Nasrallah: Indictment Based on Conclusions, Not Direct Evidence

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday said the Special Tribunal for Lebanon lacked sufficient evidence to implicate members of his group in the 2005 assassination of ex-premier Rafik Hariri.

"What the tribunal published confirms what we have been saying for months, that the investigation is neither transparent nor scientific," said Nasrallah in a nationally televised speech broadcast hours after the Netherlands-based court unsealed its indictment.

"There is no direct evidence in the entire text ... the investigation was built on coincidental telephone communications," Nasrallah added.

"It is unacceptable that four of our honorable brothers in the resistance be accused, rather, be victims of slander and injustice."

Hizbullah’s leader advised the public opinion to “read the entire 45 pages” of the indictment’s text, noting that “the other camp will speak of conclusive evidence, something that the indictment itself did not mention.”

Nasrallah also accused the court of aiming to "destroy the human and social fabric of Lebanon".

“What’s happening now is an attempt at undermining and sabotaging the social fabric, paving the ground for wars and civil strife, dragging the resistance into (civil strife) and consequently striking the resistance and harming its credibility.”

Nasrallah warned that some sides are seeking to “sabotage ties among the Lebanese sects … in order to ignite the country and finish it and the target is the resistance.”

“The resistance is being targeted because it is an element of immunity and strength and because it is defending Lebanon’s rights. They have targeted the resistance with the assassination of its leaders; psychological warfare and nonstop threats against Lebanon; military wars; and failed attempts at political isolation,” Hizbullah number one added.

But “even the killing of the leaders gave impetus to the resistance, which is a mission that we cannot give up,” he vowed.

Recalling press conferences held by Hizbullah officials, Nasrallah added: “We, with the help of official authorities and international experts, have categorically proven the extent of Israel’s manipulation of the telecom sector in Lebanon and that the mobile phone numbers of certain people were used without their knowledge, and this alone is sufficient to contest the indictment.”

Reassuring Hizbullah’s supporters, Nasrallah said: “I assure you that pressures will not manage to shake the resolve, will and faith of the resistance in Lebanon and I assure you that the resistance will remain strong and capable of protecting Lebanon’s dignity and oil resources according to the golden ‘army-people-resistance’ equation.”

“I assure you that the resistance will preserve Lebanon’s unity and coexistence and all the conspiracies to ignite sedition and civil war will go in vain,” he pledged.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon on Wednesday unsealed large parts of an indictment accusing four Lebanese citizens with close ties to Hizbullah in the February 14, 2005 bombing that killed Hariri and 21 others in Beirut.

The indictment draws extensively on telecoms evidence against Mustafa Amine Badreddine, Salim Jamil Ayyash, Hussein Hassan Oneissi, and Assad Hassan Sabra, all of whom remain at large.

They face charges that include conspiracy aimed at committing a terrorist act and intentional homicide.

"Based on their experience, training, and affiliation with Hizbullah, therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Badreddine and Ayyash had the capability to undertake the February 14, 2005 attack," the text said.

Nasrallah has repeatedly accused the tribunal of being a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy against his group.

  • 17 August 2011, 21:07

    Nasrallah: I’m optimistic because there are patriotic leaders in all Lebanese communities and they represent a security valve for Lebanon preventing its fragmentation. There is also another guarantee: the awareness of the resistance, which makes it alert in dealing with several issues.

  • 17 August 2011, 21:05

    Nasrallah: I assure you that pressures will not manage to shake the resolve, will and faith of the resistance in Lebanon and I assure you that the resistance will remain strong and capable of protecting Lebanon’s dignity and oil resources according to the golden “army-people-resistance” equation. I assure you that the resistance will preserve Lebanon’s unity and coexistence and all the conspiracies to ignite sedition and civil war will go in vain. We are strong because we can’t be easily provoked.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:51

    Nasrallah: We, with the help of official authorities and international experts, have categorically proven the extent of Israel’s manipulation of the telecom sector in Lebanon and that the mobile phone numbers of certain people were used without their knowledge, and this alone is sufficient to contest the indictment.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:48

    Nasrallah: What has been published proves that everything we had said is correct concerning the non-transparency of the investigation and that it had been leaked to several newspapers and the Canadian television. Simply, I call on the Lebanese to read the Der Spiegel report. The indictment is not based on direct evidence, but rather on the telecom data.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:47

    Nasrallah: This strengthens our belief that what’s happening represents injustice and politicization and that the resistance members are being wrongly accused. I will settle for these comments and the indictment’s text needs further evaluation.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:42

