Suleiman Tasks Committee to Study Impact of Endorsed Laws on Economy

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

President Michel Suleiman assigned a number of financial and economic experts with studying the negative repercussions of the laws endorsed recently by the parliament, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Saturday.

According to the daily, the experts will brief Suleiman on the impact of the laws on the Lebanese economy before he takes a decision of signing them as they stipulate further spending of public money without assigning new funding resources.

The laws include the new renting fees, full-time employment of Civil Defense volunteers and Electricite du Liban contract workers and the new wage scale.

A dispute had recently emerged between building owners and inhabitants over a controversial law endorsed by the parliament.

The law, which is opposed by renters, stipulates an increase in rents over a six-year period until they reach 5% of their current value.

The inhabitants argue that many won't be able to afford it, prompting them to leave their homes.

The old rent law pertains rent contracts carried out before 1993.

The parliament also approved a series of laws including the full-time employment of Civil Defense volunteers and EDL contract workers, who will have to undergo a state exam.

Also on Friday the joint parliamentary committees referred to the general assembly a controversial draft-law regarding the new wage scale, which is opposed by the Economic Committees, which argue that the state's treasury will not be able to afford the suggested taxes that are set to cover the expenses.



Comments 8
Missing --karim-- 12 April 2014, 09:55

Maybe Suleiman can also task a Committee to study the impact of his love of Saudi Arabia.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 April 2014, 16:31

Oh Karim, come off it will you, you just show me one single proof that Suleiman has love for the KSA. He is the president of all the Lebanese, that's the fact, but because he is not rubber stamping anything for anyone, in this case for the FPM or Hezbollah, bingo, he gets demonized by you people. Let's face it, Suleiman is not Aoun, he is here to do his job with impartiality and to the best of his capacity, lest you forgot, not long ago, he was being attacked by Mustaqbal for being on your side. And oh, RF, or whoever revived you from his closet, sure thing, Karim is my brother, you got a problem with that?

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) 12 April 2014, 11:06

it should have been done long time ago helas same
but still Mr president no tamdid
why sectterian comments comes always from the same group ?
if we talk about the weather shia did this if we talk about social things sunni or chia did this ,......
proof of banckrupcy
god bless democracy

Thumb lebanon_first 12 April 2014, 14:02

good move Mr. president.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 April 2014, 16:46

FT, I do not agree with you. The president has done a job by far better than any of his predecessors. This president's task has never been an easy one, never. Yet, be it M8 or M14, when he is in his office, he knows which files have been pushed down so that no decisions will reach them early, yet he picks them up and tackles them. He has been doing exactly what the two sides of the M have been trying to delay him in doing. Despite his reduced powers, his work is nothing short of extraordinary, the flaws in truth come from both M8 and M14 who have done nothing than sabotage each other, so let the blame be theirs, not this good man's. If you want to know, then know it: Had it not been for Suleiman and General Qahwaji, most probably there would have been no Lebanon left. Please FT, if M8 demonizes such good people, it doesn't mean that it will stick, it won't.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 April 2014, 17:13

RW, or one of the skeletons that you share a drawer with, we do know that no one needs a DNA analysis to know to a good degree that you are the one and same person as quite a few in this forum. For a Wolf, all it would take, is the click of a mouse by the Mods to vaporize you. Fact is, your character is so indelible with the other profiles with whom you cohabit. I know, you will not come forward to tell us, no need, we now know pretty well. OK, now if you want, the field is yours to start with your sectarian rambling, if you wish start with Bachir this Bachir that, fhemna 3aleyk min awwalel tari2 3ala kil 7eil.

Thumb ice-man 12 April 2014, 19:38

@jaafar: I hope you have not been affected by the Heartbleed bug that is invading Open SSL protocols and unstable minds?

Thumb cedre 12 April 2014, 20:52

RW, +1000, u owned phoenix big time...
The guy is calling everybody a takfiri or a dirzi if u dont venerate saint-bechir...