Geagea Seeks 'Radical Change' by Running for Presidency

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated that the situation in Lebanon is “difficult and bleak”, which is why the time is right for him to run for president, reported the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on Thursday.

He told the daily: “We must introduce radical change over how to solve Lebanon's problems.”

“I want to complete what President Michel Suleiman started, which he unfortunately only began during the last seven months of his term,” he said.

“I want to commence with my presidential program immediately should I succeed in the elections,” Geagea remarked.

“I do not seek power, but I believe that the situation in Lebanon can no longer support the ongoing problems,” he continued.

The LF chief explained that he based the decision to run for the presidential elections on promising factors and his intention to extract Lebanon from its current situation.

“My allies want to see me elected as president, in contrast with what some sides are attempting to portray,” Geagea said in reference to media reports of a rift between the LF and the Mustaqbal Movement.

“In fact, my allies will be the most at ease should I be elected as president,” he said.

Geagea is poised to officially declare his nomination for the presidency, after his press office announced that the party's Executive Committee will meet Friday to discuss his presidential program.

Asked if Hizbullah will accept his nomination and possible election, Geagea replied: “What not? Perhaps the party also wants to end the current deteriorating situation in Lebanon.”

“I believe that they are better off dealing with a serious person whose way of thinking they are aware of instead of someone whom they do not know so well,” he explained.

“When one is in a crisis, they unconsciously seek someone else to get them out of it,” he added.

“I do not think that Hizbullah's main support base is in the greatest of shape … and I do not think that it is capable of altering the current situation,” he stated.

“We are calling for the rise of the state that achieves stability and security that serve all sides,” Geagea said.

“The program we are planning serves the interests of all sides and eliminates a current flawed situation, which started with the civil war and still persists under various slogans because the Syrian regime needed it for its regional and international agendas,” he noted.

“Shouldn't Hizbullah's youths be at university instead of the battlefield?” he wondered in reference to party members taking part in the fighting in Syria alongside the country's ruling regime.

“Shouldn't they working on building a solid economy instead of earning their salaries from Iran?” asked the LF chief.

“Hizbullah's support base will be the first beneficiary from my presidential program because it is ultimately suffering the most from the current situation, whether on the social, security, or economic levels,” he remarked.

“Hizbullah's supporters will gain the most from the establishment of a strong state and achievement of security and stability,” he added.



Comments 61
Missing --karim- 03 April 2014, 08:50

LOL, this Al Qaeda sympathizer is delusional. I'd prefer the Lebanese President not have the blood of thousands on his hands, thanks.

Thumb chrisrushlau 03 April 2014, 17:50

Mr. Geagea's point is that it is time for Lebanese Christians to go somewhere they'll be appreciated, like France, perhaps.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 09:02

Geagea submits no plan whatsoever, just old, tired phrases while his record of obstruction belies any notion of a radical change.

Geagea is a reactionary, not a radical. He will use Lebanon's challenges to pursue a fascistic agenda that will end in tears and blood.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:45

Try this on for size ...

"Peace is war by other means ..."

Thumb falanges 03 April 2014, 09:22

wow you guys are fast at commenting. you guys are just cheerleaders from afar, come to leb and see how weak your party really is

Missing --karim-- 03 April 2014, 10:33

As opposed to your party ("falanges") and their incredible 5 MPs.

Default-user-icon exTayyar (Guest) 03 April 2014, 09:24

Meanwhile, the Grand General Michel Aoun is doing this:

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 13:21

Indeed ... if there is any fault that Aoun and Geagea share is that they are never at a loss for words when their mouths should be shut ...

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 09:28

It appears that nothing quite gets under the skin of the M8 marketing dept quartet more than the thought of someone running for president that can challenge their supreme masters. Not even the hint of his plan with respects to education and social services in the south will sway their uncompromising allegiance for iran.

Thumb popeye 03 April 2014, 10:47

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, Flamethrower..... , but alas!

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 16:48

wow really? I'm very surprised you didn't share my views..NOT. even though I hadn't bad mouthed your aoun but rather gave a fairly balanced opinion..i thought so anyway.. but then again any opinion not shared by the Iranian hierarchy cannot be agreed with. I understand really. BTW it was I that said some time back that I would even vote for aoun if he could provide certain guarantees, but alas that would never happen. and I ask for guarantees cause his track record is not the most reliable and would need to provide these guarantees, such as transparency on his MOU re disarming ha,timeframes, plan etc. in order to tackle the single most de stabilising factor in the country right now..

