Raad: STL Indictment is Fake, Resistance Will Defend Itself Appropriately

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The head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad slammed on Tuesday the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon as “fake”, accusing the investigation of being politicized in order to target the Resistance.

He said in a press conference to refute the indictment: “The Resistance will determine the way it will defend itself from the indictment and tribunal.”

He added: “We had stated in the past that this tribunal does not respect the minimum amount of standards of justice, it does not want to achieve the Lebanese people’s interests, and it has adopted circumstantial evidence.”

“Such a tribunal cannot be expected to achieve justice and we would not be surprised if it was employed for the interests of imposing foreign hegemony over Lebanon,” the MP continued.

“The tribunal’s shortcomings in adopting international standards bolsters our assessment that it is aimed at wrongfully accusing noble resistance fighters,” Raad stressed.

The indictment has accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“The indictment is a political decision dictated by American and Israeli interests,” Raad continued.

“Those behind the incitement are delusional in thinking that they can tighten the noose around the Resistance and blackmail it,” he added.

Lebanon is being forced to choose between strife and between subjecting Lebanon to American and Israeli hegemony, the MP noted.

“The indictment revealed that STL Prosecutor Judge Daniel Bellemare is part of a political investigation based on fabrications aimed at reaching a political decision,” he said.

The indictment’s terminology demonstrates that the investigation team and the international tribunal are aimed at seeking revenge from the Resistance, Raad stressed.

“The indictment was weak and it justified this by saying that it has not revealed all of its findings,” he stated.

The indictment lacked any direct evidence, he continued.

“The Lebanese have unanimously agreed on reaching the truth and justice, but the STL cannot achieve them,” the MP remarked.

“A legal investigation should take into consideration any lead and the evidence we had presented in the past demonstrated that Israel was involved in Hariri’s investigation,” he added.

“The evidence was enough for Bellemare to launch an investigation in Israel’s involvement in the crime, but he didn’t because the investigation is politicized,” he said.

“We are now confronted with a politicized indictment, which was published by an untrusted side,” he added.

“It chooses the timing to release it based on political factors in an attempt to destroy the Resistance,” he continued.

“The Resistance will not accept the blackmail and it will not succumb to the will of its enemies and its perseverance and national resolve will thwart the goals of all the conspirators,” Raad declared.

“The Resistance will determine the way it wants to defend itself and its experience has demonstrated that it can properly deal with the traps being set up by its enemies,” he concluded.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:19

    Raad: The indictment was released from an untrusted side that is not keen on justice or the truth.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:15

    Raad: The indictment adopted an Israeli reasoning in addressing the Resistance and it is based on American standards that are not adopted on the international scene.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:14

    Raad: The Resistance will not be blackmailed and it will not succumb to the will of its enemies. It will thwart all the conspirators’ goals and it will determine the way it will defend itself.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:12

    Raad: The indictment lacked any direct evidence and Bellemare was intent on targeting Hizbullah and its allies in an effort to blackmail the party.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:11

    Raad: This tribunal does not respect the minimum standards of justice. Its indictment was not credible. Bellemare revealed that he was just a servant in a political investigation.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:11

    Raad: Bellemare did not conduct investigations with the Israelis because the investigation is politicized.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:10

    Raad: The evidence we had presented in the past revealed that Israel was involved in former PM Rafik Hariri’s assassination. This should have been enough for Bellemare to follow those leads in order to uncover evidence that was not circumstantial, but he did nothing.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:09

    Raad: The Lebanese are determined to uncover the truth and reach justice, but the STL and its findings will not achieve these goals.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:05

    Raad: The Resistance thwarted the repercussions of the indictment once before.

  • 23 August 2011, 12:04

    Head of Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad in press conference refuting STL indictment: The STL is fake and it does not follow the international standards. It is aimed at indicting noble resistance fighters.

Comments 28
Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 12:36

yeah yeah yeah... same old bla bla...Americans this, Zionists that, we know the tune...
Grow up!
You have some elements of proof? Present them in court in a civilised mater!

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (Guest) 23 August 2011, 12:52

What an idiot repeating the same old CD..... "Blackmail" the resistance???? Shu you think the West wants to extort money from your divine resistance. The language this idiot uses makes me sick. Go prove your innocence in a court of law and stop waffling. Your only audience are your supporters who believe that an elephant flies!

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 23 August 2011, 13:07

Yes Greetings to you too.
What does the resistance have to do with a crime investigation.
Guilty or not guilty
Associated or not associated.
Come to transparent logistic and stop the song of:
Very weak public relation........

