Democratic Gathering Won't Pull Helou Out of Race 'at This Time', Candidate Expects No Quorum

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The Democratic Gathering parliamentary bloc has announced that withdrawing MP Henri Helou from the presidential race "is out of the question at this time," as the latter admitted that Wednesday's electoral session will not be held due to lack of quorum.

In an interview with al-Liwaa newspaper to be published Monday, Helou said: “My nomination came from the National Struggle Front bloc which I belong to after talks and consultations, and this is something normal.”

“Rescuing the country, finding political solutions to its problems and addressing people's concerns are more important than individuals, and to achieve that the president must have the ability to communicate with all political forces and to be accepted by them,” Helou added.

“The quorum of the next session will only be secured after reaching consensus on who the next president should be,” the candidate noted, adding that the new head of state must “gain everyone's confidence.”

Commenting on the issue of Hizbullah's controversial arsenal of weapons, Helou said an agreement is needed at the local and international levels, describing the party as “an essential Lebanese component with whom cooperation can take place over several topics.”

Meanwhile, Helou's bloc colleague Alaeddine Terro told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that Helou's withdrawal from the race “is out of the question at this time.”

Reminiscing that “there was no winner during the first round” of voting, Terro pointed out that “no one will win at the moment because no one is thinking of the national interest.”

Also on Sunday, state-run National News Agency said Health Minister Wael Abou Faour -- who is close to Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat -- has traveled to the Saudi city of Jeddah, "which he had also visited three days ago."

On April 22, Jumblat announced the revival of the Democratic Gathering parliamentary bloc and the nomination of its Helou for the presidency, one day before the first round of voting.

President Michel Suleiman's tenure ends on May 25, but the constitutional period to elect a new head of state began on March 25.

Helou and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea are so far the only two candidates who have announced official nominations.

The parliament is scheduled to convene Wednesday for the second round of voting amid expectations that the needed quorum will not be met.


Comments 9
Thumb cedre 27 April 2014, 18:11

Geagea was never going to be elected.
Whats Helou position on HA weapons and involvement in syria ?
I think it could be interesting for m14 to discuss with helou, euh i mean jumblatt. With a PSP president, jumblatt's MPs would probably rejoin m14 at parliament.

Thumb cedre 27 April 2014, 19:15

I dont think jumblatt is centrist, just a pragmatic doing realpolitik.
Question is : Helou or vacuum, which is better ?
I think helou is better, wa Allaho a3lam...

Missing cedars 27 April 2014, 18:21

Thank you Rahi. Helou/Aoun and GeaGea. Christian division at best.

Missing thatisit 27 April 2014, 18:27

Ja3ja3 will never be a president for anything but will remain in the eyes of many lebanese a criminal and a boss of a criminal mafia militia that mastered the killing of innocent civilians and and entering villages of mount lebanon on the back of israeli tanks and the rest is history. If you keep digging back into the civil war era, you will be amazed to learn how much blood you have on your hands.

Thumb cedre 27 April 2014, 19:12

Whats is really low is torpedoing lebanon, its economy, its youth and its christians for a kursi...

Thumb Tony.Farris 27 April 2014, 19:27

The presidential elections will likely be the outcome of an Iranian-Saudi settlement.
Stop fighting each other...

Thumb cedar 27 April 2014, 22:22

Best comment. Fighting each other will lead no where. Politics will be politics and the people with the $$ will try to make more $$ and only the people suffer... The good ones get assassinated :(

Thumb cedre 27 April 2014, 20:38

ft, seriously, at ur age, do u feel no shame to lie 24/7 ?

Geagea and all m14 said it openly they are ready to give Aoun his beloved kursi if he wants to act like a real lebanese patriot and stop being Tehran's christian cover. Is it too much to ask ?

Missing beirutbastard00 28 April 2014, 02:41

It doesn't matter who becomes president. All the fighting over the PM, and what changed? Nothing. Let's just get this show over with so we can drill and fix the electricity.