Jumblat: Tripoli Leaders are Destroying the City after Failing to Alter Status Quo

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat accused on Monday the leaderships of the northern city of Tripoli of destroying their city, saying that the situation there should no longer continue as it is.

He said in his weekly editorial for the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website: “It seems that the Tripoli leaderships are determined to destroy their city seeing as none of them have taken the necessary measures to change the status quo.”

“They have failed to lift political cover off the gunmen and failed to halt the funding of the armed groups,” he added.

Tripoli has been rocked with the latest round of clashes between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen, leaving at least ten dead and 40 wounded.

Fighting linked to conflict in Syria frequently erupts between the rival neighborhoods, with residents of Bab al-Tabbaneh supporting Syrian rebels and residents of Jabal Mohsen backing the Syrian regime.

Commenting on last week's tensions at the Universite Saint Joseph in the Huvelin neighborhood in Beirut, Jumblat noted: “The freedom of political work at universities should serve to bolster the spirit of democracy among the youths.”

“It should help them accept the concepts of winning and losing in politics and accept the other,” he explained.

“These values should be preserved in light of the curbing of democratic freedoms in other fields,” he stated.

“We reject however turning university campuses into political battlegrounds,” declared the MP.

He therefore suggested that efforts be exerted to avoid turning universities into political platforms that side with one political camp against the other.

Universities should remain a location where Lebanese youths may unite at time when petty political disputes are dividing the people, Jumblat added.

Tensions erupted on November 25 between Hizbullah and March 14 camp supporters at USJ-Huvelin.

According to media reports, the tensions erupted after Hizbullah supporters protested against the results of recent student elections, prompting them to surround the campus.

Phalange Party MP Sami Gemayel said however that the tensions were sparked when Hizbullah supporters wrote provocative political graffiti at the campus.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 02 December 2013, 14:26

Tripoli thugs!! Not Leaders.. shame on you!! THUGS ya ibni, Thugs!!! 2ata3ien Toro2!

Default-user-icon bowing to hezbosyriran (Guest) 02 December 2013, 14:49

walid jumblatt's way of dealing with divison is always to give in to hezbollah and become of member of the syrian war machine (then claiming to be a centrist) we know they don't ever give an inch and they kill and bomb to prove their point. sadly jumblatt thinks it clever to change loyalties.

Thumb cedre 02 December 2013, 15:46

all lebanese people are now de facto bowing to hizb, coz government asked for its disarmament and retreat from Syria, but our army is scared of implementing those measures.
But sunnis won't accept it without fighting, even at the cost of a new civil war...

Thumb geha 02 December 2013, 16:03

ft has decided to become the saint!
for months you and all m8 have been attacking everyone else calling them takfiris and so on.
I have been warning that such aggressive talk is not in the interest of Lebanon and would drive the sectarian strife high. but you disregarded that :)
now that we are at this stage, do you really thing that preaching for calm will solve the situation?
the only thing that would solve the situation is JUSTICE.
arrest the culprits behind the twin bombings, let samaha be judged, arrest those behind harb bomb attempt, .... this would solve the current situation, nothing else.

Default-user-icon counterm14terrorism (Guest) 02 December 2013, 16:11

Allah yehmik flamethrower, you're one of the rare few who really understands anything as opposed to all these full blown low sectarians

Your comment should be a banner for anyone commenting on the site before proceeding. Dont give up man, it's just a person or two who are posting the same hateful comments who popped up at the same time

You have the silent majority's support

Thumb geha 02 December 2013, 16:59

NO ft, we will not let things slide anymore. and I hope you know who is the we this time round :)
yes I know the concepts of justice, democracy, and the like are not things you advocate or understand, but we do.
demanding justice for the 500 + that have been bombed in the twin attack in Tripoli is the normal behavior of any true Lebanese, which you are not :)
not supporting killers and murderers does not make you salafi or takfiri as much as you try to label us :)
so please and with respect: STFU.
after all: we are the Lebanese people, and you should leave our country with your extremism, terrorism, murders,....

Thumb liberty 02 December 2013, 17:17

Well said geha! This lowlife gotta be the most despicable being ever.

Thumb ex-fpm 02 December 2013, 14:50

It is you and people like you who have destroyed Lebanon as a whole.

Default-user-icon zikizakosa (Guest) 02 December 2013, 16:00

An excellent argument
very realistic
unadulterates truth
m14's fruitless attempts to change the status quo by inciting strife, sponspring and politically shielding terrorists on lebanese soil have failed. hope they lose in the next election so they the thorn in lebanon's side meet the ax