Hariri Meets Kerry, Says Trying to Spare Lebanon Impact of Dispute with Hizbullah

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Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Wednesday kicked off a visit to Washington, where he announced that his political camp is trying to spare Lebanon any repercussions from the “drastic disputes” with Hizbullah.

“We must exert efforts to end the rift and elect a president for Lebanon,” said Hariri after talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in the U.S. capital.

“Lebanon is in the eye of the storm and there are drastic disputes with Hizbullah, but we're trying to spare Lebanon the impact of the disagreement with Hizbullah,” he added.

The ex-PM also slammed “the role of Iran in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen” as “nonconstructive,” revealing that he discussed with Kerry “means to steer Lebanon clear of the current crises.”

Hariri noted that any foreign support must be offered to “the Lebanese state, not to parties in Lebanon,” pointing out that the recent Saudi donations were offered “to the Lebanese army, not to Lebanese parties.”

Turning to Syria, Hariri called for “putting an end to the regime” in Damascus because “it killed its people.”

Asked whether Syria might witness an Arab operation similar to the Saudi-led Decisive Storm in Yemen, Hariri said: “We hope it will move to Syria.”

The so-called “defiant” Syrian regime “did not carry out any act against Israel,” Hariri added.

Before the meeting with Kerry, Hariri had warned that “the involvement of certain factions like Hizbullah and Iran ... in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen has grown to a point that is extremely dangerous.”

Noting that “Iran is a country that we all need to deal with,” Hariri underlined that the Lebanese people reject any “interference” in their domestic affairs.

And as he thanked Washington for its support for the Lebanese army, Hariri reminded that “we’re facing Daesh; we’re facing Nusra (Front) and we’re facing al-Qaida on our border.”

For his part, Kerry emphasized that the U.S. remains “committed to Lebanon’s stability and security.”

“We’re anxious to see the presidency ultimately filled and to try to see the effects of Daesh and Nusra and Syria moved away from Lebanon so that Lebanon can really have its sovereignty respected and its future protected and guaranteed,” the top U.S. diplomat added.

“We are very opposed to entities like Hizbullah and others using locations and places in Lebanon and nearby as pawns in this struggle,” he stated.

Kerry also called on Iran, Syria and other parties to “respect the integrity of Lebanon, and permit it and its people to be able to find the peace and the stability that they have longed for so long.”

“We will continue to support the Lebanese Armed Forces and the forces of moderation and those who want to work together peacefully to provide the future that the people of Lebanon deserve,” he added.

Hariri had kick-started his Washington visit by meeting congressmen of Lebanese origin.

California Congressman Darrell Issa, who is Lebanese-American, said Hariri stressed the importance of resolving the presidential stalemate, which is a “priority.”

“It constitutes a glimmer of hope,” Issa said.

MPs failed on several occasions to elect a new head of state over lack of quorum. President Michel Suleiman's term ended in May without the election of a successor.

Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc have been boycotting electoral sessions due to a disagreement with the March 14 camp over a compromise presidential candidate.

Issa pointed out that Hariri briefed the congressmen on the needs of the Lebanese security forces and the challenges that the country is facing due to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Lebanon is hosting around 1.5 million Syrian refugees, an enormous strain for a country with a population of just four million. The UNHCR has regularly urged the international community to provide Lebanon with greater assistance to tackle the influx.

Hariri is expected to meet senior U.S. officials during his visit to Washington, including U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

Sources close to the Lebanese official told al-Joumhouria newspaper that Hariri's visit is to inspect the U.S. stance on the turmoil in the region and the possible repercussions on Lebanon.


Comments 17
Missing humble 22 April 2015, 10:01

This man is working for the good of Lebanon.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 22 April 2015, 11:42


Thumb -phoenix1 22 April 2015, 14:58

Hass, be our guest, bring your lot first.

Default-user-icon whereami (Guest) 22 April 2015, 18:48

Saudi puppet

Thumb freedomarch 22 April 2015, 21:21

FOR BEING good? Hassan?

Thumb freedomarch 22 April 2015, 21:22

So if I loved "wahBizim" you would hang me? That will make what ??? TEKFIRI ring a bell in your empty head?

Thumb Mystic 22 April 2015, 22:49

When did his country the KSA ever fight against Israel?
Syria stood by the Resistance in 2006, while so called Lebanese stabbed them in the back.

Hariri, your Wahabis and Americans should know this. Their money and power can not buy Lebanon, no matter how much you try to sell them our land.

Thumb Mystic 23 April 2015, 00:48

Texas, the Syrians were the ones to open their borders to families during the 2006 war. While the government in Lebanon almost hailed Israeli strikes, making secret calls to the Zionist lobby to finish off the Resistance. The same corrupted government that was ousted in 2008.

Unlike M14, the Resistance is loyal to the people that helped them in time of need, neither do they forget the ones that stabbed them while they were occupied with the Zionist enemy.

Saudi Arabia is in open alliance with Israel, they even allowed their Airspace to be used by Israel against Iran in any future confrontation.

So this Mostaqbal garbage is far from realistic, any readers can search my claims on google and they will find out themselves.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 23 April 2015, 14:04

Where's your evidence the government of Lebanon made secret calls to the Zionist lobbies what crap your Idiot Persian puppets made a miscalculated venture and it cost this country 1200+ lives and billions in destruction and now you go on about this crap that the government of Lebanon which is represented by all sects would make a call to Israel to destroy their country you my man are an embecil.

Thumb -phoenix1 23 April 2015, 14:49

Mystic, in 2006, had it not been for the Hariri camp, Hezbollah might well today be in kingdom come. Every single HA partisan breathed a huge and deep sigh of relief when Siniora pulled out a deal at the eleventh hour that culminated in a cease fire on the 15th August. The relief was powerfully palpable with everyone in the Shiite community namely, but as usual, the backstabbing and bombastic propaganda got under way just after. It will win you guys no friends and even less any sympathy if you people continue to bite that hand that saves you from catastrophe. I see it from now when Hezbollah and those who follow it will face very grim and desolate days because of such introversions.

Thumb freedomarch 23 April 2015, 19:15

Phonix, as usual, depth an excellent analysis.

Thumb -phoenix1 23 April 2015, 20:32

Thanks @Freedom, only the truth shall save Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Can-Am (Guest) 22 April 2015, 23:36


When you say "...how much you try to ell them our land", you mean Iran don't you? You mean Syria and Hizthrowup don't you? There is no answer you could give that would mean you were talking about Lebanese. Mystic, the US has given over $2.9 billion since 2006 to the LEBANESE state and I'm sure the KSA have offered as much. As well as other UN and EU countries. What has Iran and Syria given Lebanon that it already didn't have except an international terrorist organization and an entity without regard to your government institutions.

Thumb westernlebanese 23 April 2015, 01:00

LOL please tell us when then last time iran fought israel?? Why are your leaders in the process in making peace with USA if they support takfiris and wahabis? please tell me... iran and hezbollah are #1 source of fakeness and terrorism

Default-user-icon Lebanon (Guest) 23 April 2015, 02:41


Thumb westernlebanese 23 April 2015, 10:54

well said @Can-Am

Default-user-icon NADER (Guest) 23 April 2015, 13:34

Hassan u & yr threater Hassoun should be hang yr self becoz of what u did for Our LOVELY LEBANON