Khalil Withdraws from Arab League Meet during Jarba's Speech

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Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil announced on Tuesday that he withdrew from the Arab League meeting during Syrian National Coalition chief Ahmed Jarba's speech.

“I pulled out from the hall in harmony with my own convictions and allegiances,” Khalil, who is the political adviser of Speaker Nabih Berri, said via Twitter.

Berri, who is the leader of AMAL movement, is a strong ally of Hizbullah that is engaged in battles in the neighboring country Syria in support of President Bashar Assad.

Jarba accused, during his speech at the Arab League, Hizbullah and Assad's regime forces of desecrating the homes of the residents of the strategic town of Yabrud in the Qalamoun region adjoining the Lebanese border.

“You have all seen the leaked movies, the behavior of the fighters and the sectarian hatred... You have all heard about the sweets distributed in Beirut's southern suburbs to celebrate the fall of Yabrud and the victims.”

Yabrud's capture was celebrated in Damascus by hundreds of residents who took to the streets to celebrate. And in Lebanon, Hizbullah supporters fired celebratory gunshots in the air in Beirut and its southern suburbs.

Hizbullah is believed to have played a key role in the town's capture.

Hizbullah's involvement in Syria has prompted retaliatory bomb and rocket attacks by extremist groups against areas in Lebanon sympathetic to the movement. The attacks have mostly killed civilians.

The group and Lebanese security forces have said many of the car bombs used in those attacks originated in Yabrud.

Jarba criticized “the yielding of Assad and his ally (Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan) Nasrallah before Israel.”

Comments 24
Missing peace 25 March 2014, 14:06

you are part of the lebanese gvt and as such you should stick to the policy you agreed upon, otherwise just resign hypocrit M8er!

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 14:54

typical kiddo answer... you are pathetic. stop playing the grown ups, you desperately fail in your ridiculous attempts to appear educated....

Thumb popeye 25 March 2014, 14:58

lol just lol

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 15:13

What policy?

the policy of the STATE of lebanon... but of course we know how you hezbi lovers believe that the state is hezbollah and spit on the official institutions....
and you ask for a strong state while undermining it every single day? LOL hypocrit losers is what you are all about....

Missing abraham 25 March 2014, 17:51

you dummy
how come the Arab nations represntitives walk out in the UN, when the Isreali governamt officials speak

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 18:46

you are even more dummy if you fail to see that they walk out in the name of their governments, not in their personal one like this iranian bootlicker! LOL

Missing h.mousawy 25 March 2014, 14:20

Well done Mr Khalil! All he did was withdraw which is common sense & he has all right to do so. Under intetnational law & political protocal what he did is considered as normal. So plz those with BIG mouths find something else to talk about unless you want to remind you how many times Saudi,Qatari,US & Israeli officials have withdrew from international summons.

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 14:22

he did not leave in the name of the government he represents.... but in his name! so as such he should NOT be part of the lebanese gvt anymore!

the policy of the gvt is self disassociation and he just spit on it once more as a faithful M8er he is but certainly not as a representative of the STATE!

Thumb cedre 25 March 2014, 14:30

“I pulled out from the hall in harmony with my own convictions and allegiances”

He means allegiances to Assad and Khamenei...

Thumb cedre 25 March 2014, 14:40

u obviously dont understand HA ideology...
Ever heard of a taklif shar3i? Qassem Suleimani ? No ? Ok...

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 14:55

hezbollah OFFICIALLY and PUBLICLY pledged allegiance to the iranian revolution... M14 never pledged allegiance to anyone....

go and educate yourself kiddo....

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 15:47

LOL southern...

i advise you to look further than your M8 nose and you ll see how wrong and brainwashed you are...
your leaders just want to play in your fears and they have succeeded! now just show us how much lebanon looks like saudi arabia and how much the lebanese live under the charia laws? LOL

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 25 March 2014, 14:36

the arabs in the beginning of the war in Syria made a military headed by arab generals chosen by the arab league
the league chosen by the arab league went to Syria and upon return they submitted their analisis of the situation which were refused by the arab league who appointed these generals
strange at least

Thumb popeye 25 March 2014, 14:59

Even if left the room, nobody would miss such a traitor)

Thumb popeye 25 March 2014, 15:17

kindly, reduce the spam on the forum. did you discuss spam in your seminar, i bet not.

Thumb jabal10452 25 March 2014, 17:00

He is there as the envoy of the Lebanese government, not as his own representative. His personal convictions and allegiances cannot take precedence over the instructions of his government. All he did by his action is show the Arab Leage what Lebanon truly is: a fractured, chaotic pseudo-country. Bravo Khalil! Mission accomplished.

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 17:03

sure M8ers believe THEY are the government... they SPIT on it whenever it suits them or displesaes them... and they hypocritically speak of strenghtening the state! LOL
they decide of peace and war, spit on a declaration they signed, leave a room on their behalf... but pledging allegiance to the lebanese flag? no way... their acts prove how they just trample it day after day....

what a farce they are....

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 17:32

sure if his allegiance was lebanese he would have stayed in the name of the lebanese state and its disassociation policy! but his allegiance lies abroad LOL and they dare talk about patriotism!

Thumb souk-el-gharb 25 March 2014, 17:30

Sack this iranian...

Thumb cedre 25 March 2014, 21:08

LOL good one slash, dont mind rory, he suffers from identity problems...

Default-user-icon Fouad (Guest) 25 March 2014, 17:45

I've never posted any comment online, but after seeing @theroar, i felt the need to express how shameful i am to share my lebanese identity with your ignorant and violent self.
You're an idiot.
Oh and it's unbeliveably dull minded to fight via web comments. Have a civil argument.

P.s. There's a big picture here. Try too see it.

Thumb beiruti 25 March 2014, 21:29

It is the difference between an errand boy and a boss, between a party member and a Minister of Government. Khalil represents the Lebanese government at the Arab League. Because other participants have statements to make against the Assad Regime, may be cause of Khalil to take personal offense, or recoil because his party's benefactor has been dissed, but as a Minister, he is not supposed to abandon his post by getting up and leaving. Khalil is like the rest of the people who are in the Lebanese Govt. They too are mere party men, zilm who have been given fancy titles, like Minister, but they are ministers in name only. underneath, they are just zilm who are spoon fed their daily bread.

Missing peace 25 March 2014, 22:28

well said... all that M8ers would deny! LOL

Thumb FlameCatcher 26 March 2014, 12:02

Khalil, you traitor. You are representing Lebanon at the Arab league and not your pitiful self. For all we care, you can shove your convictions and alliegances wherever it turns you on.

You are a LEBANESE minister and are therefore obliged to perform your duties.

Otherwise, you are a traitor and should be SACKED !