Report: Israel Air Force Deploys Drones to Protect Gas Fields from Hizbullah

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The Israeli air force has begun using unmanned aircraft to conduct surveillance and reconnaissance missions over Israeli gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea out of fear that they will be targeted by Hizbullah, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday.

The Israeli daily said the decision to deploy the drones came after the Shiite party warned Israel that it would protect Lebanon’s maritime sovereignty.

Lebanon “will remain vigilant in order to regain its full rights, whatever it takes,” Hizbullah deputy chief Naim Qassem has said.

“The Israel navy has already drafted an operational plan for protecting the offshore gas fields and the decision to deploy drones was made in order to maintain a 24-hour presence over the site,” The Jerusalem Post said.

Last week, the Lebanese parliament approved a law on the delineation of the country's maritime boundary. The law defines Lebanon's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is a sea zone that gives a state the right to explore its maritime resources.

Tensions rose last month after Israel's cabinet approved a map of the country's proposed maritime borders with Lebanon and submitted it to the United Nations, which has been asked to mediate.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon eli (Guest) 09 August 2011, 13:57

What is wrong with that? Its a country that will do whatever to protect its interest. It has leaders that think about their country first. its a country that politicians stand accountable for their action. Protecting national interest is priority one. All atributes sadly missing in our Lebanese society.

Default-user-icon eli (Guest) 09 August 2011, 14:03

What is wrong with that? Its a country that will do whatever to protect its interest. It has leaders that think about their country first. its a country that politicians stand accountable for their action. Protecting national interest is priority one. All atributes sadly missing in our Lebanese society.

Default-user-icon Abdallah (Guest) 09 August 2011, 14:41

eli, what is wrong with stealing other peoples property, what is wrong with killing children and destroying houses, hospitals, schools and lifes? Whats wrong with stealing gas that doesnt belong to you? Nothing wrong at all.

Default-user-icon JAD (Guest) 09 August 2011, 14:43

So Eli, from Israel Lebanon and its People have no right to defend thier waters from clearly a violation from the Zionist entity the UN has yet to make its demarcation yet these so called Zionist who are democratic only if your Jew as I dont know any Christians in thier parliment are already trying to suck the oil from our shores, I really do hope the Lebanese Army send in its Units and blow up these iligal drillers and if its with the Help of the Hezboullah then again why not, Lebanese waters Lebanese Oil pure and simply this has nothing to do with M8 or M14 crap as this oil is Lebanese for all Lebanese.

Thumb bipartisan 09 August 2011, 15:17

JAD and Abdallah it is really amazing to read your argument, but people there is nothing wrong in what Israel is doing there is many things wrong in the definition of our identity that is why we are often fighting. For some of us Israel is the devil for some others Syria is the devil, but what we fail to see is that we always hide behind those slogans in order to avoid facing the truth. the truth is that we are occupied by Iran through hezbollah and that we lack great leaders that can face such occupation. Our presumed leaders tried to hide in Saudi Arabia squirt instead of fighting Hezbollah head on, like Bashir Gemayel would have done and that is pushing undicided parties to linger between the options of calling for war or surrender. Hence we are helpless undecided while hezbollah's machine is working full power to take control over lebanon. Oussaya, Oyoun Al siman, and many examples are just steps along the way that is way lebanese prefer israel above Hezbollah

Default-user-icon JAD (Guest) 09 August 2011, 16:00


Sorry friend from the Kataeb who killed Bashir was it not the LF and like I said in my previous post, stealing Lebanese oil has nothint to do with all this M8 and M14 and pro Syria anti Israel what so ever, it has to do with what is right and wrong as per international laws what Israel is doing is Iligal and against Legal norms they simply cannot be drilling in disputed waters yet they are doing so iligally.

Clearly you have a Hezboullah complex maybe I have an Israel or Syria complex or Iran complex but thats not my argument here, its to do with international law and under international law we as the Republic of Lebanon have every right to defend the oil it has nothing to do with being agains Israel but clearly your complex about Hezboullah is clearly clouding your mind friend for this is not the issue at hand here, but coluding with Israel or Iran or Syria helps no one but those coluding, but am talking to you as a Lebanese who doesnt care much for the politics.

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (Guest) 09 August 2011, 16:13

You guys jumped on eli..... hold on a minute. The guy was merely saying nothing wrong with Israel protecting its oil fields. He did not refer to Israel protecting "disputed" gas fields. The article did not mention anything to that effect. For all we know these oil or gas fields could well be inside Israel's territorial waters.

That is the problem with some Lebanese..... fast on the trigger, short on delivery!

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 09 August 2011, 16:26

Jad And Abdallah, -Ramadan Karim.
Reading your comments i'm disappointed to say that yor still repeat the old mantra of how Israel is bad , how Israel is killing and robbing.
Come on open your eyes, the massacre in Arabian world is hundreds of times bigger, the Syrian army slaughter its own people and you remain silence.
Israel would not have touched a single person if there was no hostility from Lebanese side. only those with short memory can spit out the incitement they get in the mosques against Israel but never a good word.
Always hate and hate and once again hate also boycott and other rubbish.
If Lebanon has arguments with Israel regarding oil and gas exploration fields there are 2 sovereign governments to sit to the table and negotiate, not from the threat of a rifle but face to face.
Problem is the Arabian world still remain with its hate toward Israel and then they wonder why Israel is doing all efforts to protect itself from such "LOVERS".

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 09 August 2011, 16:33

Jad. only to update you, in the Israeli Knesset there are Christian, Muslims Beduine and other minorities elected in free elections.
The local Arabs getting social benefits , health insurance and national insurance.
Wonder what kind of civil rights getting the Palestinian residents in Lebanon over 65 years.? how many are free to live in any place in Lebanon, how many been elected to the government of parliament ? how many getting health insurance and social benefits ?
If all answers are negative, then no doubt that your hate is blindfolding your eyes.

Default-user-icon Abdallah (Guest) 09 August 2011, 20:52

bipartisan, speak for yourself. I dont know a single lebanese who prefers israel to hezballah. But that just shows how the dead lebanese children mean nothing to you however if they had been murdered by hezballah then all of a sudden you would care. There is a reason to why hezballah grew to be so strong in lebanon, its called support among the masses. Currently the entire shiite sect, half of the maronites, more than half of the druze, most orthodox as well as 25 % of sunnis are allied with hezballah. And when it comes to defending lebanon from israel, that number reaches 100 % except among the maronite sect who has LF and Phalange among them two well known muslim-hating groups who has comitted horrible war crimes against the lebanese people, muslims and christians alike. So speak for yourself as i said because you are not the lebanese people, you only represent yourself. But why doesnt the "lebanese people" rise up against hezballah if they hate it so much as you say.

Default-user-icon Kharabeesh (Guest) 09 August 2011, 22:02

Don't they need under-sea drones? The demise of Israel is still going on. Sorry, Fares Soaid. Sorry Samir Geagea. Sorry Al Mustaqbal al Isra2ili. SORRY.

Default-user-icon quid pro quo (Guest) 10 August 2011, 00:37

no need israel can always call upon the mossad infested hezb for support, hassan said so. in 2006 they combined force israel got the un and lebanese army it has been calling for since 1994 and the mossad infested hezb was free to turn it's arms inwards and occupy jbeil matn and ouyoun al siman and control the christian areas militarily.