Lebanon Condemns Israeli Escalation, Says Hizbullah Operation Didn't Violate Blue Line

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Prime Minister Tammam Salam condemned Wednesday Israel's military escalation in south Lebanon, as the Foreign Ministry noted that a deadly Hizbullah attack on Israeli troops in the occupied Shebaa Farms did not violate the Blue Line that was demarcated by the U.N. following the 2006 war.

In a statement, Salam stated that “the Israeli escalation on the border with Lebanon after the Shebaa operation might pave the way for dangerous possibilities that do not serve peace and stability in the region.”

"Lebanon is committed to (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1701, and it lauds the efforts of the UNIFIL peacekeepers who lost a member of the Spanish contingent,” he added.

Salam said “Lebanon urges the international community to rein in the hostile intentions of Israel, which is gambling with the security and stability of the region.”

The prime minister also stressed that “Lebanon stands united behind the legitimate armed forces that are tasked with defending its land, security, and people.”

Salam urged the Lebanese “to stay united in these hard times during which we are facing the threat of an enemy that might do anything.”

He also called UNIFIL chief in south Lebanon General Luciano Portolano and offered his condolences over the death of a member of the Spanish brigade in the Israeli retaliatory shelling of south Lebanon.

Earlier on Wednesday, Lebanon's Foreign Ministry condemned Israel's shelling of Lebanese territory, saying it “was a response to an operation that was launched from the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms that lie outside of the Blue Line.”

The ministry also stressed Lebanon's commitment to UNSCR 1701.

Two Israeli soldiers were killed and seven wounded earlier on Wednesday in a Hizbullah attack on a military convoy in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

The Israeli army announced that two of its troops were killed, while a spokesman said seven soldiers were “lightly-to-moderately wounded” in the attack.

The attack prompted Israel to shell areas in southern Lebanon in a significant escalation along the volatile border.

Hizbullah said in its claim of responsibility that it targeted several vehicles transporting officers and soldiers with missiles to avenge the Israeli raid on Syria's Quneitra that killed six of its fighters and a top Iranian general.



Comments 34
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 28 January 2015, 17:34

This government is a farce and it deserves everything it gets in return. Instead of condemning the terrorist party's actions they shift the blame and burry their heads in the sand.

Missing coolmec 28 January 2015, 17:36

Non, Shebaa est une partie integrale du Liban

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 18:02

Non Môôônsieur...Shebaa est syrienne et dans tous les cas ses habitants souhaitent rester avec Israël...(ça doit vous embêter n'est ce pas?)

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 January 2015, 18:28

de un, c'est faux, shebaa appartient au liban (cf le lien en haut)

de deux, qui te permet de parler pour ses habitants? qu'en sais tu? ou sont tes sources?

de trois, si nimporte qui sur le territoire libanais veut "etre" ou "rester" avec israel il peut partir ou mourrir, on s'en fout.

Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 29 January 2015, 00:53

espèce de....quoique tu dises ton cas est réglé...tu es 'humble' un traitre à la patrie / par ailleurs, il va de soi que sous occupation les habitants de cette région jouissent d'une liberté de parole, oui, oui très certainement...comme je le disais au préalable: espèce de...

Thumb kanaanljdid 28 January 2015, 20:34

Shebaa est sous la ligne bleue de démarcation, et considéré comme syrien. En plus, le Hizbullah par sa seule présence viole la résolution 1701

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 28 January 2015, 17:44

god bless our LAF and everyone who defends the 10452

Default-user-icon Lebanon-first (Guest) 28 January 2015, 17:47

When the "head of the government" is not concerned than the decision of going to war is unilaterally taken by a milicia, we don't deserve a country nor a government.

Thumb the_roar 28 January 2015, 17:52

glad you started your all knowing truth about the world with "LOL"

Thumb the_roar 28 January 2015, 17:54

Lebanese Gov has made its official statement....time for Israel & HA to accept they cannot go further & use restraint for everyones sake.

otherwise many will die from both sides.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 18:00

Poor Lebanon who has become prisonner of Ebola and must do "gymnastics" to avoid more retalation...

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 21:19

I am not with Israel. But YOU are with Iranian Ebola which makes of you a clear traitor.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 18:04

Absolument vrai.Shebaa est syrienne et en plus ses habitants souhaitent rester avec Israël.