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 16:49

so the way I see it if if I am not agreeing with you I must be paid? which makes perfect sense from someone hiding something like perhaps being paid to do such things on an opposition forum? why would I be paid to re enforce opinions on a pro M14 site? see I think aoun Alzheimer's has rubbed off onyou.. and you hate that cause Alzheimer is a jew...:)

Thumb popeye 03 April 2014, 09:34

Bless you Dr. Geagea and wish you success in your endeavors to rid lebanon off the cancer that is called the resistance.

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 03 April 2014, 10:07

Mr geagea
what are you going to do with millions of refugees in Lebanon ?

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 10:22

"Geagea knows he was flushed once Hariri wiped his behind."

~ Geagea distanced himself from Harri by not engaging the process for a new government when the rest of M14 did.

"Geagea's rush to nominate for Pres is purely to corner Hariri..."

~ Geagea can hardly "corner" Hariri. Geagea has nowhere to run to ... the vote in parliament for the new government showed that.

"My money is on Hariri to spell it out for Geagea & their alliance to be officially over."

~ Don't bet your seed corn. Treachery is the name of the game these days and Hariri could endorse Geagea. Geagea's resistance obstructionism would then devastate Lebanon.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 11:30

@ the_roar

I sincerely hope you are correct. I would say ~ It is never over until it is over ...

As far as I am concerned Aoun made a big mistake saying he wouldn't run if Geagea was endorsed by al Mustaqbal.

This brashness by Aoun could backfire badly ... Why test Hariri? Let Hariri look free to make the decision.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 11:46

@ Full-Disclosure

The KSA/usa/Israel have many "stooges" throughout the world running countries despite their people not supporting them ...

Aoun wasted a good opportunity to keep his mouth shut when he conditioned his candidacy on Mustaqbal not endorsing Geagea.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:02

@ the_roar

"Things are not always as it seems & the General has some very astute people around him...."

Once again I hope you are correct. But until I see the reasoning behind the decision I am not changing my view.

AND ... Roar ...

Please explain the wisdom of allowing Rifi back into the government since you have knowledge on this matter ... I wait to be enlightened.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:03

If Aoun is always 20 steps ahead of Geagea he would never have pushed for the release of Geagea from prison ...

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:30

@ the_roar

"Basically Rifi was the only person who could put out the fire that he was helping to fuel in the first place..."

Point taken ... though I think Tripoli had more to do with a Saudi decision to withdraw funding from Rifi ...

Charging Rifi with insurrection and criminal activity and then putting out a warrant for him would have worked.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 12:33

The problem is not really with the candidates that are inching forward for the presidency but with us the people. If such warlords can have the courage to talk of the presidency, then it means one very obvious thing, that we the people are now truly beyond help, or even worse, beyond repair. When the different sides of the political divide cannot aspire but to people like Geagea, or Aoun or Frangieh or Amin Gemayel, and keep ignoring the wonderful the great, the professional, the clean, the decent, the honest people within our ranks, people youthful and free from the blood of wars, then as Bachir Gemayel said, "sitteen alf seneh 3aleynah". Because we are not a nation of patriots but parrots, because we are not a nation of visionaries but political subsidiaries, then one direction is left for us the people, the dump of history. It is all about elevating ourselves to better heights, not to remain in such gutter lows. What a pity.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:40

Welcome to politics ... If you think most countries are any better then you deceive yourself. The world is in a serious economic downturn. Food, fuel, jobs and hope are becoming luxuries. There are very dark times ahead ...

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 15:49

Why compare us with the worst when we can be compared with the best? If it is M8 leaning then I understand you MC and because of that I will also understand about them dark days coming. Nice work there indeed.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:33

It is working out well for Aoun ... Geagea has already put his foot in it challenging the HA both over Syria and the disposition of HA's constituency. Let's see how far Geagea overreaches ...

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:43

Suleiman was supposed to be a "situational leader" and he turned out to be a disaster ... What is needed is a president that will stand for Lebanon and not be a broker\dealer for political largesse and political cover.

Thumb FlameCatcher 03 April 2014, 12:53

I remember the same about Lahoud. Except he turned out to be a traitor. And many many assassinations happening under his watch.

What we need is a president who can squash Hezbollah like little bugs and put everyone on equal grounds !

