Ex-Israel PM Sharon Dead, Aged 85

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Former Israeli premier Ariel Sharon died in hospital near Tel Aviv Saturday after eight years in a coma, prompting a flood of tributes in Israel but contempt from Palestinians. He was 85.

"He's gone," his son Gilad told reporters at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer. "He went when he decided to go."

The former war hero had been in a coma since January 4, 2006 after suffering a massive stroke. His condition took a sudden turn for the worse on New Year's Day when he suffered serious kidney problems after surgery.

Hospital chief Professor Shlomo Noy said Sharon's heart "had weakened" and he died at around 12:00 GMT.

Israeli press reports said there would be a state memorial service at the Knesset, or parliament, on Monday after which Sharon would be buried at his private ranch in the southern Negev desert.

Later on Saturday, the White House said that Vice President Joe Biden announced will lead U.S. representatives at Sharon's memorial service.

"I look forward to leading the U.S. delegation to his memorial service, to pay respects to the man and to pay tribute to the unshakeable partnership between the United States and Israel," a statement said.

"We send our condolences to his family and to his beloved nation of Israel," it added.

The burly white-haired politician was one of Israel's most skilled but controversial political and military leaders. Hailed by many Israelis as a statesman, his ruthless methods also earned him the moniker "The Bulldozer."

As news of his death emerged, tributes poured in from Israeli officials and from abroad but the Palestinians were quick to denounce him as a "criminal" who had escaped international justice.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed "deep sorrow" over the news and said Israel would "forever" cherish Sharon's memory.

"The State of Israel bows its head over the passing of former prime minister Ariel Sharon," he said in a statement.

"His memory will forever be held in the heart of the nation."

President Shimon Peres said Sharon would be "greatly missed."

"My dear friend, Arik (Ariel) Sharon, lost his final battle today," he said in a statement.

World leaders also sent condolences.

U.S. President Barack Obama paid tribute to him as a leader who "dedicated his life" to Israel, reaffirming Washington's commitment to its close ally.

"We continue to strive for lasting peace and security for the people of Israel, including through our commitment to the goal of two states living side-by-side in peace and security," it added.

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, an ex-Secretary of State, saying it was "an honor to work with him."

French President Francois Hollande also paid tribute, describing Sharon as "a central figure" in Israel's history.

As a soldier, Sharon fought in all of Israel's major wars before embarking on a turbulent political career in 1973 that ended dramatically when he suffered the stroke from which he never recovered.

Born in British-mandate Palestine on February 26, 1928, to parents from Belarus, Sharon was just 17 when he joined the Haganah, the pre-state militia that fought in the 1948 war of independence and eventually became the Israeli army.

Known throughout his military career for his boldness, Sharon also had a stubborn sense of independence which saw him surprising friends and foes alike.

Ever the maverick, Sharon later broke with his life-long rightwing convictions to push through an unprecedentedly bold plan to withdraw Israeli troops and 8,000 settlers from the Gaza Strip, earning him the hatred of his former nationalist and settler allies.

"Ariel Sharon was first and foremost a rare military leader who shaped the Israeli army," said Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, a bitter opponent of the Gaza pullout.

"Despite the differences of opinion along the way, I always valued his experience and leadership. The defense establishment.. bows its head today with his departure."

In the months after the Gaza withdrawal, Sharon abandoned his lifelong political home in Likud to form a new centrist party, Kadima, with the aim of effecting further, but limited, pullouts from the West Bank.

But just six weeks later, he was felled by a stroke at the height of his political career.

Comments 59
Thumb primesuspect 11 January 2014, 15:08

Nusrallah must be very sad as they were close friends, however the Palastinians are extatic!

Missing greatpierro 11 January 2014, 15:10

May god mercy your soul. Arik was responsible of the massacre of Sabra & Chatila and represented the hard line of the Likud. Yet he had the courage to break away from the hard line policies of the Likud and to create Kadima, a moderate party, and made important steps towards peace with the Palestinian.

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 11 January 2014, 15:23

He was not responsible for the massacre at Sabra & Shatila.
His guilt was that he trusted the people of Lebanon and did not realize what means human lives according to the Arabian eye.
The results we see every day.
The numbers of Arabian casualties been murdered by Arabs by their own people is 1000 time more than Israel ever did during 65 years of existence.
Frankly speaking, does Arabs need Israel to kill each other or Israel is just and excuse to the frustration of the Arabs for hating each other so much.