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 January 2015, 18:25

Shebaa appartient au Liban, la trahison c'est de le nier pour servir les interets de l'ennemi.


"Government officials in Jerusalem said the UN cartographer handling the matter in recent months has determined that the area is indeed Lebanese. The officials added that Syria and Lebanon also agree that the area is Lebanese. Therefore, the UN has said there is no reason for Israel not to relinquish control over the area."

Thumb kanaanljdid 28 January 2015, 20:30

Tout à fait, la ligne bleue de l'ONU stipule bien que ce n'est pas un territoire libanais mais syrien. Cependant le parti du Satan a toujours une excuse pour déclencher des guerres inutiles afin de justifier son arsenal et sa main-mise sur le Liban.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 18:20

Veritas absolute veritas. Thank you for telling the truth.

Default-user-icon fhfhfjffkfkf (Guest) 28 January 2015, 18:54

get a life flamethrower really man... don't you have anything else to do?

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 January 2015, 19:28

and then there are those sitting on the side and whining because they dont even understand the game.

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 January 2015, 20:11

and then there are those who try to emulate a comeback and fail.

Thumb Machia 28 January 2015, 19:50

In 2006, Hezbollah and Israel battled it out. Lebanon was destroyed. Hezbollah declared the "divine victory". Israel achieved its strategic target to stop Syria, the Islamic Republic of Iran and their client Hezbollah to use the Shebaa Farms etc. as an ongoing battlefield.
In 2015, it seems that Israel has another objective in mind and Hezbollah and their masters in Teheran are falling into the trap. At the end of the day it was Israel that started the round of violence in Quneitra.
What is Israel's end game: putting more pressure on Iran to conclude a nuclear deal? or on the contrary disrupt the talks? Engulf the region into a wider war, (now that the Western powers have their airforces in the region), with the Islamic Republic of Iran?

Thumb Machia 28 January 2015, 19:51

Frankly, I don't really care.I really do not care about Zionism, Khomeinism, Islamism and all their criminally insane fairy tales.
What I care about is for my kids to get to school safely, to make a decent living, to have good healthcare, 24h electricity and water and to feel that there is a future in Lebanon.

Thumb Loubnani 28 January 2015, 20:19

That is the most sensible thing I've heard all day. That is exactly how I feel. The ordinary man is being pushed into having to accept this state of madness when all he wants to do is live a normal decent life.

Thumb Elemental 28 January 2015, 19:59

Again, 2 foreign groups occupying land that's not theirs have brought their own agendas to the forefront. And as usual the natives of both of these lands will suffer because of their arrogance yet again, nice work guys.

Thumb kanaanljdid 28 January 2015, 20:31

Pas selon l'ONU, ni selon la Syrie, ni selon la communauté internationale, ni même selon Israël.

En même temps si le Liban voulait Shebaa, en une minute il l'aurait, en échange de la fin du conflit avec Israël.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 21:17

La Syrie a toujours refusé de préciser les délimitations de frontières. Dans TOUS les cas, les habitants de Shebaa veulent rester avec Israël et cela "fait les pieds" à tous les partisans du Ebola Iranien qui sont des traîtres.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 21:30

By which law can Ebola decide of my future and the future of all generations?
To create their Islamic Republic they want to destroy what exists. By attacking Israel, they can reach the objective of total destruction. Maudit soit Ebola. Maudits soient les traîtres partisans d'Ebola. Maudit soit ce caporal serviteur d'Ebola.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 21:46

Ebola cannot eradicate Israel. Fact. But they can only do great harm to Lebanon.

Thumb kanaanljdid 28 January 2015, 22:20

They want to eradicate Lebanon in fact

Thumb freedomarch 28 January 2015, 22:35

In 2000 they closed the gate and throw the keys.

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 22:41

Very true.

Missing peace 28 January 2015, 22:23

because you do hypocrit? by approving hezbollah's actions it proves that you don't give a shit to the lebanese state... idiot.

Default-user-icon lebanese (Guest) 28 January 2015, 22:29

kick those hizbullah out our homeland. they have murdered more people then israel has ever..

Missing humble 28 January 2015, 23:10

As you say...so called resistance! They flex their muscles on the Lebanese people. Istikbar....

Missing youssefhaddad 29 January 2015, 00:33

The Lebanese are set to pay for another Iranian adventure while their patch work government repeats the comical statements that are dictated by Hezbollah.