Geagea Says State Slowly Eroding as Presidential Elections Adjourned to March

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea expressed regret on Wednesday that the state is decaying over the failure to elect a new head of state and expressed optimism on reaching an agreement with his rivals in the Free Patriotic Movement.

“In the absence of a president, the state is eroding bit by bit,” said Geagea during a press conference he held at his residence in Maarab, the same day MPs failed again to elect a new president.

“There are no reasons for vacuum,” the presidential candidate said.

“From the first session, MPs should have gone to parliament” to choose a successor to President Michel Suleiman whose term ended in May last year, he told reporters.

“The decision to elect a president lies in the hand of the Lebanese,” Geagea stressed.

“We are losing the Lebanonization of the elections,” he said.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan “Nasrallah should not await an agreement … abroad and should send his MPs to parliament to elect a president,” the LF chief stated.

The majority of the Hizbullah-led March 8 MPs have boycotted the sessions aimed at electing a new head of state, causing a lack of quorum.

Among boycotting lawmakers are members of Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc.

Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned Wednesday's session to March 11 after a limited number of MPs came to parliament.

During his weekly meeting with MPs, Berri said the failure to elect a president is unfortunate and opportunities to “Lebanonize” the polls are still available.

Geagea also said in his press conference the dialogue between the LF and the Free Patriotic Movement is ongoing. “They are exerting all efforts to guarantee its success.”

“Honestly, we don't have the same viewpoint on the presidential elections. We put the issue aside and are continuing to discuss other issues,” he said.

Geagea stated that the LF and FPM are preparing a document of principles.

The LF chief and Aoun, another presidential candidate, are set to meet after the finalization of the document.

The rivalry between the two leaders is one of the reasons that caused the vacuum at the country's top Christian post.



Comments 26
Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 13:50

lol this convicted murderer along with his few remaining relics called supporters thought he had a chance of becoming pres !!

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:08

how do you know someone is a murderer if they havn;t been convicted?

oh I forgot, you follow the M14 law of whoever we think is a murderer is a murderer but anyone proven to be a murderer shall be given the benefit of the doubt.

ok dude we understand you & m14 now.

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:14

So you have proof to show us of these convictions?

if not my previous post stands as proof as to how you & m14 judge.

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:20

why does a person with no conviction need amnesty?

its you who is refuting order to receive amnesty you need to have convictions at the very least.

now show us this proof that you insist in having.

Thumb Mystic 18 February 2015, 15:29

Convicted childkiller, 4 death sentences, a church exploder. Hope can anyone support a Judas like this?

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:33


it would be an insult to bother replying to such a pathetic attempt to show a conviction was in place for any wrong doing.

absolutely pathetic as it is equally hilarious,

now we know the true mentality of m14ers


Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:41

Yes we believe you....Just as we believe iceman is a deceased woman named normajean.

you m14ers are so honest its scary.

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:46

is that why you like him touching you? lol@ iceman/normajean touching turning to that the color of the thobe he/she wears also?

Missing humble 18 February 2015, 13:55

If Caporal declares clearly that "Ebola has confiscated the state decision. That Ebola must surrender its weapons. That he is not for Mutelateh. That the Butcher is an assassin. That the best course for Lebanon is Neutrality". Then he will be my candidate.
But he will not, because he is a traitor to the Christians.

Missing humble 18 February 2015, 13:56

Followers of Caporal, shut your mouth and follow.

Missing humble 18 February 2015, 14:00

Sleiman Frangieh has far better loyalty to the Christians than the Caporal who is the worst traitor in the History of Christians.

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 14:04

Yes humble, militia leaders are always more loyal than the LAF leaders.

man you're a walking book of wisdom...keep em coming lol.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (Guest) 18 February 2015, 14:10

roro, when will @wolf come out of retirement? Please, bring him back. It is a Must!

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:40

wolf been slapping you upside the head also?

shame to hear that, iceman/norma

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (Guest) 18 February 2015, 14:12

I am the_roar: I am a regular poster on naharnet. I have 20 fake accounts and I live on this forum 24/7. I make fake accounts and insult people when I have no argument or debate. I am a Shia who pretends not to speak Arabic and claims to live in Australia. I know every street in Lebanon and every MP's name despite my claim that I am 3rd generation Australian and having never been to Lebanon. I tell people I don't post on weekends to give them the impression I have a life. I lie and lie and lie and think people believe me. I also post as @wolf and @lebpatriot among others.

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:39

No you will never be "the_roar" ..but you you can copy my name as you do with many others because we all know the iceman-normajean loves attention

btw iceman/ you only wear your thobe when you use the normajean name or iceman also?

Thumb EagleDawn 18 February 2015, 15:47

20 minutes ago Geagea wishing Aoun a happy birthday via Twitter: I hope we will be able to achieve our full agreement before your next birthday.

There will not be a "next" birthday!

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 15:51

for once, may your words come true...may Geagea not see tomorrow let alone next year...convicted murderer of innocent children'
problem is ...God certainly won;t have him...& the fella downstairs is scared to have him around also.... so I guess this world is stuck with him

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 18 February 2015, 16:07

Roar your response proves how stupid you are... By agreeing with eagle you are hoping that Aoun doesn't see his next birthday and agreeing with "the stupid M14ers"

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 16:47

yes Joe I'm stupid..thanks for your concerns.

may you remain the wise owl of humanity.

Default-user-icon Jaafar Ibn Iblees (Guest) 18 February 2015, 17:47

Is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?

Thumb the_roar 18 February 2015, 16:20

Not sure whats Iranian style..but I do know you like Saudi style.

Go see how that works.

As for the FPM..they suggested the most democratic system to elect a Pres.

people refused on ya bike & see how Saudi style suits you

Default-user-icon marlboro (Guest) 18 February 2015, 17:40

well said @winston

Thumb beiruti 18 February 2015, 17:43

I am sure Hakim knows the true picture and reason why there is no Lebanese President yet. The Presidency is held hostage by Hezbollah/Iran. Hezbollah has set a limus test for the Presidency. The new President must agree to enter into a mutual defense agreement with the Assad Regime and commit the Lebanese Army to defense of the Assad Regime in Lebanon and in Syria.
This is looking at the picture through the narrow frame of Hezbollah's and Iran's interests and ignoring Lebanon completely.

Thumb beiruti 18 February 2015, 17:44

For Lebanon to enter into such a pact would completely alienate the Lebanese Sunni and force them into the hand of Nusra or Daeg from Sidon to Akkar to Tripoli. It would destroy Lebanon. But this is the blackmail with which Lebanon is faced. Its Iran's stick in the wheel and the person holding the stick in the wheel is none other than Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasrallah. Both traitors to the Lebanese people and Republic.

Thumb nickjames 18 February 2015, 19:53

Ex, I was referring to the elections in the past: Sleiman, Lahoud, Hrawi, Gemayel...