Officials Denounce Haret Hreik Blast amid Call for Unity

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Lebanese officials denounced on Tuesday a suicide attack that targeted Haret Hreik district, a Hizbullah stronghold, which was rocked by a similar blast in early January.

Officials called on the Lebanese to united, considering that the attack targets Lebanon as a nation and not only Dahiyeh.

President Michel Suleiman condemned the terrorist attack in Haret Hreik, considering that “violence only leads to more violence.”

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati urged officials to cooperate and confront the ordeal, calling on officials to meet on common grounds to face the dangerous situation in the country.

PM-designate Tammam Salam described the bombing as a “hideous terrorist act,” calling for “fortifying the local political and security situation.”

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed that Lebanon entered “the circle of madness,” considering that the “takfiries are aggravating their terrorism.”

The blast left scores of casualties.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea offered his condolences to the victims and families, considering that the authorities should swiftly end the security chaos across the Lebanese-Syrian border to prevent gunmen from crossing over into Lebanon and vice-versa.

Meanwhile, Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel voiced a notable stance, calling for holding "a national conference aimed at immunizing Lebanon against these takfiri movements, because it has become the victim of a certain approach that is destroying our national unity and aggravating conflicts.”

“This national conference would support and strengthen the security agencies so that they become an effective tool in combating these takfiri movements that are tampering with our security and stability.”

He earlier said that “Lebanon as a whole is the victim of bombings and not only Hizbullah.”

Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh slammed the attack, saying that “innocent people are paying the price of terrorism.”

AMAL Movement Caretaker Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said that the “battle with terrorism is open.”

He pointed out that “terrorists want to create chaos in the country with no other aim but kill.”

Caretaker Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi said in comments that "security agencies should coordinate among each other to preserve the security situation."

He also called for the end the strong rhetoric.

Head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc Fouad Saniora urged all political parties to adopt the policy of dissociation for Lebanon's interest.

The Baabda Declaration was unanimously adopted during a national dialogue session in June 2012. It calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria.

Hizbullah MP Ali Ammar condemned the Dahiyeh blast, accusing Israel of being behind the bombing.

He said that “the explosion aims at undermining the country's security, unity and civil peace.”

Later, Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani said the blast is a sign that plotters will blow up every attempt to restore security in the country.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi also denounced the blast, calling for prioritizing dialogue and brotherhood between the Lebanese.

The blast is the sixth in a string targeting Hezbollah-dominated areas since the group announced it was sending fighters to support President Bashar Assad's troops in neighboring Syria.

Comments 33
Thumb mckinl 21 January 2014, 12:44

There is good news on the way though ... Bandar bin Sultan has been relieved of his duties and is recuperating in the US.

A massive change in KSA policy is under way as the US has ousted Bandar Bin Sultan and Saud al-Faissal from the KSA Syria-Lebanon file.

US Envoy: Changes Are on the Way in Riyadh Over Syria

The US is also behind the Hariri change of mind over governance with HA. As I said major changes are in the pipeline ...

Thumb ice-man 21 January 2014, 13:32

Excellent source @mckinl. You still believe in astrology!

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 January 2014, 13:47

HA was right to take the takfiris on in qusayr and elsewhere, they are proving the decision right with every coward attack such as this one. from the start they started slaughtering shias in border villages, their intentions were clear.
if they had been allowed to build and keep their stronghold right on our border, the number and size of explosions would have been ten times what we see today.
if the lebanese army is not able at the moment to curb this takfiri disease, having their hands full in tripoli, saida and arsal, then by all means HA has my full support to go and exterminate the pests wherever they are. full stop.

Thumb general_puppet 21 January 2014, 19:40

mowaten, shove our pathetic BS, Hizbullah is fighting in Syria to keep Assad in power. All these car bomb attacks are a direct result of their actions.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 January 2014, 20:24

puppet: the takfiris started it, stop repeating their propaganda to justify their crimes.
they kidnapped pilgrims, attacked border villages massacring people based on religion, fired rockets on hermel years and months before HA got involved.
it was only right that HA defended lebanon by wiping out the trash in quseyr before the tumor became too big.

Thumb general_puppet 21 January 2014, 21:59

Who do you think you are kidding… Hizbullah and Iran have been in it from the beginning. Assad, Nasrallah and the Ayatollah's are all he same thing and they make no secret about it. You think we have such short memories?? In your comments you would deny the militias involvement every step of the way, until Nasrallah would make a speech. Then you would parrot the excuse… protecting the villages, then shrines, then Quseyr… You are the one that repeats propaganda right on cue.

Thumb proudm14. 21 January 2014, 15:50

The source you are using...there is no way you are serious...God help you people...deluded

Thumb proudm14. 21 January 2014, 15:51

mick's posts make sense if you are on meth, maybe.

Thumb proudm14. 21 January 2014, 15:52

for normal human beings a cursory look through his sources will simply make you appreciative of your intelligence and how low people can sink to prove their sectarian world views.

Thumb proudm14. 21 January 2014, 15:53

for normal human beings a cursory look through his sources will simply make you appreciative of your intelligence and how low people can sink to prove their sectarian world views.