Default-user-icon Mariam (Guest) 11 January 2014, 15:47

Not so great pierro, may his soul burn in eternal fire. If you like him then at least have the decency to remain quite. This man caused the death and rape of over 10000 people in lebanon and in palestine. Who cares if he made steps towards peace? Especially when that peace would be unjust anyway. After all the houses he destroyed, all the death and destruction he unleashed and all lives he shattered, only hell awaits him.

Missing beirutbastard00 11 January 2014, 17:16


Missing coolmec 11 January 2014, 19:38

great piero
a jew is a jew. He only cares for Israelis at the expense of Palestinians

Thumb ice-man 11 January 2014, 15:15

How Sad.... he's been sleeping for the last 10 years. He missed so many things in life like the iPhone and iPad mini.

Missing coolmec 11 January 2014, 19:38

ice man
good one you are right though

Thumb ice-man 11 January 2014, 15:44

Please Flamethrower, stick to the topic at hand.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 15:47

I wonder why we should give a rat's hair for this bit of news.

Missing helicopter 11 January 2014, 19:00

I am a bit confused cedre ......
On one hand you are not fond of phoenix's avatar (Bashir) while at the same time you support Gaegae (Bashir's successor). Do you support Gaegae simply because he is anti HA? Same goes to HA people who support Aoun simply because he is anti-Harriri.
This is the paradox of Lebanese politics ..... we are splintered like a tree trunk torn up by a hurricane.

Default-user-icon LebInAus (Guest) 12 January 2014, 11:01

Lebanese traitor?!?! He was and will forever remain a hero. How dare Bashir protect the Christians from those scumbag Palestinians and Syrians? You call yourself Lebanese? The Lebanese Christians are a thorn in the side of the dream that is the Muslim middle east but believe me my friend, that dream will never come to fruition.

Thumb saturn 11 January 2014, 15:50

Good riddance.

So much resources gone into sustaining this vegetable in a coma for 8 years that could have been used to something productive. Like a new Ofeq satellite or something.

Thumb Marc 11 January 2014, 15:58

The architect of the 1982 invasion, supervisor of the Massacre of Sabra and Shatila and furthermore, the actual person who ordered the killing of Bashir Gemayel . . . . good Riddance

Thumb Marc 11 January 2014, 16:34

There was a meeting between Sharon and Bashir few days before Bashir was killed. Sharon was very upset with the way the president elect was proceeding and told him (in French, yes in French) that he made him a king and now he is practically rebelling at him. Any of you older people remember Bashir coming on tv and stating that he will build the strongest army in the Middle East? That is just an example of what Sharon didn't like, I m privy to many private info ..... Sharon was a monster no doubt

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:44

(1). Marc, I cannot deny what you wrote, just I cannot but concur what my brother Roar wrote, both fit well into what could be suspected as to what might be behind the reasons why Bachir was killed. Some people also went as far as a combination of several countries agreeing to kill Bachir. Well now after having sifted through tons of evidence, one hand keep emerging as to who killed Bachir, still and still, it comes back to Hafez Al Assad. Bachir was too smart for everyone. He knew that he alone could not remove that plague called Palestinians from Lebanon, his Lebanese Muslim rivals were of no help either as was made so amply clear in his speech when he told them that he will have no choice but to go it alone.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:49

So in 82, Bachir got the Israelis to come in and destroy the PLO and get Yasser Arafat and his forces out of Lebanon and into Tunisia, the only taker at the time, imagine, no Arab country wanted him, even Syria, lol. Then Bachir set up to build a Lebanon for all the Lebanese where everyone will be under the law and without any exceptions, Bachir even told his own brother Amin that he was not safe from the law either. Bachir also made it clear that he never believed in a weak and neutral Lebanon, that he will build a strong Lebanon, with strong constitutional institutions, of which an army of over 150,000 men, that he will stamp out corruption and that new prisons are planned for all those who broke the law.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:52

