Syria Urges U.N. to Stop 'Saudi Support for Extremists'

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Syria's government has called on the United Nations to make efforts to stop what it says is Saudi Arabia's support for extremist Islamist groups fighting to topple the regime.

"We call on the U.N. Security Council to take the necessary measures to put an end to the unprecedented actions of the Saudi regime, which is supporting takfiri (Sunni extremist) terrorism tied to al-Qaida," Syria's foreign ministry said in a message.

The message was sent to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, state television reported, marking the first time the Syrian government has appealed to the international body to take action against Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia is a key backer of the rebels fighting to oust President Bashar Assad, although the regime in Riyadh has also been targeted by jihadist fighters.

The Syrian message to the U.N. accuses Saudi of assisting "terrorist groups in Syria," and describes the kingdom as playing the "role of saboteur."

"Saudi Arabia is not content to merely send weapons and to finance but also mobilizes extremist terrorists and sends them to kill the Syrian people," the Syrian message says.

The government in Damascus has regularly urged the U.N. to take action against "terrorists," the term it uses to describe all those who oppose the Assad regime.

Comments 13
Thumb BeautifulMind 09 December 2013, 18:54

NAHARNET REPORTED, "Saudi Arabia is a key backer of the rebels fighting to oust President Bashar Assad, although the regime in Riyadh has also been targeted by jihadist fighters."
Being targeted by Alqaida does NOT mean that Saudi regime is not Al-Qaida Affiliate. Throughout history, and in the Mafia culture, subgroups attack each other for money, territories and leadership. Fighting among groups in Alqaida culture is the same. Saudi Arabia is a big group in this terrorist organisation. I would also venture to say, given the facts of its religion clerks' Fatwas, Saudi Arabia is the head of the snake of AlQaida.

Thumb benzona 09 December 2013, 19:57

do you look like this lady or is she the lady of your dreams? is she the zaynab you keep mentioning?

Thumb BeautifulMind 09 December 2013, 20:58

According to the French Intelligent Agency, reported today by AFP news agency and published on M14 affiliated Syria-News, I quote, «في لبنان يظهر أن كل المجموعات الجهادية التي بايعت القاعدة، المتمركزة في المخيمات الفلسطينية قرب صيدا وطرابلس، تتلقى تمويلها بشكل أساسي من الأمير بندر بن سلطان. (رئيس الاستخبارات السعودية) الذي يقود سياسته الإقليمية منفرداً ومستقلاً عن أشقائه وأبناء عمومته».

Thumb benzona 09 December 2013, 21:09

Intelligent is a word you don't understand.

Thumb benzona 09 December 2013, 21:10

Icey, I don't get what's going on with naharnet. The censor without reading the content..... It's blind censorship. Ya latif!

Missing peace 09 December 2013, 21:18

so why don't the syrian regime declare war on the saudis? afraid maybe? that would explain that they cry for help from the UN like a child from his mother! they are proud to be backed by hezbis no? they cannot crush a few takfiris? seems they are not that strong then if they cannot handle it themselves! LOL

Missing peace 09 December 2013, 22:03

sure but they always boasted to have everything under control, no? LOl seems they are desperate now!

Missing peace 09 December 2013, 22:02

sure he lit up the fire but cannot put it out so he calls hezbis iranians and now UN to his rescue! LOL

Thumb cedre 09 December 2013, 22:35

hehehhehehehe, u're 2 funny BM...

here's some for the many ignorants we've in here :

feel free to read ft.

Thumb LebCynic 09 December 2013, 23:14

Take a nice deep breath,,, that is the sweet smell of the breeze of freedom, the breeze of the Arab Springs that is blowing toward the tyrants of the KSA. Their day is drawing closer and closer.

Thumb LebCynic 09 December 2013, 23:29

And you base your claim of President Assad leaving on what exactly?

Missing 10452 10 December 2013, 06:01

HA = Qaeda

1- believe in Jihad ? check
2- believe in human sacrifice for the higher cause ? check
3- take their orders from fanatic religious hypocrites(Fakih/Emir) ? check
4- believe in implementing the islamic shariaa ? check
5- who is not with me is my enemy? check
6- virgins in heaven ? check

HA = QAEDA. same concept, different colors

Thumb cedars2 10 December 2013, 13:49

Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!! You hit the nail on the head.