Thumb general_puppet 21 January 2014, 19:43

The-snore, you constantly bring in peoples mothers into you comments and you are talking about respect and civil manners… what a laugh.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 21 January 2014, 13:10

Condemnation is not enough!

Missing wikileaked 21 January 2014, 13:46

People are not disposable, suicide bombing is never OK!

One ignorant argument will be countered with another ignorant argument that is also clear, simple, and wrong!

War over religion is like fighting over who has the better imaginary friend.

Jihadism is a fool's errand that will lead to this, no matter what this egomaniac says

Missing wikileaked 21 January 2014, 16:27

I'm not a bit surprised at the thumbs downs my above comment has generated. I mean, if I believed in a divine saintly infallible leader, I'd also be embarrassed if I saw him calmly endorsing and even excusing the same rotten ideology and actions of the terrorist suicide bomber who blew himself up today.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 January 2014, 13:50

BS! hezbollah does not target innocent civilians, it is fighting takfiris, like it fought the thousands of takfiris massing on the border, in quseyr, only AFTER civilians were evacuated.

your heinous effort in justifying attacks against lebanese civilians, by repeating takfiri propaganda, indicates you're in bed with them.

Missing mohammad_ca 21 January 2014, 13:59

"hizbola doesn't target civilians" tell that to the children of Syria, the dead ones and the refugees...

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 January 2014, 14:08

that has more to do with takfiris taking over their villages and cities. most refugees fled when their homes were taken over by those sick animals.

Missing youssefhaddad 21 January 2014, 15:15

The Shias are hostages of Hezbollah, the Syrian and Iranian Regimes bred and fed the Sunni extremists to create fearful supporters.
The blood shed will not stop in Lebanon till these two regimes are disabled.

Thumb thefool 21 January 2014, 15:23

You'd be an idiot not to realize that Jabhal al Nusra or the other terrorist group ISIL is Israeli. It's Israeli, if you haven't figured this out years ago you'll never will.

Missing mohammad_ca 21 January 2014, 15:42

what homes? airplanes dropping explosive barrels have already destroyed them.

Thumb proudm14. 21 January 2014, 15:54

how can people be so brainwashed?

Thumb primesuspect 21 January 2014, 16:07

The next step is to grant the Lebanese Nusra branch a political status so they can have MPs and Foreign Ministers. They're all the same people Jihadists...

But we all agree that hizballa attacked first and that these people retaliated. They each chose their battle arena....

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) 21 January 2014, 16:40

our polititians should add to baabda declaration 1 item
takfiries and jihadistes are outlaws must be disbannded whoever they are

Thumb cedre 21 January 2014, 17:01

Haret Hreik/Dahieh is a HA stronghold

Thumb cedre 21 January 2014, 17:02

thanks bashar/mamluk for the bombing, we got the message...

Missing mohammad_ca 21 January 2014, 17:17

yes we should look for ikhraj el qayd...

Thumb cedre 21 January 2014, 20:17

have u ever proved any of ur accusation against AQ and KSA ?
I dont have proofs but ISF have but cant do anything thanks to HA...
If it was alnusra, Jolani would proudly claim responsability.

Thumb beiruti 21 January 2014, 18:37

This is the price for decisions taken by Hezbollah to involve itself in the Syrian war, either to serve its own interests or to serve Iran's interests. But for Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian War, the actors in that war would not be setting bombs off in Lebanon, killing Lebanese and destroying Lebanese property and its economy.
This will not end as long as Hezbollah persists in its unilateral decision-making vis a vis the other Lebanese parties. They can all condemn these acts as much as they want, but until and unless they can make Hezbollah end its involvement, these bombings will continue.

Thumb beiruti 21 January 2014, 18:39

Of course, Hezbollah now cannot withdraw. To withdraw in the face of bombings in its back yard, is to admit to defeat. To have others make their decisions for them and the macho element of Hezbollah will not allow for this, so there is no face saving way for Hezbollah to end the cause of the bombings, and there is no ability or will on the part of the Lebanese to cause Hezbollah to end its involvement in the Syria War.

So condemn all you want, Mr. Frangieh, Aoun, Gemayel, Berri and the rest, but unless you solve the cause of this, you will continue to suffer the symptoms.

Missing VINCENT 21 January 2014, 23:56

I would denounce religion, here Islam, until such time Arabs, Persians and the like learn how to respect others cultures' religious affiliations and live peacefully amongst each other. At this point, I would outlaw religion. How disgusting you people are that you take the teachings of God through your beloved Prophet and turn it into weapon of mass destruction and excuse to kill each other, and, in some cases, cannibalism.

Thumb shab 22 January 2014, 01:14

Hizbullah MP Ali Ammar condemned the Dahiyeh blast, accusing Israel of being behind the bombing.

Ok then no problem

Missing helicopter 22 January 2014, 04:49

Suppose large scale fight broke out between the army and HA, who would you support? Please do not reply with this will never happen. I want you to go along with the theory and declare a position. I would appreciate an honest response.

Default-user-icon Ralph (Guest) 22 January 2014, 07:42

Jesus said "I am the way, the Truth, and the Life". Nasrallah never said this. Saad Hariri never said this. Dr. Geagea never said this.Walid Jumblat never said this. Wake up you confused Lebanese!