    Nasrallah: We have already said that the tribunal has focused on one hypothesis, and relied on circumstantial evidence -- but not when it comes to Israel. Four honorable resistance members were accused and today the so-called largest lot of the indictment was published, although we were hoping that they would publish the entire indictment so that people would perceive the local, Arab and international conspiracy. I advise people to read the entire 45 pages and I’m telling you that the other camp will speak of conclusive evidence, something that the indictment itself did not mention.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:38

    Nasrallah: Some are seeking to sabotage ties among the Lebanese sects … in order to ignite the country and finish it and the target is the resistance.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:36

    Nasrallah: What has been happening recently is worse than smear campaigns, because their campaigns had failed given that all the polls have proven that the resistance still enjoys wide support. What’s happening now is an attempt at undermining and sabotaging the social fabric, paving the ground for wars and civil strife, dragging the resistance into civil strife and consequently striking the resistance and harming its credibility.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:35

    Nasrallah: What do I mean by undermining the social fabric? Lebanon is a multi-confessional country and if ties among the sects are fine, the country will prosper and overcome the challenges, and if ties among the sects are tense, the leaders responsible for these tensions would be putting Lebanon on the path of disintegration.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:35

    Nasrallah: We can confront the attempts at undermining the social fabric and I will talk about this issue in a while.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:31

    Nasrallah: The resistance is being targeted because it is an element of immunity and strength and because it is defending Lebanon’s rights. They targeted the resistance with the assassination of its leaders

  • 17 August 2011, 20:29

    Nasrallah: Lebanon, which had always been marginalized, has become now at the core of the equation, and they cannot but take Lebanon’s viewpoint into consideration concerning any solution.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:29

    Nasrallah: The sacrifices made by the resistance were great and enormous, and I’m talking about all the factions of the resistance, not only Hizbullah, and about the Lebanese army and people, especially its women and children. I’m speaking of tens of thousands of martyrs and young people who were put in prisons, about thousands of destroyed residences and businesses.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:25

    Nasrallah: We must respect the great sacrifices of every resistance movement.

  • 17 August 2011, 20:23

    Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a televised address on the latest developments: On the issue of the resistance, there are several headlines: The level of sacrifices

Comments 39
Thumb Marc 17 August 2011, 20:48

Since you are sure of their innocence, the Court id the best place to argue that and if they are innocent you will win the case and show the world it was not your men!

Default-user-icon Proud To Be Lebanese (Guest) 17 August 2011, 20:59

God Bless You Sayed. El rjel wel sad2in saro 2lel hal iyyem.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:01

Glorious was the day when the corrupt politician, Rafik Hariri, was murdered!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:01

King Rat is the champion of attributing to others the traits and tendencies of himself and his Hezbollah. Everything he accuses others of doing, he has done in spades and in capital letters.

The suffering of the people, their loss of life and property was the product of Nasrallah's "divine victory" in a war which he himself said, if he had known that Israel would respond as it did to the kidnapping of 2 soldiers in July 2006, he wouldn't have done it.

What has he gained? He lives in a hole in the ground. He lost 500 fighters. He is off of Israel's borders and so has only the Lebanese people and their demand for freedom to resist. And as the champion of the oppressed people of the region, he sends his fighters to help that oppressed regime of Bashar al Assad machine gun down unarmed Syrians in the streets. People who seek the same thing that Nasrallah is denying the people of Lebanon - Freedom and Dignity. Some resistance!!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17 August 2011, 21:05

He's not even addressing anything. He's just spewing more of the same desperate propaganda all failing leaders resort to in times of crisis.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:13

He is till pretending and lying about his "moral authority" and that they never do anything wrong. Only his brainwashed idiot followers believe him and even some of them don't believe him anymore. This is the face of a desperate man in the proces of being exposed to the world as a criminal and a terrorist.

Default-user-icon i_ataoui (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:20

The court behaved upon false witnesses and later protecting them; how can you trust it?

Default-user-icon i_ataoui (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:25

Sayyed Nasrallah finish his speech and once again he put who are fabricating the plot against the resistence in its place; in the dustbin of the history.

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:28

Assassinating your opposition from other sects creates tension
Putting bombs in other sects residential areas like Antelias creates tension among sects
When will the good Shiites citizens of Lebanon gonna wake up and drop this guy and his Iranian/Syrian regimes party

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:37

If the four Honorable saints are innocents....go to court and defend not hide them unless they are already dead.

Resistance...resistance ...resistance....where ; Beirut...the mountains....or the borders....
Why Lebanon has to be the only one to suffer with the resistance.......

Every failure gesture in Lebanon....they blame it on the resistance.....

You want to beat the enemy....beat him in Education...Democracy....Public relation on good positive side and not Terror side.