Default-user-icon STL fairy tale (Guest) 23 August 2011, 13:09

This man is right.
Why should HA follow a western court what itself has proven as criminal (Mehlis, Lehmann with the help of Mini-Hariri and his gang members)?
The first thing Lebanon has to do: To open the fake witness case.

Only foolish people believe in STL .

Missing hiram-of-tyre 23 August 2011, 13:26

Wake me up when he finishes talking...

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 23 August 2011, 13:39

Following a rogue nation, Iran, that is an international outlaw there is no wonder that hezbollah does not respect the international tribunal.
As long as hezbollah is allowed to roam freely and keep its weapons it will be impossible to have a sovereign nation let alone any justice.

Thumb shab 23 August 2011, 13:39

The Resistance is Fake, The Lebanese Will Defend themselves Appropriately and The STL will Proceed

Thumb Marc 23 August 2011, 13:41

If you are so sure of yourselves, just take it to the court and prove your innocence! Enough with press conferences and speeches..... The beauty of the western world is that you can actually go to court and defend yourself and you are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. You seem to have the argument, so... Tfadal

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (Guest) 23 August 2011, 14:21

Who killed a small officer of the general security called Wissam Eid? He was 34 years old and just a captain. Those who killed him have a unique motive: stop his researches. It was not a political crime neither a terrorist act. They wanted to get rid of him. And strangely, this guy was investigating in the mobile networks on which are based actually the indictments. More strange is the fact that he was contacted by the Hezb ten days before his death -and this contact has not been denied-.
Finally the Antelias bomb proves how much it is normal and easy for some persons to place a bomb in the middle of the day in a public place. It's a familiar act for them, like making a visit. I doubt that it is the first time they do such thing.

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 23 August 2011, 14:36

hezballah will be tried sooner than think. wait for syria to fall and these crooks will be on their way too..to the \Hague

Default-user-icon Simon (Guest) 23 August 2011, 14:38

WHO SAID YOU DID IT all the indictment said was that there were individuals who are LINKED to Hezbollah it did not say they had committed political assassination or that they acted on Hezbollah's behalf.

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 15:29

@Mowaten, who is Hezbollah to have a case? Who are they to make an investigation? Let them present their "proof" in a court of law or apoint a lawyer to do so? In what quality does the idiot Raad presents us arguments??

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 23 August 2011, 15:37

And so when will the "resistance" withdraw from the Mikati government because its policy statement supports the STL?
Such a rant from this guy. The zeal of his protest, just like every other step taken by Hezbollah since it learned that some of its members were targeted such as the evasion, the attempts to bring down the Lebanese government for attempting to bring the STL into existence and now this, it all is the conduct of a guilty person. Raad convicts Hezbollah before the STL can or might. The STL is not a political enterprise, but an international legal process sanctioned by the UN.

You remember the UN -- that great tool of Zionism, the greatest friend of Israel? Isn't this the body that condemned Zionism as a form of racism and has sanctioned Israel time and again and is about to recognize the State of Palestine. Are not the UN Resolutions the standard by which Arab lands are to be restored? To call the UN an Israeli tool is itself the product of a deluded mind.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 23 August 2011, 15:42

And so when will the "resistance" withdraw from the Mikati government because its policy statement supports the STL?
Such a rant from this guy. The zeal of his protest, just like every other step taken by Hezbollah since it learned that some of its members were targeted such as the evasion, the attempts to bring down the Lebanese government for attempting to bring the STL into existence and now this, it all is the conduct of a guilty person. Raad convicts Hezbollah before the STL can or might. The STL is not a political enterprise, but an international legal process sanctioned by the UN.

You remember the UN -- that great tool of Zionism, the greatest friend of Israel? Isn't this the body that condemned Zionism as a form of racism and has sanctioned Israel time and again and is about to recognize the State of Palestine. Are not the UN Resolutions the standard by which Arab lands are to be restored? To call the UN an Israeli tool is itself the product of a deluded mind.

Default-user-icon Bubba (Guest) 23 August 2011, 15:49

mowaten knows that the Mossad infested Hezballah ordered Syrian tool General Jamil Sayed to clean up the scene of the bombing in order to destroy any remaining evidence, that's proof enough that Israel and Syrian used the Mossad infested Hezballah to commit all the murders.

Also the Syrian planted false witness Houssam Houssam was outed after pictures of him on the scene of George Hawi's murder surfaced, otherwise he'd still be playing the false witness game on behalf of the Syrians to try and discredit the STL.

