Hizbullah, Amal Break Ice with Salam but Differences Linger

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Caretaker Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil and the Hizbullah leader's adviser, Hussein Khalil, have held talks with Premier-designate Tammam Salam, a positive sign that the March 8 alliance resumed its consultations on the new cabinet.

An Nahar and al-Joumhouria dailies said Friday that the two officials visited Salam at his residence in Msaitbeh, the first meeting between the two sides in several months.

The caretaker Health Minister is the adviser of Speaker Nabih Berri, who is the head of Amal movement that is allied with Hizbullah.

The talks that took place on Wednesday focused on the efforts exerted by the PM-designate to come up with a line-up since his appointment in April.

Al-Joumhouria quoted March 8 sources as saying that Salam reiterated to his visitors that he was holding onto the formation of a neutral and non political cabinet to lead the transitional stage that ends with the election of a new president.

But the Hizbullah and Amal officials made it clear to Salam that the March 8 alliance is united in its stance to form a national unity cabinet in which it would get nine ministers along with the March 14 camp and centrists six.

The officials said such a government paves way for a political dialogue between the rival parties to resolve the country's crises.

The visit of the Hizbullah and Amal envoys to Msaitbeh came amid a similar meeting held between Salam and an adviser to President Michel Suleiman, al-Joumhouria said.

Suleiman and Salam have agreed to form a government that does not provoke any party.

But several Hizbullah officials have warned against the dangers of forming a fait accompli cabinet.

Comments 9
Thumb ice-man 27 December 2013, 07:44

Nothing better than breaking the ice!

Thumb mckinl 27 December 2013, 09:24

Talks are a hopeful sign after such a break. Unfortunately the talks in the past have accomplished nothing while the time has been used by each side to widen the gap with hateful slander ...

M14 hasn't moved an inch while M8 has offered concessions. The least M14 could do as a show of good faith is resume attending parliament. There is no guarantee that even if a cabinet is chosen M14 will attend parliament.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 27 December 2013, 09:47

can you list those concessions that m8 offered? just curious.

Thumb mckinl 27 December 2013, 09:52

Indeed, the 9-9-6 cabinet with veto power is a concession to M14. The original call was for an 8-8-8 configuration. M8 has offered various deals to get parliament open ... to no avail.

M14 demand that there be no HA representation in any new cabinet is nothing short of a call to civil war. Ha represents 20% of the population. M14 has stonewalled agreements with impossible demands.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 27 December 2013, 09:58

so by extension of what you said.. the past two elections m14 have given concessions to m8 by providing them with the veto power?
back to topic, 9-9-6 is really a govt of no work.. do you know what they would be able to do?? NOTHING!!!! each side will block the other.. what is wrong with the winner of the elections forming their own cabinet and the loser opposes?? 2 elections have been won by m14 (since 2005)and they offered nothing but concessions and NEVER ruled alone... while ZERO elections have been won by m8 and they have formed a stand alone govt.
besides, is HA representation really the issue? they can still rule through their proxy AMAL.
so with all due respect mc, m8 hasn't offered a fraction of the concessions m14 has.

Thumb mckinl 27 December 2013, 10:12

@ arzak-ya-libnan

That M14 makes impossible demands is common knowledge ...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 27 December 2013, 10:21

well if that about sums it up.. then it is also common knowledge that m8 made impossible demands that m14 accommodated.

Thumb proudm14 27 December 2013, 12:36

hey look, more M8 obstructing and trying to deepen the terrible situation in lebanon by forming a cabinet that is deadlocked-on-arrival. form the cabinet Prime Minister, and if they want to try May 7 again it will be their end.

Thumb cedre 27 December 2013, 14:04

Distance between Salam and Berri is equal to distance from Beirut to Tehran...