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 15:52

MC, sorry again, Suleiman is for M8 and HA a disaster, and why? Because he does not rubber stamp for anyone. Look at me, I am just a normal citizen, why don't I have any issue with our president but M8 of all? The story is as simple as counting from 1 to 10, Suleiman has not bowed to Hezbollah nor to all of the M8 hierarchy, and because of that you fellows will not spare one bad sentiment over him. We're used to that anyway, nothing new.

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 17:02

yes a disaster indeed cause being elected by M8 as their man, he was meant to tow the line and just be a yes man, he was an inspirational leader throughout his whole tenure when he was towing the M8 agenda, however it appears he has just realised his wrong ways and his last 6-7 months have been spent speaking his mind and truly representing the average Lebanese which naturally being contradictory to the M8 policy makes him a disaster..interesting logic.

Thumb thelebpatriot111 03 April 2014, 12:46

Jeffrey Dahmer wanted to run for president in the U.S. at one point. GiGi should have an opportunity to feel important also..........not!!

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 17:08

nothing gets under the skin of a M8 cheerleader more than having someone stand up to HA BS dept and clearly call them out on their wrongs, Suleiman is doing this hence hezb have packed their ball and refuse to play, and now Geagea is doing the same and we can see the frenzy this has caused amongst he M8 marketing

Default-user-icon cape town (Guest) 04 April 2014, 08:51

You guys know American and Jewish and uses all their brand plus invention more than any alias....weird people hypocrite......if America was not created we were still living like OMAR ELKHATAB...ARABS RUBBISH

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:47

@ the_roar

If Aoun is elected having pressed Hariri Aoun may have marginalized Geagea but how will this effect his relationship with Hariri?

Down the road this decision to force Hariri's hand may come at a price ... for Aoun or even both of them.

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 12:59

@ lebanonforever

Myself and roar the same person? LOL ! I gave you more credit than that ... sorry ... I'll have to remember to discount your judgement accordingly ...

Thumb mckinl 03 April 2014, 13:17

@ lebanonforever

"Gemayel is like out of date milk.."

Well put ,,, and brilliantly funny ...

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 14:24

Here is a suggestion for radical changes
ALL current leaders get out and let the new and honest and educated blood take over. The current politicians must go into exile so as to ensure they will never take part in any political process. They have pocketed enough money to live happily any where outside Lebanon

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 14:26

you want moawad for president?
please tell me you're joking.. He will be eaten alive

Missing art2strong 03 April 2014, 14:34

If Lebanon was to choose freely its president it would be no doubt Geagea. A Democrat deeply devoted to State of Law and Institutions, a sharp sense of Sovereignty & Independence, desperately out of reach of the "usual-casual-standard" merchant politicking creatures we have had as politicians for decades now.
A one who calls occupation by its name as well as occupiers. And who shall fight them. And who announces it. Clear and loud.
A one free from "dhimmi-culture" sickened with brains.

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 15:13

maybe he changed maybe he is good
nevertheless he has a dark past he has blood on his hands it is great time that we Lebanese impose the new blood the new clean and educated generation to take over move the country to the 21st century and get rid of these feudal warlords

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 15:15

here is what blows me away
we Lebanese consider ourselves educated intelligent a cut above the rest so to speak
why are we maintaining the same corrupt leader that is beyond comprehension

Thumb Loubnani 03 April 2014, 14:35

What radical changes do you speak of? What exactly is your presidential program? Why do they constantly speak in riddles? I will do this and that and the country will be great again. Yes sure "7akim", of course they will! Are they all kidding me? Do they not realise that part of the problem is them? Part of the "radical changes" should be all of them packing up and leaving us all in peace. Then and only then will we see so called radical changes.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 15:24

LF, all the Syrian lackeys were and remain a disaster of the most complete kind. Anything that comes after them could only be an improvement.

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 15:24

right on loubnani that is exactly what I have been advocating

Thumb Loubnani 03 April 2014, 17:27

It's a joke coolmec. Where I live people are informed of policies and changes before they vote. In Lebanon, it seems people are left in the dark. Presidents are voted in to serve the political elite and their interests and the people are just left hanging and hopeful that maybe next time things will change.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 15:26

Thank you Loubnani, which is why I keep repeating that same one name, Demianos Kattar, the sad thing is that most Lebanese will rather have a crook lead the nation. After such an excellent president as Suleiman, it is only fitting to have a man like Kattar, anything else will be seen as dropping way down, be it Geagea, and especially the old man Aoun.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 16:11

With pleasure LF. demianow Kattar is a highly educated professional, known for his high integrity and decency. He is a Maronite, serves as top adviser for some top regional countries, the same for the patriarchate, served previously under Miqati, and advocated closing down EDL and all the heap of its rubbish, plus those fake IDs collecting salaries monthly plus pensions, preferring to buy electricity 24/7 from Turkey and a lot cheaper too, knocks off pollution, graft and corruption in one go. But he is also intent on real audit for all the system, which is what scares stiff every crook dinausor.

