Suleiman Hopes Parties Boycotting Monday's All-Party Talks Would Attend Upcoming Sessions

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

President Michel Suleiman expressed regret on Sunday over the decision by some parties not to attend all-party talks a day before they kick off at the Baabda Palace under his auspices.

“I hope that the parties that decided to boycott the National Dialogue would participate in upcoming sessions,” Suleiman said during the Alphabet Day Conference held in the city of Jbeil.

Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah lashed out at Suleiman in a televised speech on Saturday.

He said that the president's comments on the people-army-resistance equation will be reflected in Hizbullah's stance from participating in the national dialogue sessions, preferring instead to launch talks after the presidential vote.

The rift increased recently between the President and Hizbullah after Suleiman described the formula as "wooden" during a speech at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in February.

Suleiman's comments had angered Hizbullah, accusing him of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden."

“Let us continue discussions on the defense strategy to fortify the army's capabilities and put arms under the state's control,” the President said from Jbeil.

He pointed out that “a country that has an army like ours will triumph,” noting that the army should not have any red lines.

Suleiman lauded the Baabda Declaration, saying: “It was adopted by the International community.”

He stressed that clergymen have an important role in the battle against terror, in particular, in spreading awareness against takfiris.

Lebanon has been rocked with violence linked to the Syrian war. It has been particularly on edge since the revolt against Syrian President Bashar Assad kicked off in 2011.

On Saturday evening, three Lebanese soldiers were killed and four others wounded following a suicide attack near a military checkpoint in the area of Wadi Ata in Arsal.

An explosive-rigged vehicle exploded as it drove past a recently erected military checkpoint in the area.

The "Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” claimed the suicide explosion, considering it a retaliation to the killing of fugitive Sami Ahmed al-Atrash.

Lebanon has witnessed car and suicide bombings, rocket attacks and gunfights between pro- and anti-Assad fighters in several cities and towns.

The country has also seen a rise in the wave of kidnappings. Abductors usually ask for ransom.

Comments 18
Thumb Kalzyturks 30 March 2014, 12:45

..... Power forever??

Is this all of Lebanon you mean?

Thumb EagleDawn 30 March 2014, 13:04

lol, as if the original josphani is any better; both as bad as each other!

Thumb Kalzyturks 30 March 2014, 13:17


How do I know your not a fake From the original Flamethrower who had no dots to dots from left & right to five dots on the right?

You certainly not a centrist?

Thumb Kalzyturks 30 March 2014, 14:00


I stopped reading Flamethrower post since I noticed dots appearing everywhere.
I presumed there is an imposter in the mix.

At one point the original was using logic & the other doted imposters show aggression & disrespect.....

Thumb cedre 30 March 2014, 14:16

coz the original jaafarani is not sectarian

'josephani 19 March 2014, 07:50 00
LOL! Mystic ya BATAL! cedre the takfiri terrorist mouthpiece accused me of being Muslim Shia from Iran and called me a fake Christian because I called him "Son of Yazid the drunk who slept with a dead women that killed herself in order not to be raped by him. The story is well know in the Islamic but little is said about it. His idol is Yazid and that tells you a lot about cedre. Doesn't it!'

Thumb EagleDawn 30 March 2014, 13:13

21 minutes ago Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan announced that the party will boycott Monday's National Dialogue session.


Thumb ex-fpm 30 March 2014, 13:23

HA will not engage in any dialogue unless on its own terms. HA will not integrate into the State nor will it give up its weapons. When will people wake up and realize this is an Iranian militia implementing a religious and political ideology of its masters in Tehran.

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 30 March 2014, 13:24

Mr president
they are waiting for u Mr president to leave office , in a few ,and then they will work with the new president

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 30 March 2014, 14:08

just ban all takfiri parties and put them on the list of terrorists
monsieur le president
and this if u do it you will be remembered that at least you did something good for the country
btw best salutation from elie murr

Thumb Kalzyturks 30 March 2014, 14:17

Yes let's seek a referendum on the Arms of HA.

& whether we should except the finance to buy arms from KSA?
This is the best solution.

Thumb ex-fpm 30 March 2014, 14:19

your accusing the President is tantamount to defamation and you should be pursued for that.

Thumb cedre 30 March 2014, 14:21

m14 boycotts coz they dont want to sit down with syrian kids' killers.
HA boycotts coz they dont want anybody to discuss their control of Lebanon. There is a small but vital difference u pretend not to understand...

Thumb mckinl 30 March 2014, 15:32

Nice rebuttal ...

Missing peace 30 March 2014, 16:53

"when M8 leaderships boycott, it's haram, when their idol false hakim boycotts, he's a man of principles LOL @ braindead M14ers and ouwwatjis"

poor FT ... once again criticizing others for what he always do... really a poor loser and desperate syrian bootlicker...
pathetic idiot he ll always be... normal from an antilebanese M8er....

Missing coolmec 30 March 2014, 18:04

No shia power, no sunny power, no Christian power
Lebanese power ONLY

Missing coolmec 30 March 2014, 18:08

@half disclosure
Anyone who loves Lebanon, works and defends Lebanon is patriotic in my books. Anyone else defending a foreign cause is traitor to Lebanon's well being

Missing cedars 30 March 2014, 21:45

Assad said he wants to see what the new president will do for the resistance therefore the latter will not care about this palace any longer because they have received the orders again from their boss.
The day when a centrist fair leader takes over the Syrian ruling and the Assad family is gone until then Lebanon will always be unstable.

Missing coolmec 30 March 2014, 23:02

you are so out of line dude displaying hatred ignorance and sectarianism Lebanon power ONLY