(3). He went to the KSA upon their invitation, was given a blank check for him to fill, any amount he so wished, but typical of Bachir, he drew a map of lebanon and wrote, 10,452 square kilometers, then returned the check to the Saudis and said, help me return these, that's all I want, then left. Yes, he scared the old school of lackeys and lackey masters, which is why many thought that Israel, the KSA and Syria killed him. Israel because he reused to do what they wanted him to do, which is why Sharon went to Bikfaya at night to try and change his mind, the KSA for refusing their cash offer. It was Syria that killed him.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:56

(4). Because Syria was literally defeated from their war with Israel in Lebanon, their main ally Arafat too was annihilated, and Syria couldn't live with the thought that Lebanon would be sop strong, yes, Lebanon they considered theirs, a Syrian region. Syria was not alone in the killing of Bachir, there are many Lebanese politicians of all sides that wanted Bachir dead, because with Bachir around, their farms and black market shops will be closed, and they will end up behind bars, so as usual, the Syrians dictate, and the Lebanese puppets are all too happy to oblige. So, it's not the KSA nor Israel that killed Bachir, but Syria, aided by it's puppets in Lebanon, many of which are still alive.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:58

True Roar, Bachir's death is the greatest loss to all the Lebanese, who only knew him in truth during his 22 days as president elect and more so after he was gone for good.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:01

Roar, do you remember that famous and stormy meeting between Bash and begin, then Israeli PM. Menahem Begin wanted things Bachir refused to grant, then it was that golden moment when Bachir told Begin, remember this honorable PM, I was Bachir, leader of the Lebanese Forces, now I am president of Lebanon, of all the Lebanese, not just some Lebanese. But all the same, the Syrians being so well entrenched on Lebanese soil, killed him, on real time basis as they still do today.

Thumb cedre 11 January 2014, 17:31

'He went to the KSA upon their invitation, was given a blank check for him to fill, any amount he so wished, but typical of Bachir, he drew a map of lebanon and wrote, 10,452 square kilometers, then returned the check to the Saudis and said, help me return these, that's all I want, then left.'

I love this tale, unfortunately history is less brilliant.
Bachir was trained, armed by tsahal and got elected thanks to the israelis. he was a racist, supremacist, that received his orders from telaviv...

Thumb cedre 11 January 2014, 17:36

the roar, i know reality is hard to accept.

Thumb cedre 11 January 2014, 17:56

whatever the roar, u're free to believe that bachir was a hero.
People like stories with heroes...
Listen to the link when u have time, it tells the good and bad thing on Bachir.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:02

Zak, not that I disrespect your views, a lot of times you raise up some very good points, but at this stage I understand what GP was trying to cut across, in the same way that I am now trying to cut across when I say, by the way, who occupied large parts of West Beirut in 2007, then tried the Shouf, weren't Lebanese also killed then, properties destroyed and looted at a time when Lebanon was finally rid of foreign occupation? We all made lots of mistakes, so I am just against any self-exoneration, that's all. With all respects to you Sir.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 16:16

Very true Roar, it was Hafez Al Assad who killed Bachir and made disappear all traces of his involvement of this assassination using his Lebanese puppets all the while, Sabra and Shatilla included, or so Hafez Al Assad thought. Well, now wou bala shameti, but look at what is happening to his country.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:08

Brother Roar, I also know that after Bachir was killed, the Syrians wasted no time at all to reverse the situation in Lebanon, that was at the time seemingly in Israel's favor to one that was in their favor, (the Syrians). A discussion was intercepted between the Israelis who were still clearing the Palestinian camps of many heavy and top notch weaponry, Soviet and iron Curtain types, some they gave to the LF, but mostly went to Israel which they later sold on to third world countries. The Israeli command found a large cache of radio equipment that they could not use with their US and Nato types, so they spoke by talkie if the LF wanted them. The LF wanted them because they'd give them to the army. So the Israeli commander in Beirut, told the LF to send trucks to collect them as they had little time to them, otherwise they'd blow up the Soviet made stock of radio equipment.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:37

Roar bro, don't waste you time with Cedre, let's move on.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11 January 2014, 16:48

Samy - Arafat was many things but to compare him to Sharon and Assad is silly.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11 January 2014, 16:49

In many respect, they are best friend as they justify each other existence and actions.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11 January 2014, 16:51

Live (like a vegetable) long enough!