Thumb Loubnani 03 April 2014, 17:29

Hi phoenix. I am from Jezzine so I am no stranger to Demianos Kattar, however, I would like to see Ziad Baroud make the seat. I have my reasons obviously which I can't state here...

Missing coolmec 03 April 2014, 15:36

right on phoenix
we new new and honest blood

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2014, 16:36

I have always liked Geagea. He is a strategist. He sees things clearly that happened in the past and he can see things to the future. His drawbacks are that he has a history. His LF during its heyday in the 1980's ran roughshod over the Lebanese Christians of the Sharieye and many have long memories of LF militia boys taking liberties with their weapons and their power.
When Aoun went after them in 1989, there was not much sympathy for them due to their conduct when they had power. All of this is wrapped around Geagea's neck, fairly or unfairly and his candidacy is burdened by it.

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2014, 16:39

Likewise, Aoun is a strong guy, has a loyal following and would not be a nonentity as Lebanese President. This strength is also his weakness. Hezbollah, his main ally, does not want a competing source of power in the Lebanese system. Aoun has misread Hezbollah's intention in signing the MOU. They sought Aoun in order to deny to the M14 a powerful Christian political personality and thus to weaken M14 to manageable levels.

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2014, 16:42

However, this does not mean that Hezbollah will promote Aoun to a position of power. It only wanted to deny Aoun's power to the Lebanese Nationalist political coalition that is M14, not promote Aoun. Aoun only gets elected if his natural base, the Lebanese Nationalists promote him. Hezbollah is a Syrian/Iranian Nationalist faction, not a Lebanese Party.

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2014, 16:43

For these reasons, I like a new face, Ziyad Baroud. He has shown credibility and competence during his time as Interior Minister. He is not corrupt and has no baggage from Lebanon's dark times 1975-1991.
It is time in Lebanon to turn the page, time to build a new state with new players and Baroud is the best of the new players.

Thumb Loubnani 03 April 2014, 17:32

If indeed you don't know then here check out his Wikipedia page

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 16:55

lol he did take 20 steps at a time on his return from france when he anxiously hurried into the prison where Geagea was held to cry at his feet and beg forgiveness...

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 17:25

Or Ziad Rahbani?

Missing forces 03 April 2014, 17:27

FD weren't you preaching the 2000 bug will stop the whole world?, and that in 2012 the world was ending? see the truth with conspiracy theories is that they make you blind.. or is that the other thing :)

Thumb -phoenix1 03 April 2014, 17:47

This is the kind of president we want, as Bachir Gemayel said. Now ya Bani, don't hit the roof, habibi enet.

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2014, 18:32

How can a Lebanese President solve a crisis under the current governmental set up? The Presidency is as strong as the President who holds the office. A polarizing figure will not be able to persuade large segments of the Lebanese population regardless of the quality of his argument or the clarity of his presentation.
So you need someone who is credible and who potentially can affect Lebanese public opinion broadly enough to move the true centers of power in the Lebanese System which are the Prime Ministership, the Speaker and Hezbollah.

Thumb Loubnani 03 April 2014, 19:16

He's is more than just a bureaucrat really. He is also an activist, an idealist and someone who would most certainly work for the best of the country. He also has a wide popular base in the country

Check out LBC's poll here

I fear however because of the corrupt nature of out political system he will be rendered incapable of doing anything especially that now the powers of the president are next to nill.

Let's wait and see

Missing jeff070 03 April 2014, 20:40

When would the list come out for the official presidential candidates?

Anybody other than Aoun and Geagea?

Thumb Bandoul 03 April 2014, 21:40

@veritas, the US is my only country as well. Some who become citizens recite the pledge of allegiance at the swear-in ceremony like parrots and don't really understand or don't want to understand what it means. They just want that passport and the privilege that it comes with but the they are the first to spit on the US or burn the US flag when they return to their native country. I wish there are more citizens like you.

Default-user-icon Bennie (Guest) 29 June 2014, 18:53

Can you tell us more about this? I'd care to find out more details.