Associated Press Slams Salam's Cabinet Photo as 'Unacceptable'


The Associated Press removed a government-produced picture of Lebanese officials posing with members of the new cabinet after learning of the photograph's manipulation.

After learning of the photograph's manipulation on Sunday, the AP removed the image from its archives and issued an advisory to customers not to use it.

"Adding elements to a photograph is entirely unacceptable and is in clear violation of AP's standards," said AP vice president and director of photography Santiago Lyon.

The government-produced picture of Lebanese officials posing with members of the new cabinet was altered to include a picture of the speaker of parliament who wasn't actually there, an official with the presidential palace has acknowledged.

The photo released Saturday portrays the Lebanese president Michel Suleiman, premier Tammam Salam and parliament speaker Nabih Berri posing outside the palace with members of the national unity government. The photo was distributed by The Associated Press and other news agencies.

Local journalists later noticed that Parliament Speaker Berri was not at the palace in the early afternoon when the picture was taken — and that the picture was doctored to include him.

Asked to comment about it on Sunday, Presidential media adviser Adib Abi Akl said: "So what?" He said the official photos were sent to the media and "it is your choice to use them or not."

Earlier, he said that according to the Lebanese protocol all the top three leaders — the president, prime minister and parliament speaker — have to be in the group photo. The first shot was taken with Berri and the ministers present, after which Berri, who was headed for Kuwait, had to leave for the airport. When the missing ministers arrived, the group stood again for a new picture without Berri, who was then added by Photoshop.

Comments 12
Thumb cedars2 17 February 2014, 09:54

Yeah "so what", we live in a country where politicians are constantly under threat and the welfare of the country is more important than delaying formation because of a stupid photo.Who cares ayt least it was formed, unfortunately we dont have time to dwell on petty protocols we are on a war footing and small changes like these wont really affect anything. For M14 to get anywhere it involves an elaborate route and security precaution or else they might not get there. And the same for M8'rs these days. They have reached the balance of terror. Mabrouk.

Missing peace 17 February 2014, 10:47

but taking a fake photo sums pretty well the politics in Lebanon... all fake, just an image to preserve! LOL

Default-user-icon YOUSSEF (Guest) 17 February 2014, 09:57

Basita, Mashyia ....And they say they want to build a country !!!!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 17 February 2014, 12:20

Well, it's felt rather backward to have such a photo fix done, but then, come on, we Lebanese have gone past one major obstacle and hurdle, we've now a new cabinet, personally I can't worry too much about a photo fix, let's move on, what awaits the nation is by no means small, but at least one must state this, that serenity has automatically come about. We've toured several places, restaurants etc..., business has picked up sensibly, and this after months of continuing decline. The fact that some good people got the economic portfolio shows that our politicians did in fact listen. If wholeheartedly or not matters not, the line up as it is is actually quite good.

Thumb -phoenix1 17 February 2014, 12:21

** sorry typos again, .. I felt rather awkward...***

Default-user-icon Guest (Guest) 17 February 2014, 14:04

The picture itself is not properly done in Photoshop. Look at the picture at, Berri is clearly in front of anyone else. Check where his shoulders are. Anyone would have noticed it. Of course, assuming that someone really cares.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:44

i dont see what you mean... what's wrong with the shoulders?

Default-user-icon Legion (Guest) 17 February 2014, 14:05

"Asked to comment about it on Sunday, Presidential media adviser Adib Abi Akl said: "So what?"

Chou hal nawre hayda? I know that the government is made up of thugs and the scum of the earth, bas enno show the least bit of decency and professionalism.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17 February 2014, 15:01

The fake thing about this picture is Berri who represents a fake and expired parliament !

Thumb Captain 17 February 2014, 15:38

Great start for this cabinet LOL.

Let's see how the blue ministers will handle the security since they control the 4 ministries that handle it.

Let's also see the Phalangina cry babies whose obstacle is still the weapons. They talk, talk and talk and yet say nothing and for sure can do nothing.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:42

they should just send the first picture, the one that has all the ministers who were on time and the three mandatory figures (president, prime minister & speaker)

Thumb Captain 17 February 2014, 15:55