Missing servant-of-jesus 11 January 2014, 17:15

"You have heard that it said, 'love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I say to you, 'love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be like your Father who is in the Heavens, because His sun, he causes to rise on the evil people and the good people, and rains on the just and the unjust."
Jesus of Nazareth, Gospel of Matthew 5:44-45

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:22

(2). Roar. The Syrians intercepted that conversation, then ordered Elie Hobeika, yes, that's correct, Elie Hobeika and ordered him to send his own men to Sabra and Chatilla to commit the atrocities so as to have them pinned on the LF. Elie called his brother Jean and passed on the orders. They collected their fake LF men, wearing fake LF uniforms that were after all Israeli issue, got more men from the SLA, most of whom were Shiites, then made it look as if it was the LF of Fadi Frem that were coming to collect the radio equipment. It was then that the Israeli troops allowed them in, once in, Elie Hobeika's brother's men, plus the men of the SLA started committing the unthinkable, to make it look like it was a revenge reprisal killing directly committed by the LF for Bachir's murder.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:39

Hobeika was marked for life by the brutal murders of his family in the Damour by the Palestinians during the beginning of the civil war, so yes, HK had a personal grudge of revenge with the Palestinians, so when the orders came from his boss Hafez Al Assad, he saw it as his big opportunity to score many goals, one of revenge, two to serve his boss in Damascus.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:41

Geagea too was a rival to HK and bachir, so this is when he literally made a coup on Fadi Frem, another good man who shared in Bachir's patriotism.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:43

Roar bro, Syria was always close to the US. We saw how later on Syria was allowed to storm Baabda to oust General Aoun, then take full tutelage of Lebanon, finally as Damascus thought. The first Desert Storm war in which Syria joined the allies against Saddam Hussein was the reward or ice on the cake for Hafez Al Assad. But what the Syrians never knew, the US cannot be trusted, as is the case now in the Syrian war.

Thumb cedre 11 January 2014, 17:27

he deserves his first name, arie(l). a real lion for his country, unlike the many lebanese traitors that worked for him...

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 17:58

Roar, 1982 was the climax to years of the cold war that went on between the US, nato on the one hand, and the Soviet Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact or the iRon Curtain as they were also known. The Soviets had big arsenals of weaponry compared to the smaller number of Nato. The T72 tank of the time, plus the Mig 29 and Sam 6 missile sent shivers down the spines of the US and Nato as they were deployed in frightful numbers in the Warsaw Pact countries. Israel had the F16 planes, the Syrians had the Mig 29 supported by the Sam 6s. The war in Lebanon was also to test finally the state of the art Soviet arsenals, either they were as formidable as advertised, or they were just inferior to US and Nato weaponry.

Missing peace 11 January 2014, 17:58

he should have died years ago... low criminals always live long....

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 18:02

So the 1982 war was a multi faceted war. When the war took place, Migs were falling from the sky like mosquitoes, in one day alone numbers reached well over 38 planes loss for Syria. The sams were defeated by sending drones in advance that forced the sam batteries to open their wavelenghts which were instantly caught by Israeli lanes just behind. The PLO has large stockpiles of Soviet made weapons too, all stashed underground in their camps. Well, after the war, Israel gave the US many captured Soviet weapons. It was then known that the USSR was just a white paper tiger and was nowhere near the advanced state of US and Nato weaponry. Migs were still made of aluminum, whereas F 16 were already using a lot more advanced materials

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 18:19

You see Roar what the US did to the KSA so recently? Whilst the KSA was kicking and shouting in tandem with Israel NOT to enter into a deal with Iran, what happened thereafter? The US, that's correct, the US and the EU entered into negotiations with Mr. Rouhani and only yesterday, the Iranians looking so jubilant announced that all outstanding issues were settled in FULL. Netanyahu made so much noise, to no avail, the Saudis too, so now what did they got? The US and the EU just did what served their interests that's all. Even Qatar has now cooled off its Jihadist/Takfiris support in Syria, the Qataris call it, regime change in Qatar, but policies too changed, U turn. Bahrein has cooled off too, so the message should come to us normal citizens soon, but I've already read it, America goes after it interests always.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 18:04

It was then that the demise of the USSR was started, coinciding with the advent of JP2, the first non-Italian pope known to recent history. Gorbachev realized that there was little he could do in view of the findings of the 1982 war in Lebanon, the Warsaw Pact began falling brick by brick, from the East Berlin wall in 1989 to the rest of the other East European countries. Our war in 1982, was in some sorts a lab test for the big boys. We got our share, albeit in short lived time, the West got its big catch.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 18:31

Bless you Roar, me too, I look forward to sit with you and enjoy your company. have a good weekend bro.