Default-user-icon pb (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:56

reading some of the comments below makes me roll my eyes at just how equally convinced some people are of something, yet accuse the other party of lying and it's followers as blind. right back at you, kids. when you fail to acknowledge just how corrupt, useless and inefficient international tribunals are, and have been in the past, and if you fail to see that they are merely a tool for big powers to make something illegal, somehow, magically, very legal. it's a shame that we're being divided as a society by external forces. what does that say about us as a nation? when was the last time you felt like a citizen? i wish regular readers of this website would take some time and reflect on what's happening and how information is being disseminated (and manipulated). and also understand, that although i may disagree with pretty much ALL the comments, i completely understand that another side to this issue might, just might, exist. thanks for reading between the lines in the future. enjoy!

Missing realist 17 August 2011, 22:20

Unfortunately this man is pushing for a sunni she3i war in lebanon ... it is just a matter of time..Syria fragments..sunnis eventually will get armed/trained and a devastating war will follow.. or do you really think that lebanon will remain a country when the most imp sunni leader was assasinated by pretty much she3a? no government will ever be formed come next year..chaos is an inevitable outcome...this man is still eluded by the temporary military advantage he has today.. a change in Syria will dramatically change the balance. The only way to avert such a dark scenario is responsible positions by the she3a community and a historic reconciliation with the sunis, hiding behind the finger is not gona do it. The "haybe" of the government will be non-existing come 2012 and everyone will be armed sooner or later and everyone will be "muqawama".

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 17 August 2011, 22:35

Obviously SHN is trying to hide behind the Shiite community along with the four saints who murdered the corrupt politician Rafik Hariri on the glorious day to get away with it . I just want to say that he can count on me and all my fellow Shiites for protection . Maybe not the ones in Jbeil at this moment , they are too busy taking back the land the Maronite church stole from them in 1939 .

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17 August 2011, 22:41

Someone: glorious WILL be the day when the most corrupt, did nothing good for Lebanon, Mr nabih berri dies :)))))))))

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17 August 2011, 22:45

And why is HE scared of strife??? He can take over and destroy Lebanon in it's entirety within hours! Why would a weaker entity seek to cause a strife that it would clearly be destroyed? This mans logic is retarded and it is just more propaganda for his sheep.

Thumb benzona 17 August 2011, 22:52

Nasrallah voit la paille dans l'œil de son voisin et ne voit pas la poutre chez lui.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 17 August 2011, 23:38

The entire world is conspiring against Nasrallah and his Militia. The entire world is fabricating and beleiving US and Israeli plans to get rid of Nasrallah, because him and his militia are that important.
A justice body of hundreds of professionals they have all been duped by the US and Israeli plan to point the finger at HA/Syria/Iran. They couldn't convince the world that Iran is building a nuclear weapon, but they could fabricate everything to indict them.
I swear some Lebanese will beleive the weirdest BS their leaders would tell them.... and they call them selves educated. Lebanese are like sheep being herded by their politicians.

Thumb shab 18 August 2011, 00:21

He's realy boring. Lack of sunlight has really changed him

Default-user-icon Truthwar (Guest) 18 August 2011, 00:27

It was amusing hearing him talk about how the Israelis "targeted the resistance with the assassination of its leaders" then mentioning the Lebanese resistance that was fighting Israel before his Islamic one was created by the Iranian revolutionary guards as it's local arm, he thinks we all forgot that his party got rid of the Lebanese resistance by assassinating it's Leaders. Damn lucky hypocrite his supporters are a bunch of self mutilating headbanging brain damaged idiots.

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 18 August 2011, 00:28

where is that smile that you had when you won the gov? Your beard is so grey now. mmmmmmmmmm. You look so sad. You have the sign of deppression and feAR.. HOW COME you dont say you want to slap the hands of any one who touches the hizb? your tone has changed . I do not know if its a good sign or a bad sign. I only know one thing if you care for lebanon you would surrender your arms to the army and let them take over the country. If you do that every lebanese would be behind you and respect you .your name would be written in history among the lebanese heroes. If you do not do that the palestinians have guns more than you in their camp and they are furious that assad attacked them. you are on their black list. you are surrounded from all sides now and cornered. you are alone in the battle field. iran and syria dropped you. the rest of the world hates you. think about it mr Hassan. you still can save the country from a civil war and save many innoscent people. the clock is ticking fast

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 18 August 2011, 00:36

The end of Assad is gravely needed to stop Hezbollah from eroding the Lebanese sovereignty and imposing its criminal will on all the Lebanese. Nassrallah should be prosecuted and hezbollah should be dismantled and none of this will happen before the Syrian regime who made Hezbollah is terminated.

