Suleiman Thanks Qatar for its Role in Release of Syria Nuns

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President Michel Suleiman thanked on Monday Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, for Doha's role in the release in Syria of more than a dozen Greek Orthodox nuns.

A Baabda Palace statement said that during phone conversations, Suleiman also thanked the Syrian government and other parties involved in the release of the nuns in exchange for Syrian authorities setting free dozens of female prisoners.

The release of the nuns and their helpers, 16 women in all, is a rare successful prisoner exchange deal between Syrian government authorities and the rebels seeking to overthrow the rule of President Bashar Assad.

Syrian rebels, including members of the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front, seized them from the Mar Takla convent when fighters overran the Christian village of Maalula, north of Damascus, in December.

The presidential statement said Suleiman rejected kidnappings under any excuse and stressed during meetings with army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji, General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim and Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous the importance of following up the cases of two bishops and a journalist kidnapped in Syria.

Bishops Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi were kidnapped in April 2013 in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo while they were on a humanitarian work.

Sky News Arabia cameraman Samir Kassab went missing in Syria in October last year.

On the recent abductions carried out in Lebanon, Suleiman said it was important for security and military agencies to coordinate the arrest of the gangs involved in kidnappings.

Approximately 150 female prisoners are to be released in exchange for the nuns' freedom, Abbas Ibrahim, who oversaw the deal, said Monday.

Suleiman lauded his role in reaching a happy ending in the case of the nuns.

Their release also drew widespread attention by political and religious leaders in the country.

Speaker Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Tammam Salam, Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani were among the officials who congratulate the nuns on their release.

Comments 16
Thumb popeye 10 March 2014, 14:36

new screen name yet again!!!!

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, ..-Flamethrower-.. , but alas!

Thumb EagleDawn 10 March 2014, 14:39

It seems you would rather the nuns were not released, flamethrower..?

Thumb ex-fpm 10 March 2014, 14:42

Qatar also sponsored HA in 2006 and people like you also said "Shoukran Qatar".

Default-user-icon josephani (Guest) 10 March 2014, 15:15

Thank You Qatar for financing the takfiri canines who abducted our nuns and also negotiated their release. Next time to just don't sponsor criminal takfiris to kidnap nuns and priest. Since Qatar is an Arab country ruled by degenerate regressive Muslim perverts they should keep their signature of terrorist sponsorship among the Gulf Arab Countries.

Thumb lebanon_first 10 March 2014, 16:06

repeat all after me.

Choukran Qatar.

Now Qatar go back and finance the terrorists.

Thumb EagleDawn 10 March 2014, 16:21

You know nothing about civil debate. Anyone who has a point of view different than yours is automatically labeled names, insults, accused of having 40 aliases, and mocked. What's with your obsession with iceman, he is not even here! Grow up... life is short.

Thumb ice-man 10 March 2014, 18:38

@False-Disclosure: One things that seems to impress me most about you is your ability to take a selfie while posting your numerous comments. You also come with a lot of voting power behind you, Impressive!

Thumb ex-fpm 10 March 2014, 17:57

yes cityboy it makes sense since the two of you speak farsi.

Thumb ice-man 10 March 2014, 18:07

Hi leb_roar: I am visiting Australia next month. My business attorney said he could help with changing your status from Temporary Asylum Seeker. Whacha say?

Thumb ice-man 10 March 2014, 18:42

yes, of course @nadine:) Do you need any hygiene products or cosmetics from over there?

Thumb ice-man 10 March 2014, 18:51

@cityboy (mowaten): What is the size of the shia community in your city?

Thumb -phoenix1 10 March 2014, 19:32

If Naharnet allows a small deviation from the topic, but in view of the recent developments in this forum, one needs to interject with the hope that reason will return to this forum. First, lately, there's been too much personal attacks between certain M8 leaning posters and M14 leaning ones. I therefore wish to subscribe to @Cityboy's post in saying please everyone, let us calm down, I am sure Naharnet did not provide with this most useful Forum for us to attack each other, no matter what the topic may be. I've seen way too many good forums go down because of this sad trend, so please everyone, let us debate with each other, all the while being frank, honest and open about our views, but all the time remaining respectful with each other. being disrespectful will serve us NO purpose, none whatsoever, and I repeat it once again, it is only in being calm that we can be heard.

Default-user-icon josephani (Guest) 10 March 2014, 20:43

Yes phoenix we will listen because you set the example right! You attacked me and insulted me two weeks ago. Do you remember. You also insulted and disrespect all the M8 alliance deliberately. You try to act like you are neutral but, the truth is you are nothing close to neutral. Just an M14 mouthpiece snake trying to keep both side from knowing your true colors. A traitor to Lebanese Christian. Lebanon has and will always be filled with phony patriots like you...

He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones. And please go preach your hypocrisy and M14 psychosis to someone else...

Thumb liberty 10 March 2014, 23:06

I guess yes, it would be too complicated specially for someone who owns an international company with 1,500 employees and an MBA from Harvard.

Default-user-icon Pezkon Fladji (Guest) 11 March 2014, 03:02

He should also thank himself, Fares Soaid and Samir Geagea for... well... umm... duh... doing nothing??? to convince their best friends, the takfiris, to free the nuns. Thank you very much you good-for-nothing loud mouths.

Missing beirutbastard00 11 March 2014, 05:08

I get the feeling that some the moderators participate in the debates.

I personally disagree with a lot of @the_roars posts, as I find them ill informed, but ill have to agree 100% with him on this point. theres something very fishy about the way some comments are deleted while others aren't.

I understand nahar is M14, and I personally would label myslef as M14/independent. there is no reason to censor or spam a debate, we have reason and common sense on our side.

I hope naharnet reconciders is policy, and not delete this comment.