Gemayel to Suleiman: No Dialogue with Backers of ‘Saints’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Phalange leader Amin Gemayel has reportedly said that his party would not engage in dialogue with representatives of Hizbullah who consider the four suspects accused of involvement in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 murder as “saints.”

An Nahar daily said Wednesday that Gemayel made his remarks to President Michel Suleiman the day before after the president launched consultations to inquire about the politicians’ viewpoints on his invitation for national dialogue.

“The Phalange will not seat at a table with people whose party members are accused and consider them saints,” Gemayel told Suleiman.

All-party talks are rejected if they are aimed at legalizing the coup that Hizbullah led against former Premier Saad Hariri’s cabinet in January, the former president reportedly said.

Phalange sources told al-Joumhouria daily that Gemayel said the dialogue should consolidate the seat of the presidency. “The failure of the next stage would be a disaster to the post.”

He also accused the Hizbullah-led March 8 alliance, which is now encouraging dialogue, of obstructing previous sessions by rejecting to discuss the fate of the Shiite party’s arms.

While he welcomed any type of dialogue among Lebanese leaders, Gemayel said his party can’t sit at the dialogue table with people who are trying to exercise the power authorized to security forces.

Comments 22
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 July 2011, 09:47

The ones who gave the orders one way or another, and these are the people President Suleiman is inviting you to sit with, and ' dialogue '!!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 July 2011, 09:47

That one I hadn't heard yet! That those terrorists murderers consider the 4 accused mafiosos as saints! That's a good one! But can anyone imagine for a second that they acted gathered all the money logistics withouth the knowledge ( to say the least assuming his arm was twisted bu his paymasters in Tehran ) of the ashraf al shourafaa'? We'll know sooner or later as the pressure keeps mounting on those scumbags and the elements of the STL indictment are made public that the three heads of this venimous snake not only were in the know, but had directed authorized and blessed the serial killings, which are simply 'business as usual ' for all of them. So Mr President the idea , even for the sake of making the quest for justice more acceptable to those criminals, the idea that there woumd be some ' backers' of saints as though those backers are a seperate entity from those who are accused ( and in my view will no doubt be found guilty), is a non starter. Those who are backing are the ones

Thumb tabasco 27 July 2011, 10:21

الى نواف الموسوي و من يمثل: اسرائيل وانتم خطر على الوطن و تقديسكم للاجرام و النجاسة دليل على افلاسكم الاخلاقي.

Missing parari 27 July 2011, 12:01

why dont you ppl just leave the country go live in "Israel" occupied Palestine or try to get a visa to USA???
wake up and smell the coffe, get off ur stupid loop! morons the game is alot bigger than ur GA3GA3
if anything hizzbollah has done its putting arabs on the map!!!
where is ur men? having hair wax, facials or manicures???

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 July 2011, 12:32

Parari bear in mind that speaker Berri is a holder of a green card, that his brother lives in the US, and that after the foolish disaster which the Hezb drew on Us in 2006 most of the people carried to safety from the south on US military vessels were chiites dual nationals from the south they didnt flee to Tehran on military' floukas' for that matter. Our ultimate goal is to live in a multicultaral open tolerant peaceful society, not one where an armed minority drags unilaterally the whole community into nonsensical failed lost wars, and crawls to power levers through political serial murders , foul play, and rampant bullying! Those who are unhappy with such rules of conduct should themselves go to where they belong , and dream of reestablishing some farsi empire or Wilayet Al Faqih over there! Trying to impose your will through tortuous bullying tactis will not prevail as those thugs will soon find out. Thank you Bemlemare!

Thumb bashir 27 July 2011, 13:40

Great post truth.

Default-user-icon Saida Muslim (Guest) 27 July 2011, 13:54

truth, it was american bombs that were being thrown on us in case you have forgotten with full approval of the american government! Most of the people who got out from the south got out by using their own or their families cars/trucks, only a few got out using foreign aid and those few who were offered such assistence were offered it by european countries, not by the US. Where the h*ll do you get your BS info from? Feltman? Besides, even if they would have offered such help, so what? They can give israel heavy bombs and support them in bombing us but were supposed to feel happy if they send us a car to "help" us? Secondly, living in the US doesnt make one a traitor unless of course one becomes a house arab which is something that many of the naharnet commenters would be if they lived there. parari is simply telling war criminals such as gemayel and supporters to go live in a place where you would get payed and get fame for being a house arab doing the dirty work of zionism.

