Geagea Speech Saturday to Tackle Conditions of Christians, Latest Developments

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Thursday that his speech following Saturday’s mass commemorating the fallen members of the party will tackle regional developments and their effect on Christians.

He told Free Lebanon radio that it will also focus on internal Lebanese developments.

Under the title “Memorial Mass for the Martyrs of the Lebanese Resistance,” Geagea will address the LF supporters on Saturday in a mass that is an annual event organized by the LF at the Fouad Shehab Stadium in Jounieh.

A LF source told al-Liwaa daily on Thursday that he will focus on the Christians’ conditions in Lebanon and the east in a position already announced by the leadership after the Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s stances during his visit to France.

Earlier this month, al-Rahi’s statements created controversy in Lebanon when he said: “Syrian President Bashar Assad must be given a chance because he is implementing reforms in Syria.”

He also called on the international community to force the implementation of resolutions issued by the U.N. Security Council in order to strip Hizbullah of excuses to possess arms.

However, the patriarch later asserted that his statements “were taken out of context and therefore they were misinterpreted.”

The source told the daily that Geagea will also tackle the popular uprisings in the Arab world, stressing that the LF and the Christians support freedom in the Arab world and the rise of democratic regimes.

He will also address the developments in Syria.

The source noted that the importance of Geagea’s speech is that it comes a day after the meeting of top Maronite leaders that will be held in Bkirki on Friday to discuss the possibility of adopting the proportional representation in the electoral law.

Comments 20
Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 10:50

Dr Geagea is the only sane patriotic leader left in Lebanon!
We are with you!

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 22 September 2011, 12:43

Some of the comments made by some folks clearly show lack of maturity and demostrates that you have no forgiveness in your hearts and that you are full of anger, extreme hatred and bitterness. Give the guy a break.

Default-user-icon M60 (Guest) 22 September 2011, 13:06

Dr Geagea detractors can not cope with someone who is patriotic,loyal,intelligent and brave at the same time.Geagea is the only leader in Lebanon that has great attributes.The criminal Syrian regime attempted on numerous occasions to buy him out to no avail, so in turn they collaborated with corrupt security,party officials and sent him to solitary confinement.And guess what? He came out and forgave his tormenters.Dr Geagea you are a great warrior, you lead by example,keep the dream alive,we salute you.

Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 13:09

Jabal Amel can help out by translating Hakim's speech into Farsi so that Mowaten can understand the message...

Thumb thepatriot 22 September 2011, 14:18

We can codemn geageas errors in the past. I do so. What errors has he dine since he's been out of jail?? He and Sami gemayel are amongst the very few to represent half of this poor country, wether u like it or not!

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (Guest) 22 September 2011, 15:54

The true patriot voice of the country. The descendant of the fathers of the Independance.
No surprise that those who hate him are, like by chance, those who did not participate in the creation of Lebanon 60 years ago.
And they talk actually in the name of the independance while they are slaves at the legs of the Syrians and they regret the syrian hegemony over the country.
Do they know what Independance mean?
They missed it in the past; they will never realize its true meaning.

Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 16:32

@Chrétien:... do you prefer the Ayatollahs?
I am for a strong united Christian presence in Lebanon without the need to get "backers"..


Any people attempting to destroy the state are Farsi speaking traitors with Syrian guns to launch their wars from our country... Mowaten, Bigdig and Jabel Amel come to mind...

Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 16:41


1. its not a joke.. you really do wish to speak Farsi..

2. it is coherent.. you teach Jabal Amel, Jabal Amel teaches you but no one has a clue and it just comes out like a massive burp.. = Farsi...


Default-user-icon Simbolio (Guest) 22 September 2011, 18:39

Please spare us this fake's stupidities. The Christians have suffered the most because of this weirdo and his band of thugs, thieves and collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, be it Syria at the height of its occupation or Israel always. The Christians now have a real shepherd in Patriarch Al Rahi and a real political visionary and leader in General Michel Aoun. PERIOD. So the disservices of this weirdo are not welcome at all, and every decent Lebanese should contribute to stoning him to political death. But what can one do when this soul-less weirdo had cheikh Imbecile pump fart in him to bring back a filthy political life?

Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 18:45

Mowaten,... I agree ONE of our enemies are the zionists... They are evil expansionist thugs that have caused so much destruction to our region and Christian presence.

But Hezbollah seems to be doing the same, at least on the internal Lebanese scene.


Thumb canaanite 22 September 2011, 19:13


you sound like an orange, you look like an orange.. but you're not an orange?

Thumb thepatriot 22 September 2011, 21:09

@ lady mowaten

"Geagea sent his assassins to execute Pierre Gemayel his potential rival"

ok...I see... u are one of those keepin alive this theory...hmmm...right....
Also check those out:

- Man never landed on the moon
- Extraterrestrials live amongst us
- Elvis is alive

You are dissgusting, gullible, and you feed on all stupid conspiracy theory you can find. I wouldn't like to be you. Living in paranoia, denial, and fear... so long MO!

Thumb thepatriot 22 September 2011, 21:10


M14 never lost an election sor far! MORON!

Thumb Bandoul 22 September 2011, 22:29

@ pong lenis....haha great user name

@ canaanite...please note that Jabal namel and moutawate2 ma3 souriya el kobra, both grew up breast feeding while having to forcefully stare at a giant poster of HzbElKzb leader hassouna nfala2na minno nasrallah. They are deeply traumatized, unable to cope with reality and have lost all connections to morals, uncensored thoughts and pursuit of freedom.

Default-user-icon Roy (Guest) 22 September 2011, 22:35

If this guy is so irrelevant ( regardless of how I personally feel about him), then please tell me : How comes that the mere idea of him planning to speak on Saturday, draws 25 comments so far, more than any other topic in todays news. Just amazing how some of you guys contradict themselves.

Default-user-icon Simbolio (Guest) 23 September 2011, 02:53

i love it when shites try to pass themselves for a christian reminds me of the idiot le phenicien.

it was not geagea who turned his back on everything he ever stood for but the coward army deserter and syrian lackey aoun.

the wikileaks are out with the whole story of how aoun tried to charm the americans so they help him become president after he made a deal with the syrians

the coward army deserter sold his army, his country, his community, his soul in his attempt to become president and failed now he's hassan's and bashar's favorite brown nose

his only regret that he has but one nose to give to his masters at one time.

Thumb ado.australia 23 September 2011, 04:07

The patriot.... In 2005, the m14 allied with Hezbollah and amal in baabda against Aoun. This the reason they won those 12 seats and the majority.The LF, Hezbollah, amal, psp and mustaqbul flags flying united in baabda. Seem to forget that don't we? In 2009, jumblatt's votes gave them the chouf, $500 a vote in tripoli and the rezoning of Zahle to encompass an extra 20,000 Sunni from surrounding villages "won" them that famous election.

Thumb mrbrain 23 September 2011, 08:24

The follower of Dr Greenthumb are either brainwashed or extremely fanatic..How can you follow an extreme right criminal who executed our officers and soldiers!!!!
If you really like him ask him to retire and to make a real family ...He still has a hope to save his soul...

Thumb geha 23 September 2011, 08:49

Fact check about hizbullah:
- are they not criminals too?
- you think Beirut Sunnis forgot the 2 invasions of Beirut and the slogans chanted out loud against Sunnis?
- you think their followers (who follow them out of fear or the monthly salaries they receive) cannot be bought?
- you think anyone forgot how many times they shot real resistance people in the back during operations against Israeli soldiers?
- ...

please have your facts straight before talking about others.

as others fell before them, they will fall, and it is sooner than expected.

Thumb geha 23 September 2011, 08:50

Fact check about hizbullah:
- are they not criminals too?
- you think Beirut Sunnis forgot the 2 invasions of Beirut and the slogans chanted out loud against Sunnis?
- you think their followers (who follow them out of fear or the monthly salaries they receive) cannot be bought?
- you think anyone forgot how many times they shot real resistance people in the back during operations against Israeli soldiers?
- ...

please have your facts straight before talking about others.

as others fell before them, they will fall, and it is sooner than expected.