Default-user-icon Beirut1 (Guest) 11 January 2014, 20:22

How cute. Lovebirds.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 January 2014, 18:08

FT. Wasn't it Hassan who swore to Husain and Ali that the 888 will not pass? What happened with that? Ghas bin 3ano.
In regards to Sharon. May he burn slowly in hell.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 January 2014, 18:32

Aww, come off it FT will you? How can I insert a smiley bro?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 January 2014, 18:42


Here you go.

Please let me know what you think and who actually was forced to compromise.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 January 2014, 19:04


Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 January 2014, 19:38

hahahahaha.... ok.. did you come up with that all by yourself or do you have a team of chimpanzees working around the clock...
but i have to give credit where credit is due.. your knack to find ways to spin things to your benefit is astounding!!! people can really learn from that... (and i am not being sarcastic.. it is ASTOUNDING!!!! no other word for it)
im glad you came up with an excuse to keep on keeping on.. good on you.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 January 2014, 19:41

great.. and that means that HA gets orders too.. the recieved an order to accept the 888 which, according to hassan, is actually an 8-10-6..
see i have my own team of chimps...
but i digress...HA accepting an 8-10-6 formula shows his stength and unwavering commitment to "what HA says, it does"

Missing coolmec 11 January 2014, 19:42

I thought they were mourning Lakkis

Default-user-icon Beirut1 (Guest) 11 January 2014, 20:22

Why is a RIP in order no matter what we all think? Would you RIP someone you considered an enemy to australia?

Thumb Mystic 11 January 2014, 22:11

This wont change anything, Israel will still have hundreds of sharons kind in store.

Thumb cedre 12 January 2014, 00:08

sorry lads, u're right, Bechir was a gentleman.
Palestinians, Chamouns and people from Ehden all know it...

Missing helicopter 12 January 2014, 01:25

No one is saying he was a Gentleman. I (and others) are saying he was a fierce fighter, straight talker, and very patriotic.

Thumb cedre 12 January 2014, 12:34

helico, loads of people here with feudal thinking, are idolizing bechir, aoun, rafik,etc...
I'd rather keep a non-partisan critical mind.
Bachir was a hero in zahle , and a villain with palestinians, some christians.... He was anti-arab-even if he was arab, he hated muslims, thinking they were backwards people.

Default-user-icon Bassem (Guest) 12 January 2014, 01:56

Hey everyone listen well : whoever killed Bashir killed also hariri ,Gemayel,kasir,jubran,mouawad ,etc etc...and the list is long,but no doubt about it that sharon and Bashir were planing a better future for lebanon and Israel a peace treaty and good diplomatic relationship ,but us the lebanese we are never ready for these godd things ,and we prefer to kill each other unfortunately and its very sad ,c
est vraiment dommage,its not that i am a israelis sympatiser but back
in history,Israel never have in mind or decided to harm libnan if they werent in danger or provoked by lebanon face it !!!!!peace is possible with all our neighbors ,but first we have to take care of the real ennemies of lebanon who are inside lebanon and then i am sure we will live in peace forever OUKULL WA7ED OUFIHMO KFAYEH.....3ACH LUBNAN.....

Thumb Maxx 12 January 2014, 04:05

Oh no, first Al-Laqqis, and now Sharon! Nasr-anyone-but-Allah should be inconsolable now. The great teacher of how to militarily occupy Lebanon is dead! Let's pray and donate blood so that 7asan doesn't escape justice as easily as Ariel did.

Default-user-icon Charles (Guest) 12 January 2014, 12:40

I usually never comment on these threads, but i have to admit the phoenix/roar conversation (including flame throwers input) was the best ive read in a while.. Props to all of you..
Reading mature, non-sarcastic, serious convos like these make these threads worthy..hope it lasts lol