Suleiman, Hizbullah Rift Threatens Resumption of National Dialogue

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President Michel Suleiman is holding on to his call for the political arch-foes to resume the national dialogue despite Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's hints that the party could boycott the session.

Sources close to Suleiman told An Nahar newspaper published on Sunday that the president insists on resuming the all-party talks, pointing out that there is still time to inquire the stances of all parties before taking any decision to postpone it.

“Any decision to postpone the national dialogue session is based on the stances of the parties,” the sources noted.

The newspaper reported that contacts intensified between Baabda and Ain el-Tineh over the matter.

It said that Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Tammam Salam are exerting efforts to deter Hizbullah from boycotting the session.

The rift increased recently between the President and Hizbullah after Suleiman described the people-army-resistance formula as "wooden" during a speech at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in February.

Suleiman's comments had angered Hizbullah, accusing him of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden."

Nasrallah lashed out at Suleiman in a televised speech on Saturday.

He remarked that the president's comments on the equation will be reflected in Hizbullah's stance from participating in the national dialogue sessions, preferring instead to launch talks after the presidential vote.

Informed political sources told An Nahar that Hizbullah's stance blocks the road to any possible breakthrough between the party and Suleiman.

Concerning the stances of the March 14 alliance, sources close to the Lebanese Forces told An Nahar daily that the party decided not to attend the all-party talks.

However, al-Mustaqbal movement sources said that the party will attend.

The presidency issued earlier this month invitations to the concerned political parties to resume the national dialogue on March 31.

The rival political leaders are expected to focus on the state's defense strategy, which will become a roadmap to resolve the remaining point of contentions.

The last dialogue session was held on September 20, 2012.

In August, Speaker Nabih Berri suggested holding a five-day dialogue retreat to discuss pending issues in the country.

Later on Sunday, Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan announced that the party will boycott Monday's National Dialogue session.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Scorpion (Guest) 30 March 2014, 09:38

Are you implying that Suleiman is anti-Lebanon in some way? What does that even mean? Even if he is friendly with Saudi Arabia, why does that make him "anti-Lebanon?" In any case, any association that M14 or moderates have with other countries pales in comparison to HA's association with Iran and Syria. Is taking orders from Iran and fighting on foreign soil without government approval a pro-Lebanon stance? Your logic is warped. Yalla, a few more months and then hopefully we can eliminate Aoun's presidential aspirations once and for all. Aoun can then retire and move to Dahieh.

Default-user-icon Scorpion (Guest) 30 March 2014, 09:45

So HA goes to fight in Syria, which creates a backlash in Tripoli, and Suleiman is the one to blame? If he keeps his mouth shut, he is blamed. If he tells HA to not fight on foreign soil, he is blamed. What do you want him to do? Stand up and say, "I, as the democratically-elected President of the Republic of Lebanon fully support having an armed sectarian militia that is financed and directed by the religious leadership of another country, wage a war on foreign soil." Wake up already and realize that HA's actions have directly led to the situation Lebanon is in today. They created a monster in order to justify their own existence. We're all paying the price.

Thumb popeye 30 March 2014, 09:53

The terror party is not a Lebanese party; it has no intentions for dialogue; they believe in violence; they are driven by hatred; they are waging a religious war in Syria; they promote sectarianism; they are funded and armed by the enemy of the Arab world; they implement a foreign agenda and ideology. When Suleiman then the commander of the army stood by and watched their invasion of Beirut, he was the real deal patriotic President. They are an evil scheme with a devil's agenda.

Thumb ex-fpm 30 March 2014, 13:34

always looking for a fight, flamethrower. Your manners leave a lot to be desired:(

Thumb ice-man 30 March 2014, 18:54

hello frank, my dear friend:) How are you, and why are you not posting much lately under this screen name?

Missing 30 March 2014, 09:57

Mckinl - you are a hypocrite. Pres Suleiman did the best possible with the hand he has been dealt. You have a militia more powerful than the state that is willing to bring the country down if it does not get its way. The president, who has limited powers, can either succumb to this militia or keep pushing for the state to reclaim its powers. We all know where you stand.

Missing 30 March 2014, 09:59

Pres Sleiman is far more Lebanese than you will ever be. A true Lebanese stands for the Lebanese state and not for militias that are funded and led from abroad.

Missing peace 30 March 2014, 19:23

yes you do :)

Missing coolmec 30 March 2014, 10:49

are you coming to the US? I live close to disneyland

Thumb ice-man 30 March 2014, 18:53

@Jaafar: what is your favorite ice-cream?

Missing peace 30 March 2014, 16:44

national dialogue for hezbis is very simple: it all boils down to a monologue where they want the others to abide by THEIR conditions... if not, then they either boycott or will never abide by any decisions that does not suit their interests...

and they pretend to be in favor of lebanon! LOL brave little hypocrits

Thumb FlameCatcher 30 March 2014, 22:23

@FT: The very fact you call it militia shows how this terrorist party has nothing to do with Resisting Israel.

The Lebanese government legitimized a "resistance" to liberate Lebanon. Not a Shiite paramilitary organisation engaging in religious warfares beyond control of the state. This is what Hezbollah is doing and there is nothing you can say to deny that ! Except hide your head in the ground as you always do.

Anyway, how stupid do you think people are when you say : "M14's inability to make good use of hezbollah" ?

When the president, government and all politicians call for a withdrawal from syria and end to interference and Hezbollah pisses on them all ? No one can make use of Hezbollah except Iran and this has been made quite clear.

The only step forward is disarming this LIE and putting everyone on equal ground. Otherwise, there is no possible trust or equality or hope for this country !