Missing allouchi 23 August 2011, 15:55

Defend yourselves in a legal court..you hizbies are a bunch of nawar liars and idiots.

Default-user-icon hussein (Guest) 23 August 2011, 16:07

Let me guess..this isa movie made up by the americans and the jews??

اهانة وضرب بطل واجباره على قول لا اله الا بشار
اهانة وضرب بطل واجباره على قول لا اله الا بشار

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 23 August 2011, 16:23

Why did Nasrallah present false evidence to the court and legitimize it if it is now fake? The Hezz problem is that they killed people for years and never thought they would get caught. But now they did.

He Raad pay your electricity bill instead of adding to the national debt.

Default-user-icon l/7o (Guest) 23 August 2011, 16:24

wake up, you and your bigbig are watching too much law and order, prosecutors do not always interview suspects before they accuse them you obviously did not think before posting, now go back to sleep.

Default-user-icon come here thunder, good boy! (Guest) 23 August 2011, 16:38

How can anyone disagree with Thunder's evidence really, the STL is Israeli and the Israelis killed Hariri. In fact according to evidence submitted by Thunder's boss Hassan the Israelis have been watching Hariri via drone every since he was a child and even after they killed him they sent a drone to visit were he had been just to reminisce, good times.

Thumb tabasco 23 August 2011, 16:51

a broken record !

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 23 August 2011, 17:16

@Mowaten and Bigdig, as usual, blaming the zionists like their masters, but maybe you forgot that our ennemy the zionist is inside hezbollah and its been a while, like Sayyed hassouné said not long ago and you must remember or else your brains are malfonctionning like that of Naim Qassem and Raad. He said that they were infiltrated by Mossad and CIA agents, well, i believe Sayyed hassouni , like you do of course because he is divine and everytime he speaks music and beams come down from the skies and he is elevated in the air despite his 2000 kg. anyway, so this means if the Israeli killed Hariri , he could have said it was agents found inside his militia that ordered it, but the truth is he did a mistake, he said that no one in Hezbollah goes against his orders and he is responsible for each one of his members... meaning he knows they are the killers and even if mossad did he is responsible for the SPIES inside his militia too, so HEZBOLLAH + ZIONISTS= BEST FRIENDS and CHAOS AGENTS

Thumb will_rogers 23 August 2011, 17:17

Hizbustan and their Buddies, the Aounieyh, are too busy plugging holes to stay afloat. Yeah they got the Cabinet, thanks to LUNATIC, TRAITOR Aoun, but not for long cause their MASTERS next door WILL eventually be OUT. Then comes the STL proving to the World the Criminal, Murdering work they do in the cover of darkness. With Libya being transformed, I se the M8 as busy as a cat covering MERDE.

Default-user-icon Fadi (Guest) 23 August 2011, 17:51

You guys all need a life:)

Missing th21 23 August 2011, 18:09

"Raad: STL Indictment is Fake, Resistance Will Defend Itself Appropriately "

No it is not fake, you're cause is.

The resistance will defend itself appropriately. Good. Show us more proof of how much of a militia you really are.

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 23 August 2011, 20:27

DO NOT TALK IN THE NAME OF THE LEBANESE. Just say hizbo only.The lebanese people do not want you. the Lebanese people are not terrorists. The Lebanese people spit on you and your iranian bosses. You people are not Lebanese admit it ., you are terrorists . The time has come and the free lebanese people will broom you to the garbage. You better wash your filthy lying mouth before even mentioning Lebanese. Just talk in the name of your people the terrorists the sons of iran.

Default-user-icon Black Wizard (Guest) 23 August 2011, 22:19

I suppose by "noble fighters" you are referring to the thugs that burned down the Mustaqbal TV archives and strafed people with their AK-47s in May 2008, right? "Fa2in Allahu bima ta3maluna basiran."

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 24 August 2011, 01:36

Raad, stop telling people lies and stop insulting people's intelligence! Evidence is too overwhelming to point it at Israel. No one wants to defend Israel, but your counter claim is so rediculous. So Isreal followed Hariri's route as you presented with building that did not exist in the evidenced that you gave the UN, they also planted Abou Adas as decoy to cover the real killers, stole cell phone Cards that no one was supposed to trace and they ended tracing to frame Hizballah for the crimes, killed Colonel Eid after he discovered these cell phone and you admitted to being your members cell phones, tried to eliminate all those Journalist and Policians that stoncially oppose you ETc. COME ON ... enough B.S...is what your resitance all about.