Rifi Reveals Plans for STL to Study Samaha Case

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Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi has revealed that he was working on transferring the terrorism case of former Information Minister Michel Samaha to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

Rifi told al-Mustaqbal newspaper published on Monday that “there is a tendency to transfer part” of the file linked to the explosives, which Samaha had transferred to Lebanon to the STL in the Hague.

The other part linked to Syrian President Bashar Assad's alleged involvement in the case could be transferred to the International Criminal Court, he said.

Last week, the military court sentenced Samaha to four-and-a-half years in jail over terrorism charges, including the time he served since August 2012.

The tribunal's verdict against Samaha drew the ire of the March 14 alliance in particular the Mustaqbal Movement that described the sentence as a “joke.”

Rifi promised to submit a draft-law to the cabinet to dissolve the tribunal after a video was broadcast showing the former minister discussing with undercover police informant Milad Kfouri plans to carry out explosions in Lebanon.

The video was an indication that Assad was aware of the plot, Rifi told al-Mustaqbal.

“This is an additional documented evidence on Assad's role in crimes other than the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri,” he said.

Along with Samaha, the head of Syria's powerful National Security Council, Brig. Gen. Ali Mamlouk, and a Syrian aide were also indicted in the case. Their case was separated from Samaha's because they could not be brought to the court.



Comments 10
Thumb geha 18 May 2015, 08:44

that is the only way to go: STL.
the military court ruling is pure shame.

Missing humble 18 May 2015, 09:03

Ebola has put its hand on all the judicial system. The only hope for a fair trial is the STL.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 18 May 2015, 11:56

refusing direct orders from his superiors i.e. minister of interior Barroud needs a military court
ma heik minister of justice riffi
god bless freedom of speech

Thumb Mystic 18 May 2015, 13:30

You are a mostaqbali worm banijiddo, a lunatic also. You live under the Wahabis shadow and acts like you are all moderates, real joke.

Rifi should be on trial for supporting takfiris in Lebanon.

Missing greatpierro 18 May 2015, 14:40

are you saying that you are happy with the sentence given to Samaha? I thought that an educated person like you would be seeking justice by all means.

Missing greatpierro 18 May 2015, 14:41

FT what more evidence you need other than those videos and the personal recognition of Samaha of those crimes?

Thumb -phoenix1 18 May 2015, 15:00

When justice is repeatedly flaunted like it was over the Samaha case, then what would one expect but an overwhelming reaction to set the course straight? How many times have there been travesties of justice in Lebanon? If by one iota of decent justice, justice was seen to be done over the killing of Rafic Hariri and the ensuing assassinations of M14 politicians, would it have then been necessary for Lebanon to take these case to the STL? But because in Lebanon justice is being impeded and definitely delayed would a blatant case like Samaha's be retried in a higher court with the sole expectation to see justice done. Only justice, real justice would help prevent that evil hand to perpetrate so much killings on Lebanese soil, and also to prevent so much meddling. We all know that once justice finds the real culprits, things will certainly begin to change, and for the better for most of us.

Thumb -phoenix1 18 May 2015, 17:05

FT, about that video, it's authentic and is called a life insurance by the M14 side. The fact that it is going to be sent to the STL means that it is fully verifiable. The legal team fighting for the sentencing of Samaha, knew from day one that the military tribunal here is infiltrated by Hezbollah people, thus knew that court decisions will be tainted as we now see. The new hitherto unreleased videos are simply a legal teams way of making the indictment stick better, and now it shows that it was wise NOT to throw all M14 cards on the table. You should accept that M14 is dealing with the devil himself, M8 and Hezbollah.

Thumb ex-fpm 18 May 2015, 19:03

the_truth and phoenix:
The videos and all other documents were submitted as part of the "Ma7dar" that led to the arrest of Samaha and his referral to the military tribunal. However the military court ignored the evidence.
ولإطلاع الرأي العام على محضر تسليم المضبوطات، نُورِد صورة طبق الأصل عن محضر التسليم الرقم 283 صفحة 96 بتاريخ 9/8/2012 التي تؤكد تسليم 25 شريطا مُدمَجا تحوي كل التسجيلات”.


Thumb freedomarch 19 May 2015, 01:27

Falamethrower, You are heart Blinded.