doing is undemocratic and they know if they dont boycott the vote they will lose "democraticly"

Thumb beiruti 19 June 2015, 16:15

Why does he hold his head with his hand? Is his head so heavy? It could not be since it is full of air and air is not so heavy.
He is pure nonsense this guy. He does not want a "puppet president" and he is a known puppet of Hezbollah and Iran. He demands a consensual president and thinks that he is one even though Iran has said Aoun or no one and of course this means that the Lebanese Sunni will never accept him. He is divorced from reality or else thinks that he can manufacture reality from the empty spaces between his two floppy ears.

Thumb beiruti 19 June 2015, 16:17

Hezbollah loves him. They get their money's worth out of him. He is the perfect foil. Instead of us talking about how Hezbollah has paralyzed the Lebanese Government so that it can prosecute its proxy war in Syria on behalf of Iran and thus jeopardize the Lebanese Republic, we have the Crazy Aoun to talk about and to blame for the current state of paralyzed affairs. Him and his crazy family ambitions which are a joke and would not even be serious for talk around his mazza table. But with Hezbollah behind the curtain, no one dare not take Aoun seriously, and thus Hezbollah is allowed to hide and cover and paralyze while leaving the lackey Aoun out to swing in the wind. And Lebanon with him.

Thumb thepatriot 19 June 2015, 16:34

He is the puppet, Hassan is the puppeteer...

Default-user-icon harab.3awn (Guest) 19 June 2015, 21:41

Yes flamy of course

Thumb shab 20 June 2015, 00:27

loool @ “Of course.”

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 20 June 2015, 02:49

AOUN rejets a puppet. President,
And so does all Lebanese citizens,
That's why AOUN should never reach presidency
Enough destruction he causes as puppet to HA in his actual political position
Just imagine in what hell lebanon will be in in case he plays the puppet role as president, GOSHSHSH.