Default-user-icon Fubundu (Guest) 27 July 2011, 14:35

Cheikh Amin 3al Fashal would be better off figuring out why his 5-member party now counts only 2, himself and Sami. And then they wonder why they keep losing! BECAUSE THEY ARE SO BRIGHT AND HAVE THE SUPPORT OF 2 MEMBERS ONLY.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 July 2011, 15:04

Your arguments are silly sorry to say saida. I m sorry of ypu suffered from the silly idiotic actions pf the so called resistance. Ypu dont tickle a bear if you re a cat. And then where did the explosives that were used for the serial kimlings came from? Where did the bombs that the protective syrian brothers rained on us in Beirut came from? Hizbollah uses probably M16 rifles inthe same way israelis do. Remember iranians buying spare parts from Israel for their Phantom jets!! Arab leaders have done more harm to their own people than the israelis have, lebanese killed more lebanese, syrians more syrians, palestinians too, etc....God protect me from my friends I don't know who they are, and leave enemies To me !

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 July 2011, 15:28

I realy feel hurt when I see my compatriots suffering, whoever they are , as a result of silly ideologically, driven , miscalculations. living in the US doesn't make you a house arab, but a citizen who is protected by the law, even when ypu're name is DSK. You don't have to lick the powerful boots the whole day and be at his mercy as is the case in most arab countries. I thought we were slightly better than others in the ME on that score, even if the actions of some are pulling us back to the dark ages!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 27 July 2011, 16:18

I remember when the In3izali Zionist his father Pierre Gemayel and his brother the butcher Bashir attacked ibn balado and their Palestinian brothers using Zionist Isreali arms. With the Islamic Resistance Amine and his son will be kept in their is place with their corrupting friends.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 27 July 2011, 16:31

Sheikh Amine better dialogue with Wahhabies that dont recognize Christians nor Shiias or Alaouites or any other sect or religion , than to dialogue with people like him , normal Lebanese Shiias , that recognize Christians and their Saints ..... Poor man , he sold his saoul to the Saudi Wahhaby devil Hariri .

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 27 July 2011, 17:23

i agree with my fellow Shiite brother Le Phenicien, the Zionists Pierre and Bachir committed some of the worst crimes against Lebanon and the Palestinian cause and the Wahhabi allies of Amine and Sami don't recognize the Christians, Shiites and Alawites. In fact we respect the Christians so much we even put Jesus, Mar Maroun and Sayyed Hassan on a Christian rosary.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 27 July 2011, 18:51

Mehdi those beads are nothing but a propaganda tool. Amine is totally correct, those who hold low life murderers as saints aren't reasonable enough to hold s fair dialogue session.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 27 July 2011, 18:53

And all these Wahhabie comments r strictly racist. Judge people by their actions not their sect!

Default-user-icon LIBAN (Guest) 27 July 2011, 20:39

If I had to chose between being ruled by Iran or Israel, I would chose Iran without any hesitation. Iran has never attacked Lebanon like Israel did, Iran has never bombed my home as Israel did, Iran never killed someone from my family as Israel did, Iran has never attacked another country as Israel did and no matter what agenda if any Iran has hidden for Lebanon, I'll bet my US dollars it's much more ar7am from what Israel and the USA has planned for us.

I just cant understand how any TRUE Lebanese will take sides with a country like the USA that has supported UNCONDITIONALY the Israeli rape and murder of Lebanon over all these years.

Just because your leaders are being paid to be the voice of Israel and the USA in Lebanon doesnt mean you should also sell you soul, dignity and honor too. Stop behaving like sheep and use your heart and mind to do what's right.

Default-user-icon LIBAN (Guest) 27 July 2011, 20:51

Oh and by the way, it doesnt have to be Iran. It could be Saudi, Kuwait, Turkey, Brazil, bateekh... it doesnt matter because they are all ar7am....

Default-user-icon IRAN (Guest) 27 July 2011, 21:16

LIBAN one last point, Israel never executed a Jew for converting to Christianity as Iran and KSA does to Muslims converts. But I bet those new Christians were grateful to the Iranians and Saudi governments they made them martyrs, ar7am? allah yer7am.

I would rather not chose to be ruled by either Iran or Israel

Default-user-icon LIBAN (Guest) 27 July 2011, 23:26

It's not our job to question our religion and it's beliefs and guidelines....God will one day reward or punish everyone and let the ones doing the killing pray that they were right.

Default-user-icon Ban Jour (Guest) 27 July 2011, 23:29

I tell cheikh (smalla 3a heik chyoukha kharabo lebnen) Amin this: HAYDI HARTAQA! With such a track record of failures, cheikh Amin is better off going back to doing nothing, which is the only thing that skunks like him are capable of doing and succeeding at it, other than failures of course.

Default-user-icon abulees (Guest) 28 July 2011, 01:53

Saida.. Incase you forgot the shia were the MAJOR backers of Israel and jeish libnan el jnoubi... u beggers forget..

Thumb shab 28 July 2011, 12:52

The four suspects are under protection and now living in Israel.