Serbia Wins First Step Towards EU Membership

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Serbia on Wednesday won a first battle in its bid to join the European Union, when the EU executive recommended granting the Balkans nation candidate status.

If approved by EU leaders, the proposal by EU enlargement commissioner Stefan Fuele will be a key first step towards joining the EU club of 27 nations, which this year agreed to enlarge to 28 with Croatia, due to join in 2013.

In its yearly report on the progress made by candidates for entry into the club, the European Commission said "Serbia is ready to become a candidate country" but added that "the country will be ready to start accession negotiations as soon as further good progress is made."

It notably called for progress in talks with Kosovo, which began last March but are currently suspended due to trouble on the border of northern Kosovo.

Comments 9
Thumb jabalamel 12 October 2011, 14:34

why is that news on an nahar?

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 12 October 2011, 14:46

congratulations to our Orthodox Serbian brothers...

Default-user-icon knight templar (Guest) 12 October 2011, 14:58

what about turkey :) when they will get to be in the EU looool

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 12 October 2011, 15:21

Turkey in once they crush the mouse Assad

Thumb jabalamel 12 October 2011, 15:59

so serbs are good because they are orthodox?

of course, all those crimes in ex-yugoslavia civil war...nevermind that, they killed chatolics and muslims anyway...

that is so disgusting...

Thumb simon 12 October 2011, 17:12

Hi Night Templar!
Please try not to hold your breath on the Turkey issue...
In the USA turkey is eaten once a year, on thanks giving day!
In Europe Turkey is being eaten but never digested, each & every day out of 365. The Turkey must 1st. admit & extend his remorse

Thumb simon 12 October 2011, 17:17

for ahahilating 1.5 Million Arminians. they must stop threatening Cyprus & evecuate the north half of that magnificent Island. Then, they need to stop all 2gether their chase after the Kurdish minority. to name but a few musts!
The Europeans do not look forward & accept a new member who is behaving like a barbarian. If Tayyip has a dream of becoming the 21st century's Sultan, he has a few surprises waiting.

Default-user-icon knight templar (Guest) 12 October 2011, 23:00

TRUE 100% simon
i was only mocking the turks that all countries will be in the EU & they will never be
& yes no one shall ever 4get the armenian genocide

Default-user-icon Foufou88 (Guest) 13 October 2011, 03:49

rami, speak for yourself, they are not our brothers, we have nothing in common with them. Serbs are racists against oriental christians whether orthodox or not and they have nothing to do with christianity except the name, they dont follow anything in the religion so i dont see how they are my brothers but if they were i wouldnt congratulate them on loosing their independence by joining the EU where they will be dictated by protestant and catholics on how to be "civilized" and thus beciome even more far away from christianity.