Missing mansour 18 August 2011, 00:59

im still waiting for the STL to release one more name in the assassination General "Abou salim Michel Aoun".Thank you

Missing realist 18 August 2011, 01:29

Hey Le phoenician, so not only are you a nazi suni hater but also a terrorist? you describe a terrorist attack in the capital of YOUR country in which more than 20 people died and many injured as Glorious?? I am sure you wish that Bashar uses chemical weapons on the sunis, i am starting to wonder if you yourself would want to massacre suni women and children?! i think you would love that.. someone who is as verbal in his support of terrorism as you are is not any different from Ariel Sharon, Milosovitch, Holako.. and btw.. did you know that DNA studies revealed that most lebanese with "phoencian" roots happen to be Muslim.. bumer huh?

Default-user-icon JOE (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:16

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:17

Doesn't Hebbollah control the telecom sector???

"Nasrallah: We, with the help of official authorities and international experts, have categorically proven the extent of Israel’s manipulation of the telecom sector in Lebanon and that the mobile phone numbers of certain people were used without their knowledge, and this alone is sufficient to contest the indictment."

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:27

Ahhh excuse me, M14 who opposed Syria, the Hezz, and Iran were killed en masse.

Nasrallah: The resistance is being targeted because it is an element of immunity and strength and because it is defending Lebanon’s rights. They targeted the resistance with the assassination of its leaders

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:30

Now his innocence is based on media reports? Is he that foolish? The media is not the court. However is he and Iran are protesting this vehemently, it calls to question from Shakespear "me thinks thou protesteth too much".

"Nasrallah: What has been published proves that everything we had said is correct concerning the non-transparency of the investigation and that it had been leaked to several newspapers and the Canadian television. Simply, I call on the Lebanese to read the Der Spiegel report. The indictment is not based on direct evidence, but rather on the telecom data."

Default-user-icon JOE (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:35

go for it

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (Guest) 18 August 2011, 03:58

When you accused Ja3Ja3 for the so called "war crimes" such as planting bombs in the Church, HE WAS A HERO to stand trial and went to jail for years for something he did not do.
Two things will happen in this matter of the Harriri killers, those four will either disappear from the face of the earth (i.e. Mouganieh until his role is done and killed by the Moukhabarat) Or all four will commit suicide or die in an Apartment Gas Canister so that they won't reveal more names.

Thumb benzona 18 August 2011, 04:21

Incroyable ! Existe t il au moins une seule personne qui ne savait pas que c était le Hezbollah depuis l' instant même de l'attentat .Et il aura fallu 6 ans pour en arriver là .Il est beau le Liban démocratique .Les pauvres .Sous la coupe et le joug d'une bande tueurs dont même la FINUL a la trouille .

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 18 August 2011, 08:21

Nuremberf style tribunal, with a rope around their necks ultimately, starting by the very top , and not a sweet tribunal , that doesn' t allow for capital punishment!

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 18 August 2011, 11:09

You murderous mastermind you !!! I pitty the fools that still believe in you and your outdated resistance... I pitty the fools that cannot see the benefits of a peace treaty with Israel... enough war, enough vanity, enough weapons... we need jobs in Lebanon, peace, free thinking, progress, and Foreign Investment...

Missing sensei961 18 August 2011, 12:00

Al dajjal el akbar, he's an excellent actor he should be given the oscar for the role of fooling narrow minded people, but at the end I dont agree to accuse this man of the actions taken by hizbullah he's just playing the role of spokesman and media brainwasher for this faction of the national revolutionary guards (pazdaran) called hizbullah not more, he has nothing to do with taking big decision in his own party he's just a TV animator but we should admit...he plays it very very well!! bravo sayyed !!!

Default-user-icon fadi (Guest) 18 August 2011, 12:50

you guys can all kiss his big fat white ass:)

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 18 August 2011, 13:58

I say Put Mr Nassrallagh on the First plane to TEHRAN immediately.

Default-user-icon Leb Guy (Guest) 18 August 2011, 14:27

Since when does Nasrsllah speak on behalf of Lebanon & the Lebanese?

He is the one that is "destroying the human and social fabric of Lebanon".

Thumb bashir 18 August 2011, 15:05

I doubt he or his followers have read a 45 page report in their life.

rat + sheep = trouble

Missing small.axe 18 August 2011, 15:10

Filthy murdering terrorist

Default-user-icon MrBrain1 (Guest) 18 August 2011, 16:24

Any profanity, Impoliteness, lies and ridiculous comments are automatically discredited. Moreover The freedom of speech doesn't mean blindly defending or attacking the other opponent /proponent ....If we are civilized we argue politely and logically...Most of the comments are written by the Lebanese sectarian monkeys …It’s all based on Hatred, ignorance and impoliteness such characters fit only the sectarian monkeys…
