Shahhal Says Army Arrested his Son in Tripoli

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prominent Salafist leader Dai al-Islam al-Shahhal claimed on Friday that the Lebanese army arrested his son Jaafar in the northern city of Tripoli overnight.

Al-Shahhal said an army intelligence unit apprehended Jaafar in the area of al-Zahriyeh.

The Salafist Movement condemned the arrest, saying no arrest warrant has been issued against the man.

Al-Shahhal, who is the founder of the movement in Tripoli, told An Nahar daily last month that an arrest warrant issued against him by the military prosecutor would have dire consequences.

He accused the Lebanese institutions of discriminating against its citizens.

“I cannot remain silent toward such injustice,” he said.

The warrant against al-Shahhal was issued after the military found a weapons cache at the residence of Sheikh Bilal Diqmaq, another salafist cleric.

Al-Shahhal said the arms belonged to him and demanded that the military returned them.



Comments 28
Thumb liberty 12 December 2014, 08:37

hey listen, there is an article about your resistance brigades firing at the ISF. Now, go to that article and write your propaganda and say "good work ISF". I bet you won't.

Default-user-icon abu bakr (Guest) 12 December 2014, 14:32

baghdadi was right when he said the army is a tool of hizb of terror

Thumb _mowaten_ 12 December 2014, 14:35

the army is so unjust, arresting this poor kid only for being a terrorist

Default-user-icon (Guest) 12 December 2014, 08:44

well said abbas and good to see shia support and love the army. Very genuine

Thumb EagleDawn 12 December 2014, 08:59

Were any arrest warrants issued against the shia Bazzalieh residents who erected armed checkpoints, kidnapped people, and are openly carrying weapons. The answer is NO. The law is applied selectively in this corrupt nation.

Thumb westernlebanese 12 December 2014, 09:09

Our Law has major double standards, if al-Shahhal is NOT allowed to have weapons then the iranian led party Hizbulshaitan should not be allowed to have weapons. doesnt matter if your shee3a, sunni, christian, druze... it should only be the Lebanese Army... We need real leaders like LF & M14!!!

Thumb ex-fpm 12 December 2014, 09:15

The law is unbiased. It is the application of the law that is biased and as @eagle said is selective in its application.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 December 2014, 12:13

Western, I am one who certainly agrees with your position, thus why I keep hammering the same argument, that we Lebanese, all of us and without any singular exception must all live as equals and under the same and one law. Because one side is allowed if reluctantly to keep weapons and tell us all sorts of hullabaloo to extend their tenure of weapons, the imbalance will continue if not grow exponentially. But the LAF is perfectly aware of this abnormality, since the whole matter is tied inextricably to the building of a strong army, the promised weapons by France will in all cases edge us towards that time when only the army will carry weapons. Thanks for a good post.

Default-user-icon Unknown (Guest) 12 December 2014, 09:14

wait.... Gandalf??

Default-user-icon pupetteer (Guest) 12 December 2014, 09:24

I respect Mr. abass, Mr. southern, and Mr. mowaten equally

Thumb -phoenix1 12 December 2014, 11:06

Mr. Shahal, when His Holiness Pope Benedict the 16th came to Lebanon a few years ago, you made some truly dirty remarks about him coming to visit Lebanon. If allowing people like you to say such objectionable remarks about Christianity's highest authority is not injustice, then I wonder why do you term your son's arrest by the land's highest security institution as injustice. Your son's arrest is to me fair and square and you know why? Because whatever my army does, I find it fair and a means of justice. Now you keep your silence and maintain the peace before you find yourself behind bars.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 December 2014, 15:00

Tu as raison PB, absolument.

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (Guest) 12 December 2014, 11:22

Probably he got arrested for misbehaving.

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (Guest) 12 December 2014, 12:07

please Sebouh80 (Guest) don't use my private registered guest name anymore!

Thumb Machia 12 December 2014, 13:00

Lebanese citizens and residents in Lebanon can speak their mind on whomever or whatever as long as they abide by Lebanese law which stipulates that inciting sectarian hatred is forbidden.
Lebanese citizens can own weapons but they need to have the proper licences and abide by Lebanese law.
Anyone contrevening these laws will face justice, as demonstrated by the arrest of Shahal junior.

Thumb Machia 12 December 2014, 13:02

As for the Hezbollah militia which Lebanon inherited from its civil war and which was trained and equipped with very sophisticated weapons during the Syrian occupation, it is another story.
Lebanon is still weak and cannot face Hezbollah without destroying itself but as as long as Hezbollah is weaponized, everyone in Lebanon will suffer, including Hezbollah's supporters.
But "2 wrongs do not make a right". Basically one militia that was inherited and imposed on us since 1990, does not justify the creation of another bearded militia.
If any other party tries to create an armed group, it should be immediately dismantled and taken to justice.

Thumb Machia 12 December 2014, 13:02


Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 12 December 2014, 13:11

which coutry is a safe haven for scum takfiries like this one ?

Default-user-icon .Iran001_. (Guest) 12 December 2014, 14:16

so well said ...karim_.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 12 December 2014, 18:12

12 minutes ago National News Agency: A person was kidnapped from a pickup truck on the Baalbek-Homs road in the al-Bazzaliyeh area.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 12 December 2014, 18:52

20 minutes ago National News Agency: The Army Intelligence secured the release of a man from the al-Hujeiri family after he was abducted in al-Bazzaliyeh.

But the kidnappers remain free to do it over and over and over again.

Thumb barrymore 12 December 2014, 19:20

Surely if the army intelligence secured the release of the citizen, then it must know the kidnappers by name but they let them off the hook. We all know why... because they are from hizballah, the eternal curse of Lebanon.

Thumb liberty 13 December 2014, 07:46

typical militia terror HA sick mentality.

Default-user-icon dezabro (Guest) 12 December 2014, 18:14

well said @defacto

Missing helicopter 12 December 2014, 18:16

Al-Shahhal said the arms belonged to him and demanded that the military returned them......
The arms of this guy, the arms of HA and the arms of anyone else should be seized by the army. Takfiris and HA aretwo sides of the same coin

Thumb nickjames 12 December 2014, 20:11

Spare us the nonsense de facto. "They are targeting terrorism" so why isn't the army going after Hezbollah? And if you respond they're not terrorists then I rest my case.

Thumb nickjames 12 December 2014, 20:45

Looool the army decided to join hands with Hezbollah, are you sure about that? You make it sound like a decision "hey let's join Hezbollah." The army has no choice but to "cooperate" with them. They are not dying side by side and hand in hand!

Default-user-icon dezabro (Guest) 12 December 2014, 20:47

well said defacto