Nasrallah: We Read the WikiLeaks Cables and we Will See Greater Conspiracies

Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said during an Ashoura council that the party would be targeted by greater conspiracies than the plots unveiled by the cables released by whistleblower WikiLeaks.

Addressing those at the council, Nasrallah said western organizations had carried out studies after the 2006 war between Israel and Hizbullah when homes were being destroyed and 1 million Lebanese were displaced as a result of the Israeli aggression.

Although the Lebanese emerged victorious, many people lost their lives and “faced big threats and conspiracies,” Hizbullah’s secretary-general said. “We are seeing this in WikiLeaks day after day and we will see greater” plots.

Those who carried out the studies, were amazed by the fact that the Lebanese returned to their destroyed homes and villages and build their lives again, Nasrallah said.

He lauded his supporters for overcoming the past and pain and “building the future.”

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